Allow Configuration options for NDI output resolution and frame rate

Brandon Adent
Brandon Adent Member Posts: 101 ✭✭✭
It would be great to add the ability to set the output resolution and frame rate for the NDI virtual screen output. 4:3 and 16:9 are ok, but it you could set the output to something like 720, or 1080 and set the framerate to say 30 or 60fps this would give you more options for customizing the stream quality. It also greatly impacts the performance and latency, especially when using NDI over wifi. for example with 1920x1080 (1080p) at 60fps is quite laggy, like 4-6 seconds over wifi, but 1280x720 (720p) at 30fps has almost no lag.

This option would also allow you to align your base canvas setting in OBS with what you're doing in proclaim and avoid having to scale stuff and take more cpu on the steaming pc
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