L10 Gold package choices

What is guiding principle behind selection of materials for Denominational packages?
I'm seriously eyeing getting L10 Gold, but I am most interested in the Original languages and commentaries. Strangely enough, L10 Gold Reformed has more than commentaries and original languages than L10 Platinum Lutheran. Even Diamond Lutheran barely surpasses L10 Gold from either Reformed or Bible Engagement Project for Language resources.
What's a guy from the Sola Scriptura wing of Christianity to do?
Hi Juan - and welcome to the forums
Juan Palm said:What's a guy from the Sola Scriptura wing of Christianity to do?
If you can find a package that gives you what you would find useful at a price you are happy to pay then I would go for that option - irrespective of what denominational stream it is linked to or what "level" it is.
I did that recently with one of the other leaders in our church where we ended up getting a package that wasn't denominationally aligned but had the most useful (to them) set of resources and features.
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The problem there is that I then get a bunch of Reformed theologians that I'm not interested in at all.
Your solution is probably best. I might have to fill in with a Legacy package on one side or the other.
I like some of the non-exegetical books in the Lutheran Package, but the problem is that I can't afford to buy two packages. (I can't afford one for a few months yet.)
I guess I'm just griping because the Lutheran Package seems so badly skewed against Original Language work.
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Hey Juan,
Have you looked at the Academic packages?
From your post, I would consider pairing Academic Standard with the Logos 5 Gold Legacy library for commentaries. They gets a total price almost identical to Logos 10 Gold and provides great coverage.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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If you want original language stuff I would look at the Academic Base Packages. Maybe even Orthodox Base Packages.
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If you want original language stuff I would look at the Academic Base Packages.
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Thanks Justin,
This may be the best option. It even lets me split it into two separate purchases. L5 gold has a impressive number of commentaries.
Great suggestion
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Thanks Matt,
I'll keep an eye on the orthodox base for the Syriac offerings too.