The Deconstruction of Christianity
The above book is on sale today. I don't know the book. But I highlight it because it's published by Tyndale Elevate, who have had a number of interesting ebooks on sale recently, but where the sale price hasn't been available through Faithlife ebooks. I've bought this book in the hope that Tyndale Elevate may include Logos in future in ebook sales.
Thanks, Paul! Not sure if the book is worth more than the sale price, but you are right that Tyndale should see that it pays off to include Faithlife in eBook sales.
Have joy in the Lord!
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I don't know the book either, but I know the authors. Both are solid apologists. Tim Barnett is with Stand to Reason (Greg Koukl's ministry) and the host of Red Pen Logic. Alisa Childers was a member of ZOEgirl in the 2000s, deconstructed her faith, and came back to Jesus.
This book is my Christmas gift for myself this year. Looking forward to reading it.
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I just checked on the meaning of deconstruction in evangelical circles vs. its meaning in philosophy i.e. as Jacques Derrida defined the term. Would I be correct to assume this book relates to the former not the latter?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Definitely the former. I understand it explores why former Christians have moved away from the church or the historical understanding of the faith.
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Gospelebooks website confirms this book is only on sale today.
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@Paul Caneparo Thanks for bringing this sale to our attention! Early in the year I'd read an article by one of the authors (TB) in the Stand to Reason blog and had the book in my wishlist from then, but later I purged all my wishlists everywhere and lost track of the book. I'm definitely happy to pick it up at Logos for such a nice price 😌