BUG: Android Beta 23.0.2 - Linking & MacArthur Study Bible (Eng & Esp)

On my Android phone (Sam Gal A13; Android 13) running beta 23.0.2, the MacArthur Study Bible doesn't scroll or change locations with other resources in the link set. This is true also for the Spanish edition of MSB. If I scroll or change locations in either of the MSBs, the other resources do follow. In all cases, the link set has a regular 'A' link.
On my Fire tablet (11th gen, Fire OS 7) running stable 22.0.1, both editions behave normally.
English edition resource: LLS:2.0.12 2022-09-28T19:57:08Z
Spanish edition: resource: LLS:BIBESTMACARTHUR 2020-02-21T01:32:39Z
The resource versions are the same for both beta and stable.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
This is a known issue and we have a case created. Thank you, Robert.
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager
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Upon further investigation, we can no longer reproduce this issue on the most recent Android beta 23.0.2 (2040). Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager
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Thanks. I've exited the beta, so I'll assume stable 23 is going to be okay on this.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)