Transpose Chord Key

Having chords in the confidence monitor is a great idea, but is hard for us to rely on because of how long it takes to manually change keys of a song. It would be great is instead there were a transpose feature that transposed the key for you. Like in various chord sites online.
19 votes

Done · Last Updated


  • Yes, essential...
  • I agree, essential for our guitar players especially. There is a key change menu but nothing happens?
  • Avery rawlek
    Avery rawlek Member Posts: 3
    Without this, we can't really use the chords/confidence monitor feature. It's just too slow & difficult!

    Also, should be able to auto-import the (Chordpro) chords directly from songselect as well, for those with the appropriate subscription, rather than needing to copy/paste manually or add a (pre)downloaded chordpro file.
  • Will Atha
    Will Atha Member Posts: 15
    @andy-81 So for that feature to work, you have to have loaded a version of the song in whichever key you are selecting, so that menu isn't for transposing, it just selects an already made version of the song in the key you are choosing. Hope that somewhat makes sense! 😆
  • I agree. This is an essential feature for our music team to use the chords displayed in the confidence monitor.
  • Will Atha
    Will Atha Member Posts: 15
    @andy-81 Make sure to upvote this feature request!
  • Erie Delos Reyes
    Erie Delos Reyes Member Posts: 3
    I hope they work on this feature! We really need this.
  • Absolutely essential.  Some congregations prefer lower settings so they can enjoy singing our wonderful worship songs.
  • Shara Heiniger (Logos)
    Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 132
    Any chance Faithlife Music might get a transpose function? We've been putting our chords on the confidence monitor, but it's a bit of a pain having to retype it all any time we change the key.
  • Days Admin
    Days Admin Member Posts: 2
    transposing and importing from somewhere that already has the chords typed in would be tremendously helpful.  We're new to the confidence monitor w chords, but I'm already dreading retyping all the songs w chords.
  • Absolutely agree. Making new arrangements for each key we use doesn’t make any sense.
  • We've been using the Number System on our slides which works for the time being. But having chords that are transposable is best for newer musicians.
  • benlrivera
    benlrivera Member Posts: 4
    Also have the ability to have the name of the section in the confidence monitor, like verse 1 , chorus. I was able to do that in ProPresenter. Also the ability to add comments so we can have notes for the band. Like vocal only or build up.
  • Jordan Sjodin
    Jordan Sjodin Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 979
    @Ben Rivera  you can edit your confidence template and add the 'song part' to the template. You can use the notes aswell however they would be per song, not per slide.

    Mac | iOS | Android | Windows | Web Developer 

  • benlrivera
    benlrivera Member Posts: 4
    @Jordan Sjodin  thank you. That worked great!!  Now we just need a way to add comments to the slide. The notes feature does not work for what I want. 
  • Just as in planning center services lyric & chord feature, CCLI song select, or many other similar services, it would utilize the chord pro feature with a reference key. Based on that key, all the other keys would transpose to a correct chord. Just a quick research into how those apps are using chord pro feature to transpose would be helpful.

    Proclaim already has the ability to set the key associated with each arrangement. This feature would actually bring that “key” feature to be functional.

    From the user perspective, we would only fill out chords in proclaim once per arrangement (right now you have to fill it out once per KEY). Then if we need to change the key of that arrangement, we would simply select a different key and all the chords would transpose correctly since they are just going up or down exactly same number of intervals.

    Thank you!!
  • @Avery rawlek  although that would be a neat feature, I don’t mind writing out chords once per arrangement. Since often I need to tweak some chords that are imported from those services. But it would be great to not need to do that per Key instead of per arrangement.
  • Yes we please need this.  We moved over from pro presenter and I was able to just select the key for each song and all the chords would update.  Now I need multiple copies of each song and it makes for a lot of extra work. Logos already as the option to transpose on the site for printing. Would be amazing to bring this into Proclaim.  PLEASE PLEASE ADD THIS.  
  • Any idea as to when this will start rolling out?
  • I would be interested in this too.
  • David Cosand (Logos)
    David Cosand (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 76
    Today we released v4.5 that allows you to import chords (when available) with a default Song Key when importing songs from CCLI. Additionally, for all songs where you have added chords to the Song lyrics so that they appear in the confidence monitor, you can change the Song Key and the chords will automatically transpose accordingly. More detailed release notes are here --