Ctrl/Cmd+C should copy Bible text styled

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,803
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
When we copy text from the Bible, we almost always want it styled according to our default Copy Bible Verses style. Please make Ctrl/Cmd+C copy as styled Bible text rather default resource text.
28 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Steven Ciaccio
    Steven Ciaccio Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    I want to be able to select a passage, hold command-C and be able to copy the passage with text reference and then paste it into my word document. Right now its a three step process from Logos to Word. Then I have to change it around once its pasted over.. seems like a simple task.
  • Zack
    Zack Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    Maybe this could be as simple as a user preference? Allow the user to select their preferred Copy/Paste Style?
  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,803
  • David Wolcott
    David Wolcott Member Posts: 92 ✭✭✭
    @phil-gons , I agree with the style option, something in preferences. That would be a better option, since not everyone wants the same style, but I suspect most want to conveniently use whatever style they like.
  • Bruce D.
    Bruce D. Member Posts: 71 ✭✭
    The paste command is where the options should be. See MS Word for their options: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/control-the-formatting-when-you-paste-text-20156a41-520e-48a6-8680-fb9ce15bf3d6
  • Benjamin Smith
    Benjamin Smith Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Definitely needs to be a user-set preference. I agree that I usually would prefer it this way, but sometimes I'd prefer text only, and sometimes I'd prefer the footnote. Perhaps a toggle in a drop down menu? I think it would be helpful to have this as a global setting that is user adjustable but then also have it easy to make exceptions by resource and to change those depending on what I'm doing.
  • Benjamin Smith
    Benjamin Smith Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    @BruceL No, because that doesn't change whether it copies full citation, just the reference, or no citation at all. The issue is content, not formatting.
  • Sakarias Ingolfsson
    Sakarias Ingolfsson Member Posts: 180 ✭✭
    I usually prefer to copy bible text plain, or one verse on a line. This can be done easily enough through the context menu, or through the tool for copying bible verses.
  • or at least allow us to configure how verses should be copied.
  • David Richardson
    David Richardson Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I think it would be very helpful.
  • Josiah Young
    Josiah Young Member Posts: 151 ✭✭✭
    I agree it would be helpful to have a user setting, and then the ability to make easy exceptions (e.g., when I occasionally need to include the footnote).
  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 564 ✭✭✭
    Yes! It's a much-needed improvement. 


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Bruce D.
    Bruce D. Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    I completely agree, however Logos would incorporate the options pertinent for their system.