
Max Snook
Max Snook Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Years ago I purchased Logos Atlas, may have been v.2 on floppy disk. Since then that feature has been deleted in favor of the new "Atlas" which by comparison is very poor. .
4 votes

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  • Max Snook
    Max Snook Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    Improve the Atlas feature by going back to the original features. 
  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Max Snook  You may be thinking of the Logos Deluxe Map Set, which is still available in Logos. If not, what features do you particularly miss?
  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭
       It is currently difficult to review all the maps I have in Logos to find one that will work for a specific lesson or sermon.  I can usually find one that will work, though not always exactly what I need.
       I'd like to see an atlas tool that allows the user to turn on and off various categories and time periods of information (cities, roads, industries, battle sites/camps, political borders, travel routes, geographic features, and everything else that can be located on a map) so the user can go to one place in Logos and customize it to their specific need.  It should also allow users to add custom information (locations/descriptions) to align it specifically to the needs of a lesson or sermon.  
       Updates by Logos would be as simple as adding something to an existing overlay, or add a new overlay with its own data, without having to find or create another map. (What we don't need are more maps to search/review.)
       The user should be able to save the maps they customize and allow them to modify them later , either to update them or to use them as a template for a new map.  The user should also be able to print and also attach/link their maps to Bible passages , commentaries , sermons , etc. (a bit like notes can be). 
       Example: Being able to mark existing locations, add new locations (such as their hotel) and add location descriptions for a trip someone has or will go on to Israel would be really cool.