Allow us to use our personal books on the mobile app

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
edited January 23 in English Feedback

Please allow us to access, read, search, etc. our personal (user-created) books on the mobile app.

289 votes

Submitted · Last Updated



  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 722 ✭✭✭
    Yes, please!
  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
    This was discussed in the Logos 7 release thread over 4 years ago as an essential requirement. 4 years later....come on Logos!
  • Yes, please
  • Jonathan Brown
    Jonathan Brown Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    I agree this would be nice, but the CEO of FL/Logos has already said they will not be adding personal books to web or mobile.
  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭
    I often work out my own translation when studying a passage and add to the PBB Bible I am building. I teach/preach using my tablet, so having my PBB Bible available in the mobile app would be extremely helpful.
  • @jabrown29-28 True, but I seem to remember that this was not the original plan. Maybe they will change their mind again. But 28 user voices are hardly enough for that to happen.
  • Peter Agboola
    Peter Agboola Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Very useful!
  • AJ Dunbar
    AJ Dunbar Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    At least Faithlife/Logos can test it on the Web app. It is nearly identical to the desktop app.
  • Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    Do it!
  • Josh Gherghel
    Josh Gherghel Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Oh my, this would be great. I would very much like this.
  • Armand M. Rhone
    Armand M. Rhone Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    As one of the previous posters, I also prefer to have the option of reading from my own Personal Book Bible translation. I often use my phone when studying the Bible, and have to use a separate Bible app alongside Logos in order to read from my personal translation. At this point, this is the only missing feature I've been able to identify which prevents me from exclusively using Logos for Bible Study.
  • essentially for someone who’s first language isn’t english… please!!!
  • YES please!
  • Kyle J Delgren
    Kyle J Delgren Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Please do this!
  • Tony
    Tony Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I would like to be able to access my personal books in the IOS app or better yet be able to upload word documents to the preaching mode since I preach from a manuscript
  • Tony
    Tony Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    Yes please 
  • I would very much like this feature. Pretty please!
  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭
    Would be of great benefit
  • Stephan Thelen
    Stephan Thelen Member Posts: 643 ✭✭✭
    I am able to upload my pb in the cloud. Why should it not be possible to read them on my tablet? We have a lot of free commentaries in Germany. It would be very helpful to use them on other devices.
  • Definitely yes!
  • Quentin
    Quentin Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Yes this is essential 
  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭
       As I study for lessons and sermons , I generate my own dynamic translation of the passage and add it to my own , ever growing , study version of the Bible , stored in Logos as a PB Bible.  Not only do I benefit greatly from having the results of my translation work saved as a PB Bible alongside commercial translations on the Logos desktop platform , but it is also segmented with my own pericope titles and is formatted in ways that help me see the flow of the passage and its context.  

       I include my translation of the study passage in my sermon documents so I can use it when teaching or preaching from my tablet , but sometimes I need to see the context or other passages in my PB Bible to answer questions during a lesson or after a sermon. Getting my laptop out for such occasions isn't always practical. 

       I also create other PB Books that contain information that I collect from various sources and for various purposes , so I have them in the Logos eco system for quick reference and access.  

       Being able to access my PBs on my laptop and my desktop (via the upload function in PB Builder) is nice , but I really need these resources available on my tablet so they are with me whenever and wherever I need them , for both study purposes and just for reading. 

       Personally , I don't see the difference between being able to upload from my laptop to my desktop and being able to upload from my laptop to my tablet - it is still restricted to my eyes only , there is no distribution beyond my own use , so there should be no copyright or other issues that would cause a problem. 

      A long time ago , PBBs were very limited in their capabilities – they weren’t much more than separate documents in a file drawer.  One day Bob Pritchett decided that PBBs would be elevated to the same capabilities as published resources , and it was made so.  Now is the time to help PBBs catch up to the advanced capabilities of published resources by making them fully available on all platforms to the user who owns them.   

       Please , make it so.  (And at the same time , please fix the problems that have been reported for several years with the PB Builder on the desktop platform. Pretty Please?) 
  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭
    I use a personal book created by one of the adult Sabbath school lesson group members. It would be so very helpful to have access to personal books on my tablet as then I wouldn't have to take my laptop to Church all the time.
  • It would definitely be useful to be able to use personal books on the mobile app.
  • Kyle J Delgren
    Kyle J Delgren Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Yes, very helpful!
  • Peter Agboola
    Peter Agboola Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Yes, please allow us to access , read , search , etc. our personal (user-created) books on the mobile app. It would be much appreciated! 
  • Hanson
    Hanson Member Posts: 31 ✭✭✭
    Yes. This would be huge. Once my current computer dies (10 yrs old) I'm moving 100% to the iPad. Get on it Logos.
  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭
    Yes! Mobile is of the future. I would love to get at my PBs with my phone which I use in class!

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Yes, please. This would be very helpful for reading and marking up books in the public domain that are not otherwise available for Logos. It can be more comfortable and convenient to read lengthy texts on a tablet than on a desktop.
  • Yes, Yes, Yes.  Long overdue.  
  • Yes please! Logos Mobile App has become very useful, but this is missing!
  • David Otamendi
    David Otamendi Member Posts: 4
    Yes yes yes!
  • Please add the PB Bible to the Mobile app 🙏🏽
  • For some of us to have a Bible in our language (for example Polish) is to do our own PBB compilation. To have it on the mobile platforms would be a dream fulfilled. Some of us are waiting for that for years. Please...
  • DennisG
    DennisG Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    Yes please, would love to have this feature
  • Yes please🙏🏻 
  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭
    Yes , please 


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Ric Robinson
    Ric Robinson Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
  • Yes, or at least make the Berean Study Bible available for purchase. At the moment I have had to import it into a personal book, which I can not access at all on my phone or tablet in Logos. This is my primary translation is the workflow is very cumbersome. 
  • Lee Escobar
    Lee Escobar Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
  • Yes, please.
  • Yes please!
  • Larry Farlow
    Larry Farlow Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    I load a lot of personal book, usually older theological books in the public domain. I also load each month's Table Talk magazine as I receive a digital copy of it. Not having these resources available in the app prevents me using these resources when preparing documents from the app. It also prevents me from using a table to read them which is much easier than reading on my laptop. I can, of course, load them onto my Kindle but would prefer to have them all in one place with my other theological resources.
  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭
    If Faithlife management would consider this, it would be a great help to most of us. If it's a concern over people not buying books, then make a version of the mobile app that would be a one time cost extra. I'll bet you'd be surprised how many people you would get that would gladly pay the extra to have the ability to use there personal books in app. 

    I know it would be of great benefit to me!!!.
  • Evasive3083
    Evasive3083 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Yes please !!!
  • Ben Johnson
    Ben Johnson Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    This would be incredibly helpful for those of us who work in minority languages.  Thank you!!!
  • Having personal books available to those who can't afford the Gold feature of Logos would be incredibly helpful.
  • Alex S
    Alex S Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
    @Austin Moore  I suspect that may be the main point of this restriction. By not supporting personal books Logos forces you to buy public domain resources at their shop.
  • 邓牧师
    邓牧师 Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    This is the primary feature that keeps most from migrating to a mobile tablet such as an iPad. Definitely work adding to the mobile app.