My Favorites - how to add to them

xnman Member Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I looked and did not find a post about this... which means I'm probably doing something wrong....

But... I am having trouble adding a url to "Favorites" and adding a file from my computer to "Favorites" and then getting Favorites to open that file.  Drag and drop doesn't seem to work or at least I haven't been able to do it... 

In L9 I have many such things in my favorites.... and they work in L10 but I can't seem to add in L10 and then be able to open the file from favorites...

So ... how do I do this? 

xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

