Suggestion: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew

Mal Walker
Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
edited February 12 in Book Requests

Suggestion: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Mobile Ed Course

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I would like to suggest that Logos produces a Mobile Ed course that teaches/serves as an introduction to Biblical Hebrew.

We currently have the GK101 course (…), which is an 'Introduction to Biblical Greek' that covers the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of the Greek New Testament. It seems appropriate that we have a similar offering for Biblical Hebrew. Currently all that is on offer via Mobile Ed for Hebrew is a one hour course on the alphabet (…) and a 12 hour course on how to use Hebrew in Logos (…).

Why should Logos do this? Couple of reasons. First, it demonstrates the importance of the original languages of the bible, and shows our commitment to handling them well. Second, a majority of seminary and bible college students are only required to learn one original language - and the overwhelming majority will choose Greek. Should any of those students (or anyone else for that matter) seek to learn Hebrew at a later date, there are not that many resources they can turn to. A Logos Mobile Ed course can help fill this gap.

Lastly, its worth mentioning that there is currently a 'Introduction to Biblical Aramaic' Mobile Ed course in production (…). While I am pleased that this resource is being produced, I must confess my confusion that an introductory course for Aramaic is being produced before a Hebrew one, given just how little Aramaic there is in the Bible compared to Hebrew.

After doing a little more digging, I have found that Logos used to offer a Introduction Course, but it is no longer available ( Why this is, I have no idea.

Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

1 votes

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  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,631 ✭✭✭

    You can still buy HB101.   In the bundle is the textbook by Futato.   That book is no longer available in Logos.   The publisher asked that it be pulled.  

    You can but a physical copy of the book    The sections of the book referred to in the course are very easy to find in the physical copy of the book    But the book it not really needed since Futato basically follows the book layout in the lectures   

  • Mal Walker
    Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭

    Well this is embarrassing! 😂😂😂

    I honestly did search for it multiple different ways, I have no idea how I didn't find it!

    Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia