B3-Visual Markup

Very nice integration of the highlighting feature to create a visual markup.
When I first saw it was a part of Beta 3, my instinct was to select some text, right click, and expect that a "Markup" menu would be there or maybe even a "Pen" tool so I could easily highlight and mark text. Right now, it takes two steps to mark the text--highlight then select markup from Tab.
This is what I was thinking, maybe it could be accessed like the drawing feature.
1. Select F7 (or whatever shortcut works)
2. A Markup "pen" appears
3. Use the mouse scroll wheel to select highlight style.
4. select text and highlits occur.
5. To correct a markup, use mouse wheel to select new markup style and rehighlight section..
6. To add more than one markup style, use CTL and select text with mouse.
That is my first impression use, but would love to know what others think after using this tool.
Joe, that's an excellent suggestion, I like all of it.
Either F7 or the right click (or both) options.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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The plan is to add a keyboard shortcut to apply the last used markup (as noted in the release notes). Likely, Ctrl-K to match LDLS3.
Sorry I wasn't able to get that part done in the two days I had to work on that feature for the beta 3 cycle. :-)
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Jacob Carpenter said:
Sorry I wasn't able to get that part done in the two days I had to work on that feature for the beta 3 cycle. :-)
I don't think anyone is going to complain about how hard you guys are working. Its showing in the development of a great product.
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Philip Spitzer said:
I don't think anyone is going to complain about how hard you guys are working.
Well, some of our wives might. ;-)
But I'll show her this forum post to make sure she knows it's appreciated.
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Jacob Carpenter said:
Well, some of our wives might. ;-)
But I'll show her this forum post to make sure she knows it's appreciated.
You better be careful. That Bike repair shop you guys have might have to be turned into a marriage counseling room.
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Thank you for getting this in there. It uses a bunch of screen real estate though. No way we can get this in right-click menu?
Intuitively, I was thinking I'd find the feature in the right-click menu, and the only reason I looked for it in tools was because I had read on the newsgroup that it was there. It seems like we'd get better integration into reading-mode and better use of screen real estate (especially because we know some are going to use this on netbooks) with the right-click option.
That said, I really appreciate this. Thanks!
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Joe Miller said:
Seriously though, any of the suggestions I made above sound worthwhile or n line with the direction of this feature?
Some people—who sign other people's checks—are opposed to modal interfaces. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_window for some discussion of modal windows.)
While I can appreciate the tactile, visceral appeal of a virtual highlighter in-hand while reading, I can see the opposition's point: if you're reading along and happen to be in "hightlight mode" and suddenly want to do anything else (look up a word; follow a keylink; open a footnote; etc.) you have dismiss the mode somehow to interact with the app in a normal way.
I can totally appreciate the sentiment behind the suggestions, but 4.0 is likely going to ship with the "select some text, apply a highlight" method. There will definitely be a keyboard shortcut, though.
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Jacob Hantla said:
Thank you for getting this in there. It uses a bunch of screen real estate though. No way we can get this in right-click menu?
Intuitively, I was thinking I'd find the feature in the right-click menu, and the only reason I looked for it in tools was because I had read on the newsgroup that it was there. It seems like we'd get better integration into reading-mode and better use of screen real estate (especially because we know some are going to use this on netbooks) with the right-click option.
That said, I really appreciate this. Thanks!
I would disagree. I'd rather not clutter up the right click any more then it is. I can always float the window or shrink it to the top of one of the columns.
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Jacob Carpenter said:
Some people—who sign other people's checks—are opposed to modal interfaces.
I do appreciate the "picking up a pen and highlighting" idea, though, and "format painting" is the one place Word goes into a modal interface for your cursor.
In addition to applying to selection with Ctrl+K, do people prefer:
A) Holding Ctrl while selecting to apply the last selected markup.
Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
-- Bob
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Bob Pritchett said:
In addition to applying to selection with Ctrl+K, do people prefer:
A) Holding Ctrl while selecting to apply the last selected markup.
Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
It seems your trying to stay very simple with 4.0 but if I could tempt you in a direction.... :-)
Ideally I would want a button to kick me into highlighting mode which would put a pallet at the bottom, or replace the shortcut bar with it since you wouldn't be able to use them in highlighting mode anyway. the pallet would display 10 styles with numbers under each style numbered sequentially. The style numbers could be set in the current Visual markup window. Holding down 1 while left-click dragging would apply that markup...holding down two the second mark-up, etc, etc.
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Philip Spitzer said:
I would disagree. I'd rather not clutter up the right click any more then it is. I can always float the window or shrink it to the top of one of the columns.
I don't mind either when I got real estate to blow on my 21". But on the 10", very tough. How do you do it during reading mode (when you are likely to be highlighting)?
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
BBob Pritchett said:Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
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Bob Pritchett said:
Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
This is my preference. When I'm reading, I generally like to read and the only thing I'm likely to do is to highlight and perhaps want to right click on that highlight and write a note (This action should be available and be an automatic exit, just like hitting the key again or esc).
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Either A or B but I'd prefrer B.
I'm guessing that the markups will also include what appears to be a "hand drawn highlight" in different colors, eventually? The ones called "natural" in V3...Those are my favorites... [:D]
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Jacob Hantla said:
I don't mind either when I got real estate to blow on my 21". But on the 10", very tough. How do you do it during reading mode (when you are likely to be highlighting)?
If you have have the pallet as a floating window you would highlight, click the markup taskbar window, and select. Not the best, but it works....I think. I haven't tested it yet.
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Jacob Carpenter said:Philip Spitzer said:
I don't think anyone is going to complain about how hard you guys are working.
Well, some of our wives might. ;-)
But I'll show her this forum post to make sure she knows it's appreciated.
Thank you Mrs. Carpenter (and all the other Logos' Mrs. out there!)
Bob Pritchett said:In addition to applying to selection with Ctrl+K, do people prefer:
A) Holding Ctrl while selecting to apply the last selected markup.
Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
Definitely prefer B. For some reason Joe's suggested F7 key is sticking in my head and it seems a natural since it's right next to the F8 screen drawing key.
Now then Bob, aren't you supposed to be gone? ;-)
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I'd prefer B as well.
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(tablet user thinking)
B would be fine as long as there was an alternative way to toggle in tablet mode. The ability to create customized toolbars or palettes would be advantageous. I really don't mind the current system it would just be nice to make a small floating palette or tool bar with icons to choose the markup style and reduce screen real estate.
I do like the "Newline before and after" style and would really like the addition of indenting that line 1-3 times. This would allow to visually phrase the text.
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"B" definitely. Also think about the folks using just touch pads rather the a mouse. I tend to take my LOGOS with me frequently and I don't like carrying a bunch of stuff.
In Christ,
Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11
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Bob Pritchett said:
In addition to applying to selection with Ctrl+K, do people prefer:
A) Holding Ctrl while selecting to apply the last selected markup.
Having an alternate key that puts the cursor into markup mode, from which you have to hit the key again or hit Esc to return to normal cursor mode?
I'm going to be different and choose:
For the reasons Jacob mentioned on the previous page.
And because I said it larger, my vote counts more.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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I am going with B as well. I also love the choices that are being made available for mark up.
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Trey Selman said:
[I] would really like the addition of indenting that line 1-3 times. This would allow to visually phrase the text.
This is a powerful suggestion. Having opportunities to indent blocks of text would be tantamount to letting us make block diagrams with text.
Another suggestion: Is it possible to turn visual markups off, so I can mark a text up like crazy without worrying about what it'll do to future reading of a text?
Or even better, Can we make "layers" of markups that can be applied or removed to a text, much like a clear plastic sheet over the top of text? So that sets of markups could be easily applied and just as easily removed?
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Jacob Hantla said:
Another suggestion: Is it possible to turn visual markups off, so I can mark a text up like crazy without worrying about what it'll do to future reading of a text?
Yes. mark up a text, click on the three-ring-no-set-name-yet-thingy and there is an option to turn off visual markups.
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Jacob Hantla said:
Another suggestion: Is it possible to turn visual markups off, so I can mark a text up like crazy without worrying about what it'll do to future reading of a text?
I think there is a way to turn them off.
Click on the little venn diagram icon which is right next to the reference box of the resource tab and uncheck visual markup.
Trey Selman
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Joe Miller said:
my instinct was to select some text, right click, and expect that a "Markup" menu would be there or maybe even a "Pen" tool so I could easily highlight and mark text.
This would be a a very good addition to right click conext menu.
I would like to add that many of the visual markups do not play well with multi-line text.... If I select a paragraph and then chose Color [sic] Box from the visual markup menu, it does not place a box around the paragraph but around each line. I know this is how it is designed and probably the only way it can work but it is not what I expect.
Insert Line before and after does not work when a paragraph is selected.
Many of the features are not even noticable: pencil underline, brackets and inline pointers are almost indistinguishable from the main text.
I agree with someone else who asked for a way to indent selected text.
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Trey Selman said:
I think there is a way to turn them off.
Click on the little venn diagram icon which is right next to the reference box of the resource tab and uncheck visual markup.
Perfect! Thank you. I hadn't seen that.
So anybody know if there's a way to create a few different visual markup files and that can be independently enabled or disabled?
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
I just have a touch pad here, plus I have a little arthritis. I don't think option A is possible for me. [:S]
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By the way, searching for "visual markup" in the help system turns up NO results.
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I often use highlights to help me find good quotes when I come back to a document at a later date. Sometimes I'd like to put a highlight inside a footnote, but that hasn't been possible in L3 or L4 yet.
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I know that I am a little late in putting my 2 cents in, but it goes.
I love the way the "quick format" works in Word. If I highlight a word that I have previously colored a certain way, then all I have to do is double click on the "quick format paintbrush," and I can color as many words as I want to in this same color or style...then once I am through with this color, then I double quick again on the paint brush and it is no longer an active paintbrush. This is what I use as I am color-coding a chapter.
But, let's say that I missed coloring a word a certain way and I just now notice it. Then all I have to do is highlight the word that I want to imitate (it has the color and style that I need to reproduce), click once on the "quick format paintbrush" and it gives me the option to color one word this certain way and then it is once again no longer an active paintbrush. I wish we had something similar in Logos.
Up to this point I have always structured the text in Word and then color-coded everything there, including using symbols for words. If Logos was able to reproduce this in a quick and efficient way, then I would start doing it in Logos.