Ctrl/Cmd+C should copy Bible text styled

Phil Gons (Logos)
Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,800
When we copy text from the Bible, we almost always want it styled according to our default Copy Bible Verses style. Please make Ctrl/Cmd+C copy as styled Bible text rather default resource text.
I want to be able to select a passage, hold command-C and be able to copy the passage with text reference and then paste it into my word document. Right now its a three step process from Logos to Word. Then I have to change it around once its pasted over.. seems like a simple task.1
Maybe this could be as simple as a user preference? Allow the user to select their preferred Copy/Paste Style?0
The paste command is where the options should be. See MS Word for their options: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/control-the-formatting-when-you-paste-text-20156a41-520e-48a6-8680-fb9ce15bf3d60
Definitely needs to be a user-set preference. I agree that I usually would prefer it this way, but sometimes I'd prefer text only, and sometimes I'd prefer the footnote. Perhaps a toggle in a drop down menu? I think it would be helpful to have this as a global setting that is user adjustable but then also have it easy to make exceptions by resource and to change those depending on what I'm doing.0
I usually prefer to copy bible text plain, or one verse on a line. This can be done easily enough through the context menu, or through the tool for copying bible verses.0
or at least allow us to configure how verses should be copied.0
I think it would be very helpful.0
I agree it would be helpful to have a user setting, and then the ability to make easy exceptions (e.g., when I occasionally need to include the footnote).0
Yes! It's a much-needed improvement.
"... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)
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I completely agree, however Logos would incorporate the options pertinent for their system.