Missing Sale - The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth
Do Brazos Press have a record of extending ebook sales to Faithlife ebooks?
This book is on sale for $4.99 this month.
Although I am in this instance tempted by the Kindle price of £2.40 at Amazon UK.
I’ve seen this book in particular have the sale get picked up by Faithlife ebooks before when it’s on sale at Amazon.
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Jon said:
I’ve seen this book in particular have the sale get picked up by Faithlife ebooks before when it’s on sale at Amazon.
Thanks. I hope so.
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I contacted someone at Faithlife and they're asking a colleague to reach out to Brazos.
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Excellent, thanks for doing that, I’m interested in picking it up as well for the right price.
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Paul Caneparo said:
Thanks for bird-dogging the sale ... hopefully the 'bird' will alight in Logos!
I went ahead and got the Kindle version of Barr's work. Normally I'm not too wound up on the 'divinely ordained' pecking-order ... better to notice who ends up cleaning the restrooms before Sunday services.
But this volume is better than earlier arguments. She points out a few of the passages I hadn't noticed, which I agree for a semitic world would be significant. And goes into the history of theologizing the pecking importance ... 'middle ages' and so on.
Granted, not particularly comfortable, if you grew up in a pecking-order church ... the logic is all there.
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DMB said:
Thanks for bird-dogging the sale ... hopefully the 'bird' will alight in Logos!
I went ahead and got the Kindle version of Barr's work. Normally I'm not too wound up on the 'divinely ordained' pecking-order ... better to notice who ends up cleaning the restrooms before Sunday services.
But this volume is better than earlier arguments. She points out a few of the passages I hadn't noticed, which I agree for a semitic world would be significant. And goes into the history of theologizing the pecking importance ... 'middle ages' and so on.
Granted, not particularly comfortable, if you grew up in a pecking-order church ... the logic is all there.
Whilst in the UK the issue isn't as divisive as it is in North America, I would have considered myself a complentarian. I was forced to consider my position when our church appointed a female pastor. So rather than read books from my viewpoint, I read books from opposing positions. I found these 2 helpful, as they actually justified their position from the Bible, rather than "we know better now", "Paul was wrong", "it's just unfair" type arguments.
I haven't read the book in this thread, but a friend who was emotionally scared by complementarianism found it helpful.
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Still hoping. 😉
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Meant to be $3.19 today, but no sign Faithlife have been included in the sale.
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I meant to post a comment on a different book.
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It's now on sale at $3.99. I noticed a couple of other Brazos ebooks on sale too.
I have a friend who freelances for Brazos. It's just possible my comments to her have resulted in this. But either way hopefully we'll see more Brazos ebooks offered on sale.
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Nice, I’m glad this particular sale got picked up by Logos. I grabbed it.