Numbered List in Sermon Builder

James H. Schafer
James H. Schafer Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this.

When using the Numbered List in Sermon Builder the numbers post with the "number/cursor/period". Then I have to hit the space bar a couple of times to keep from writing over the number.

And I want it to post "number/period/space/space". Not sure I'm making sense, wish I could copy a picture of it, but not able to. The cursor is always behind the period so I have to hit the space bar twice after hitting return for the next number, or indent for the next level. 

If, somehow, we could make the numbered list in Sermon Builder work like the Numbered List in Notes, that would be great. Although I don't like the amount of space given when I hit Indent.

Just sayin'

