Provide the Ability to Reset Content Scaling

Bryan Mistele
Bryan Mistele Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Can you PLEASE provide the ability to reset content scaling?? As it works right now, if you change the default for a resource, and then change the default content scaling, it never adjusts again. This is very frustrating. Even if you reset a resource back to default and then change content scaling, it often does not adjust a resource I once tweaked.

There should be a way to reset the content scaling (or a registry hack or something) you can suggest.
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  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Bryan Mistele  - this is possible to do right now, although it's not as easy as it could be. Imagine the default content scaling is 120%, and the content scaling for a specific resource is 150%. If you change the default, the resource won't change, as it's been overridden. But if you changed the resource content scaling back to 120%, THEN changed the default, the resource will change with the default. In other words, setting the resource-specific content scaling to be the same as the default content scaling will cause the two to be kept in sync thereafter.
  • Bryan Mistele
    Bryan Mistele Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  One would think that would work, but in practice it doesn't.  I have, say 20 tabs open that I've changed the default scale on one by one.  I then reset the default system content scaling back to 100%, and then change all the resources back to 100%.  I then save the layout and exit the program.  I then go back in, change the default system content scaling to 110% and SOME of the tabs will change to 110%, but less than a third.  The rest are stuck at 100%.  

    There should be a way to at least reset all tabs back to default system content scaling if not the ability to reset it tab-by-tab.
  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Bryan Mistele  - maybe that's a bug. I'll ask the QA team to see if they can reproduce it.
  • Bryan Mistele
    Bryan Mistele Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  Thanks.  Happy to help any way I can.