Orthodox Study Bible

Jim Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
Logos has the Orthodox Study Bible Notes. Please add the Orthodox Study Bible. Thank you!!
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  • Paul
    Paul Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    I’m a little confused. The Orthodox Study Bible: Notes by  Jack Norman Sparks Publisher:  Thomas Nelson  , 2008  


    Or is there another Orthodox study Bible that you’re referring to?


    Not sure if the one by Ancient Faith is the same as the Thomas Nelson.
  • Jim
    Jim Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    @Paul  thank you for asking.  It is definitely confusing. I believe that the book you referred to is a different orthodox study Bible. I did not see that Bible in the Logos available Bibles. 

    The study Bible in Logos is just the notes and not the actual Scriptures. I have a hard copy of the Orthodox Study Bible and it has both the study notes and the scripture. The cover for the Logos Note edition is the exact cover for the hardcopy of the book. I hope this makes a little less confusing