Auto Update Bible Verses on Virtual Screens When New Verses on Slides (Content) Screen are Updated.

Jason Wilder
Jason Wilder Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
Not sure if this is a bug, or by design, but many times I duplicate bible slides for new content and when you have multiple virtual screens setup, then change the verse on the Slides (Content) screen the verses do not update on the virtual screens. So I have to copy the new verses, and cut and paste them into each virtual screen.
2 votes

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  • Jordan Sjodin
    Jordan Sjodin Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 979
    It shouldn’t happen, unless you had modified the text on the virtual screen. We really need a ‘Restore text’ option to allow for quickly updating back to what the main slide has. Today you can use ‘Restore original’ but youwould need to then reapply your smart media and styling

    Mac | iOS | Android | Windows | Web Developer 

  • Tyler Rasmussen
    Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
    Yep.upvote this
  • This is another instance where I think a toggle for Link/Unlink text would really be helpful.
  • Jason Wilder
    Jason Wilder Member Posts: 23 ✭✭✭
    @Jordan Sjodin  I found out that I had modified the text on the virtual screen. Once I restored text, and stop modifying the text on the virtual screen, I haven’t had any more issues with this.