Full Proclaim Editing for iPad

Chris Dunning
Chris Dunning Member Posts: 3 ✭✭✭
It would be a tremendous asset to work on Proclaim with an iPad. It is literally the only task for my daily and weekly work which I must use a desktop computer for.
58 votes

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  • Brandon Adent
    Brandon Adent Member Posts: 101 ✭✭✭
    I use my iPad as a laptop replacement. I don't even have a laptop anymore. That said, editing on the go with an iPad would be greatly appreciated.
  • William Jonathan Weems
    William Jonathan Weems Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    It is time for proclaim and Logos to be fully functional on IPAD Editing, creating, etc. More and more people like myself are switching to IPAD only. This has been recommended I know for at least two years.

    Logos especially, is way too expensive to not have some of the simpler integrations like printing, sermon editing, and sermon emailing or printing. I will put this in the Logos area as well.

    Also, you should be able to login to feedback with your faithlife account.
  • John Teo
    John Teo Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    or even a web app or web-based interface to edit Proclaim presentations which can be accessed on an iPad's Safari browser.
  • Rev. Alvin Lewis
    Rev. Alvin Lewis Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    I want to edit on my mobile devices, I know the use of the software was intended for inside of a sanctuary but the pandemic has opened other possibilities, please develop and increase the use ability of this great software.
    I spend a lot of time on the go and it’s time that can be used productively.
  • Lauren Ellsworth
    Lauren Ellsworth Member Posts: 2
    Yes! That'd be amazing!! 
  • Shara Heiniger (Logos)
    Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 132
    Ability to create a presentation on an iPad
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    I am sure hoping for this feature!
  • Yes.   Definitely agree this would be of great benefit.
  • Shara Heiniger (Logos)
    Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 133
    Are you working on porting the Laptop version of Proclaim to the iPad so services can be created and go On Line? Would be helpful and since they now run the same chips as the Mac, would be very nice. Love the program and hope this is in the works. Thanks and have a great advent.
  • Zack Powell
    Zack Powell Member Posts: 3
    It would be extremely helpful to be able to create and present presentations from an iPad.
  • This would be huge if you can make this a reality!!!
  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 12
    This would be amazing
  • Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Stidham
    Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Stidham Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Please consider adding text edits to proclaim slides in iPadOS/ios.
    The ability to correct typos on the go or last minute would be truly helpful.
    Of course, ultimately a fully functioning proclaim app similar to the logos app would be ideal.
  • David Cosand (Logos)
    David Cosand (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 83
    I would love to chat with Proclaim customers that are interested in an iPad app -- feel free to schedule some time on my calendar https://calendly.com/david-cosand/logos-user-interview
  • Steve Tharp
    Steve Tharp Member Posts: 5
    Not worth it. Move to web browser if you are going to make that kind of development investment. You will fracture your dev efforts by adding iPad. There are plenty of small bugs and enhancement requests in the windows version that should move the product forward first. 
  • Media team
    Media team Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    The main things I would like from an app are increased control in live situations (editing slides, adding slides, countdowns etc) and the ability to create new and edit existing presentations. Not all the people who use Proclaim love Apple. If it could also work or have alternatives for Android or on the web (the web could be for creating and editing presentations only and not presenting or controlling) that would work well. I would also be happy if it just updated and increased capacity in the current app to do these things. 

    If there was a presenting feature on the app it would need to be wireless presenting to a Chromecast , FireStick or Apple TV and control on the device , to make it worthwhile for us and our smaller communities/events. 
  • Neal Cook
    Neal Cook Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    I would love to see this done. Would be very convenient. 
  • Logan Summers
    Logan Summers Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    This seems like the natural next step! I can create so much on my Canva app on iPad. This kind of feature to not only control, but create on the iPad would open up some helpful workflows and creativity.
  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    This is an amazing feature!
  • Web based or ipad app.  Need to access proclaim to create and edit!
  • Need it for ipad!