Highlights - Search for Text in Anchors

Josiah Young
Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
If I highlight [preaching involves both divine and human components] in a resource, I would like to enter [preaching] in the Notes search feature and have it find my highlight above and any others that include the word [preaching]. This is not possible right now.

I have over 1,700 highlights (mostly from just the last four months, so it's bound to grow exponentially over time) across my library, and currently it is not possible anywhere in Logos to limit my search to the anchor text in those highlights.

This is demoralizing and forces me to resort to one of the following to find a highlight:
1) do a broad search across my entire library and then sift through oodles of results from books I haven't read yet,
2) export all my thousands of highlights into a Word document and do the search there, or
3) manually click through highlight notes and read the anchor text until I find the one I need.
None of these is practical.

I would love to leverage Logos's search capabilities here! At the moment, the Notes search engine seems very archaic. This upgrade would make all the difference between my print books and the efficiencies I'm so used to benefiting from in Logos.
2 votes

Done · Last Updated


  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Josiah Young  - you can already search within highlighted text - in the search panel click on "All Text" and choose the highlight style you want to search within: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016517891-Highlighting#Search
  • Josiah Young
    Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  My mistake, thank you! This is a relief. I was under the impression initially that the Search filter only applied to Bible searches (like the screenshots in the tutorial), but I realize now it works on the Books tab too. My concern is resolved, though it would still be nice to have the search bar in the Notes feature be able to comb anchor text as well--but that's more a matter of convenience / intuition now. Thanks again!