The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism

Mark Allison
Mark Allison Member Posts: 765 ✭✭✭


Among the many in the last century who explored the relationship between the New Testament and rabbinic Judaism, David Daube must certainly be designated as among the pioneers. And in the literature of that exploration, along with works such as Paul and Rabbinic Judaism by W. D. Davies and Joachim Jeremias' Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, Daube's The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism must be awarded "classic" status. Whether one is examining the social and religious history behind the New Testament text or analyzing the text itself, The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism will illumine the interpreter. Daube's work stands on the shoulders of no one, and has itself become a cornerstone for future study in this field. This volume is a must for every library.

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