Notes: Customizable Notebook Symbols

SpirtheoryOfficial Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
I like to label each one of my notebooks based upon a specific concept. To keep these notes straight I like to assign a very specific symbol in a specific color to that specific notebook and that specific concept. Right now I have to keep track of what symbol and color I've assigned to each of my notebooks elsewhere. What would be a really nice feature is if there was a way to assign a master symbol / color to a notebook. So all I had to do was add a note to that notebook and it would automatically take on that symbol and color.

Another thing that would also help is whatever Master symbol and color that I picked for that notebook. If that symbol would appear next to that notebook when I'm looking at notebook list for all of my notebooks. Being able to quickly recognize a symbol / color is much easier than reading through a list of words that are concepts to study.

Even if the auto symbol color to notebook feature was not added. It would still be nice if I could pick a symbol or color to mark a notebook with and the notebook list view.

Lastly it would be wonderful if that list of symbols were to ever be expanded since there are a lot of concepts within the Bible. Thanks
3 votes

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  • SpirtheoryOfficial
    SpirtheoryOfficial Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    What if you could have a symbol tied to a notebook? I like to assign a symbol to each one of my notebooks. This allows me to know whenever I see that note symbol it refers to that concept that the notebook relates to. It would be great if you could see the symbol you have signed to the notebook in the notebook list view. I like to group a lot of concepts so I actually put multiple concepts in each notebook. I did a mock-up picture what it would look like to have symbols displayed next to the notebook names. This way when I'm screening through scripture and I see the specific note symbol I already know that marked that verse as relating to that designated concept.
  • SpirtheoryOfficial
    SpirtheoryOfficial Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    It'd be so nice if I could add a symbol to each notebook, that could be viewed in the notebook list.
  • SpirtheoryOfficial
    SpirtheoryOfficial Member Posts: 48 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    It would be extremely helpful to have an option to assign an automatic notebook symbol. This way anytime that a note is dropped into a certain notebook the symbol and color along with the highlighting settings all changed to whatever is set for that notebook.
  • SpirtheoryOfficial
    SpirtheoryOfficial Member Posts: 48 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    It would be extremely helpful to have an option to assign an automatic notebook symbol. This way anytime that a note is dropped into a certain notebook the symbol and color along with the highlighting settings all changed to whatever is set for that notebook.