BUG: Very SLOW Library Filtering

On the iOS Logos app, in the Library view, when I tap on the Filters icon, the filtering screen takes 33 seconds to finish populating (there's a spinning pizza with "Loading..." for 33 seconds). This happens every time, even if the filters screen was just called up.
I don't recall getting this kind of lag time in previous versions, so reporting it as a mobile beta bug.
Hi PL, thank you for reporting. However, I am seeing Filters load immediately when clicking on the Filter icon. Are you on the latest beta version 65? Is it possible that you were in a poor connectivity area at the time you saw this bug?
Please let me know if you are still seeing the issue. Thank you!
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager
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Hi Ali,
1) Yes, I'm on beta version 65.
2) I tried this with wifi at church, wifi at home (both high-speed Fios), and on the go (T-mobile LTE or 5G). Same results.
3) No, the problem is not resolved and is consistently reproducible. I just tried it twice:
- First time, with "User Tags" section expanded and all other sections closed: 37 seconds.
- Second time, with "User Tags" and all other sections closed: 36 seconds.
Let me know what additional troubleshooting info you need, thanks.
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Are others seeing fast or slow Library filtering screen on iOS app?
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Hi Ali,
I just tried the same on the Verbum app and the Faithlife Study Bible app.
Both apps' library filter screen took 32 seconds to finish populating.
I'm pretty sure the filter screen populated almost instantly before.
EDIT: Just narrowed down the problem. Replicated in all 3 iPhone apps (Logos, Verbum, FSB):
a) Hamburger menu (bottom right) > Books > Filters icon: consistently populates in 2 seconds.
b) Layouts icon (bottom center) > "+" button > Filters icon: consistently populates in 32+ seconds.
The b) path's filtering function seems to add 30 seconds to the populating of the screen.
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Thank you for the details, PL. I've created a case for the team to investigate.
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager
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This seems to be resolved in the latest beta. Thank you!
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PL, this has been resolved in the stable version we just released today: 24.0.0 (51).
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager
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Yes thank you!