Highlighting is challenging with the new gesture changes

Morgan Member Posts: 494 ✭✭✭

Android running the latest beta.

In 31 a single tap on a highlight selected that highlight and in the context menu it could be changed or deleted. Now in the beta you have to drag to select the exact boundaries of the highlights to get those same options - otherwise you have multiple highlighting style being applied and no option to delete.

The real challenge with this is when you have two highlights of the same style overlapping each other. Swipe to Highlight is buggy and often stops highlighting to soon or too late, regardless of where my stylus is. So I often have a second highlight overlapping. Now I have no clear indication of where a highlight ends or begins and cannot delete them in the mobile app.



  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Morgan said:

    Now in the beta you have to drag to select the exact boundaries of the highlights to get those same options

    Hi Morgan, I'm having a hard time understanding your pain point. If you double-tap on a verse that his partially highlighted, you are able to adjust that highlight in the selection menu. You don't have to select the exact portion that is highlighted in order to make changes to that highlight. 

    I assume that I am not fully understanding you in this request, so please feel free to add more details (screenshots are great, too!). Additionally, this sounds more like a new request than a bug, so you're also welcome to post this request in Logos Feedback.

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Sam Shelton
    Sam Shelton Member Posts: 339 ✭✭

    I'm not sure whether this is helpful or not for your problem, but I find if I long-press any word within the highlight that I wish to remove, when I hit delete, it automatically deletes that entire highlight. I do not have to expand and select the exact boundaries.

    If the word is part of two highlights, I actually have a choice to choose between the two highlights.

    Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection. - Colossians 3:14 

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    Adding to what Sam explained, if you double-tap to select the whole sentence, it will actually give you options to choose any number of highlights that touch your selected sentence, and you can choose actions for each highlight (delete, change color, etc).

    I would say it's working beautifully!

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,439


    PL said:

    Adding to what Sam explained, if you double-tap to select the whole sentence, it will actually give you options to choose any number of highlights that touch your selected sentence, and you can choose actions for each highlight (delete, change color, etc).

    I would say it's working beautifully!

  • Morgan
    Morgan Member Posts: 494 ✭✭✭

    Ah, I was unaware of the highlighting options everyone else seems to be using. My method can be seen from the screen shots below

    Selecting a highlight will give you the big trash can sign seen below

    But when you have two overlapping highlights, as seen below, it's impossible to see where they end or begin and the trash can disappears.

    I'm just fairly blind and didn't realize you could delete the highlights from the options just below.

  • Khan Zain
    Khan Zain Member Posts: 1

    It seems like you're encountering issues with highlights in the latest Android beta, specifically with selecting, editing, and deleting overlapping highlights. In the previous version (Android 31), a single tap would let you easily select and modify highlights. However, in the current beta, you have to manually drag to select the boundaries of the highlight, which complicates things, especially when there are overlapping highlights. This change makes editing or deleting highlights more difficult. It's worth providing feedback to the developers to address this issue in future updates.