How to convert multiple notes i.e. quotations from books to clippings and maintaining the references

Vincent van Altena
Vincent van Altena Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Forum

How can I convert multiple notes (i.e. quotations from books) to clippings? I need to maintain the references and don't want to reselect every single note and clicking the clippings shortcut.

regards, Vincent


  • Vincent van Altena
    Vincent van Altena Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    How can I convert multiple notes (i.e. quotations from books) to clippings? I need to maintain the references and don't want to reselect every single note and clicking the clippings shortcut.

    regards, Vincent

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,135

    Clippings from Notes was not envisaged (because there is no citation), so selecting the note text will not activate Add clipping.
    If I understand you correctly, you need to select the text in the source from which you quoted.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Vincent van Altena
    Vincent van Altena Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    Thanks for your response, Dave.

    To clarify: It might be I am confusing Notes and highlights. What I would like to do is convert all highlights (i.e. citations) I made for a particular book to a clippings document. In stead of going over them one by one, I was wondering if this could be done automatically or in batch.

    Since the highlighted text still has a referenxe to the book, there must be a reference to the text in the background, which could be easily converted, if it is exposed to the end user.

    The question behind the question is, I want to export all my citations per book including page references. Until now, I only succeeded in doing so with clippings and particular reference styles (SBL HS2 e.g. does not work, but others do).

    However, since I have over 8000 highlights I am eager to find a method which helps me in doing this, without going into a cumbersome process of converting each highlight to a clipping.

    Hopefully that clarified my question.

    regards, Vincent

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,135

    To clarify: It might be I am confusing Notes and highlights. What I would like to do is convert all highlights (i.e. citations) I made for a particular book to a clippings document. In stead of going over them one by one, I was wondering if this could be done automatically or in batch.

    Highlights are not citations, but I understand that you refer to the text you have highlighted in books, from which a citation of title, author, publisher… is usually provided when copying.
    But there is no automation for Clippings.


    Windows 11 & Android 13