Is There a Master List of Resources That Contain Read-Along Audio?

Frank Hodges
Frank Hodges Member Posts: 387 ✭✭✭

I thoroughly enjoy the editions of Logos books that I have that feature the audiobook alongside the book. I know many of the GNT have this feature, but every so often I run across a monograph that includes it, and I would like to be able to find more Logos books that feature it. There's some books that would seem they'd certainly have it but don't. Mark Ward's Authorized, published by Lexham and available in audiobook and ebook format on Logos oddly doesn't have this feature.
I'd like to know if there's any rhyme or reason as to which resources contain it. For reference, I'm talking about the books (pictured) that have a little audio icon next to the title in the Library and allow you to follow along with the narrator with the little "karaoke" ball that jumps around. A cool tip on these is if you press the audio icon rather than the book title it will continue playing the audiobook right where you left off on your last read… pretty handy.

