Auto footnote/endnote Scripture references in Notes

Richard M. Caskey
Richard M. Caskey Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When creating a Note, users often list Scripture references that are then hyperlinked. However, when we print the note(s), we only have the reference. So, any time a Scripture reference is hyperlinked, I'd like the option to footnote or endnote the references for printing.
2 votes

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  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    What would be the use case of this? Why would I want a logos reference hyperlinked in a printout?
  • Richard M. Caskey
    Richard M. Caskey Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    @David Taylor Jr  It looks like I was unclear in my request. I don't want the references in the footnote/endnote, I'd like to have the printed Scripture verse(s) themselves. The use case is printing notes for use offline. I frequently take printed notes instead of my computer to studies. The idea would be to have footnotes/endnotes of the verses referenced in the notes. Sorry for the confusion.