Jonathan Edwards

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am studying up on Jonathan Edwards. I am looking to see what he said on atonement and salvation. But first I want a good overview on him as an interpreter and theologian. I have read the article on him from wikipedia. I have watched this video. It is good. Like many others, I was introduced to Jonathan Edwards through my English class in middle school. We read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" as a classic illustration of how miserable life was under Puritan rule. At 16, after I converted to Christianity, I ran into Edwards again. I received a copy of Edwards' Resolutions and Counsel to Young Converts from a pastor. It altered both my perception of the man and the Christian life. I found a level of faith and genuine sincerity for holiness that was completely different from what I had encountered in evangelical groups and my childhood mainline church. Upon rereading "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," I perceived God as magnificent and elegant, yet glorious and full. I searched the following: (Jonathan Edwards NEAR Atonement) (Jonathan Edwards NEAR Salvation) only to get 6 hits for the first and 7 for the second. 

