Commentary notes next to verse

Hi all
I downloaded a visual filter given by someone in the community that shows a little square box next to a verse. This particular on is in the differences the bible verse update.
I was thinking I have commentaries
Is it possible to have them show in my bible the same as the notes in the visual filter.
I added a screenshot to help
The screenshot doesn't help. You appear to be talking about applying Notes and a VF. Please clarify and show a screenshot of the VF.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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You're right. It's actually a note.
Do U know if it's possible?
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The next confusion is the remark about commentaries and "show in my bible". So…
If your bible is different to the bible (ESV) in your screenshot, then the imported Notes can be applied to your bible via Notes > "Show notes and highlights" > "From other books with corresponding text" (in new Resource toolbar), providing it has a reverse interlinear. Therefore the notes cannot be applied to a commentary.
Is this what you were requesting?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I manually add mine and use different colors and shapes depending upon the resource I'm attaching a note from (e.g. triangle for Application, "!" for Bible Commentary, paperclip for Background, light bulb for Insight, the blue track for my outline notes).