Export Highlight / Note with Citation / Reference

Steven Halbert
Steven Halbert Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When exporting multiple highlights / notes (if individual, I could just copy from the book) from the Notes Tool, I would like for the export to include the reference or citation (even better if this was just an "option" that way if people don't actually want it that way they can toggle it on / off). I noticed this on the forum: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/183026/1059275.aspx#1059275, but it doesn't look like anyone has actually put the suggestion in.
35 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • I agree. I try to include citations in both sermon manuscripts (for future reference) and in academic papers. It would be much easier if this was done automatically. Currently, the only way that I've figured out how to include citations is be selecting and copying them one-by-one. Thank you for your consideration!
  • I agree. I really need that function exporting notes and highlights, as exporting search results with its metadata. Thank you, developer brothers!
  • Phil Quigley
    Phil Quigley Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    This would be very useful. Also, it would be nice to export in Markdown.
  • Dirk Boersma
    Dirk Boersma Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    I agree with your suggestion. It would be helpful for working with highlights in research / note taking apps like Notion and Roam.
    In fact, a permanent link between Faithlife books and Readwise would be very handy!
  • Steven Halbert
    Steven Halbert Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is validating this. Maybe something will happen? I'm gonna have to check out Markdown and Readwise. I've been using GoodNotes, and I like it a lot so far.
  • I'm surprised that Logos is lacking such a facility. I would agree that markdown export would be very good. (I use Obsidian but markdown is fairly portable)
  • This is a pretty glaring omission. It makes the feature virtually useless. I really wonder if the Logos product managers actually use their own products. 
  • ACourt
    ACourt Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    This would be incredibly useful, and I do think a toggle when exporting highlights/notes/clippings is the way to go if possible. I have large amounts of highlights in research works for my PhD dissertation and it would be such a timesaver and workflow improver if I didn't have to copy paste every note from Logos to Scrivener to be able to keep the page number of a highlight. Exporting large amounts of highlights from a book with the reference/anchor for each highlight included (and naturally ordering the highlights by their page number) would be hugely beneficial for me. 
  • Gregory Lynne
    Gregory Lynne Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
    ...long overdue.
  • Yes please. It's pretty meaningless without this option.
  • Steven Halbert
    Steven Halbert Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
    I was trying to do this again today - I took a couple hours and read through the book of Proverbs. Ended up with 62 highlights. I wanted to print them all out, so I could return to them over the course of the next few weeks but it only "exports" the reference.

    Then I remembered that I had made this post. Just thought I would mention that it's an ongoing issue. Since I made this post, I taught a class on the Holy Spirit. Logos allowed me to very quickly export all the references concerning the Holy Spirit from a Bible search - 402 results in 280 verses. This is really helpful when you want to read everything the Bible has to say on a particular topic. I wonder if there's something similar they could do for notes.
  • Paul Gesting
    Paul Gesting Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Agree. Export of highlights with references to Markdown is needed!
  • Yes, please add this functionality!
  • Yes please, ASAP
  • Absolutely, I've used Evernote since it's inception and really need this function.
  • Ditto this. It would make notes and highlights much more useful from an academic standpoint.
  • yes please! why is it not working yet, it is over two years old thread
  • Ian Turner
    Ian Turner Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Please add ability to have citations displayed when printing/exporting notes
  • Steven Halbert
    Steven Halbert Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
    Looks like this is starting to get some traction. Just keep upvoting and commenting. Maybe we'll see it as a feature in Logos 11 (or, you know, an update to 10 . . . one can dream, right)
  • Dudley Rose
    Dudley Rose Member Posts: 278 ✭✭
    Absolutely necessary. It really defeats the purpose of making highlights as notes otherwise. 
  • I agree we need this feature. But please also consider exporting the notes to RIS format, including the highlighted text with the N1 - tag , including the L4 reference to the exact location in Logos with the L4 - tag, and including logos tags as individual KW - tags. That would allow for a better integration with reference managers like Zotero. 
  • Another vote for citations when exporting notes.  Even better would be the opportunity to export highlights or notes using RIS format to allow importing to bibliography software like Endnote, Bookends, etc. Thanks.
  • I agree strongly. Logos offers limited support for academic reading, highlighting, exporting. Kindle supports exporting highlights much better and I am often tempted to buy books there just because I do not want to loose time with managing/exporting highlights.
  • Xelian
    Xelian Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    I agree, as I am nearing my NT masters thesis the manual task of highlight and citation exportation grows all the more daunting. This would be a formidable tool that would give Logos a cutting edge in academic settings, particularly for publishing professors who are often the most compelling advertisers for such softwares. Here at Regent College almost all the professors use Accordance supplemented by other organizational softwares; however, upgrades to Logos discussed within this forum would make it more of the all in one stop that could make it an essential tool. 
  • Not just the highlight, but all notes! I would love to print off all my personal notes from a book to take to Bible Study. I can print the notes, but with no anchor information, they are far less helpful. With my commentary highlights and personal notes mixed together with no anchor information or citation information, it gets doubly confusing! All this could be fixed with anchor information and citation information being included in the export or print.
  • I need this feature, too!
  • Much needed update! Being able to export my notes and highlights (with the ability to choose between page number, short form, and long form citations) would be an excellent feature to assist me in personal devotions, sermon prep and academic studies. 
  • Yes, please add the reference. For me, if the reference is not included in the export, the export is useless. There are up to three pieces of information in a notebook note; the highlighted text, an optional user added note, and the reference. When exporting the notebook, the highlighted text and the note export but the reference does not. Please add the reference.
  • HansHogan
    HansHogan Member Posts: 40 ✭✭✭
    Absolutely. As Gregory wrote a year ago: "long overdue"
  • I agree
  • I am making notes for each sermon text I'm on and then trying to put it in word so I have all my notes for each text. But with the citations not showing up, this makes it irrelevant. 
  • Yes, please add this feature ASAP!  
  • Several months ago, faced with the upcoming commitment to the perpetual subscription model (for myself, at least), I finally made the decision to put all of my bible study notes, journaling, and research into Logos notes.  I am stunned to find after all of that work, I can't export my notes into any usable format (i.e., exports are without citations and full bible references and text). Faithlife, PLEASE prioritize this!
  • Yes, please add this feature, without which Note is really useless. 
  • Steven Halbert
    Steven Halbert Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
    Love that folks are still replying and voting for this! Keep it up! Looks like Faithlife has been busy converting to their subscription model . . . maybe this could be a feature in one of the tiers!
  • I agree. Any updates on this? 
  • Matt P
    Matt P Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I'm here to upvote this as well. Just started using Logos a few months ago and have been taking notes. They are not very useful when stuck within the software. Please fix this feature. Thanks!

  • Caleb Brake
    Caleb Brake Member Posts: 2