Track Reading

ASUNDER Member Posts: 224 ✭✭✭

This is another reason Logos shouldn't automatically track reading progress:

Logos messed up its own index by tracking my act of configuring the Info of books.
So now I have no ability to divide what I'm reading and what I'm not reading.

Also, do we "read" dictionaries like a novel? Other reference books? No, we don't. We reference them.
Why would it track that we are reading them? I go to look at the definition of a word and Logos thinks I'm reading that dictionary?

Each book should have a button that we can toggle on/off the tracking of reading status. We could 'ghost read' something without it being logged as read. Email was given 'mark as unread' probably in like 1980.

In the book's Info tab we should be able to reset the time track, and count if we've read it or not. It should be a seperate counter, apart from 'favorites', as in "which books have I already read, which ones am I familiar with, and which ones are new to me." Three different possibilities, which are not the same as adding them as a 'favorite' (that's only for efficiency / a bookmark) or a rating. We can't be using the rating system as a history counter, which is actually how I'm being forced to use it currently. This 'personal book experience history' can't be a collection either, because mixing experience with genre is a very bad idea. That is a recipe for confusion.

Also, if we were only on the first page of a book, it's obvious that we were just looking at the book, changing its info etc. not actually reading it. So the tracking should never start until page 2; which would retroactively include the page 1 time if it's triggered. Lots of media platforms give you a threshold of how much is consumed before it marks as read/watched/played. In this case it would be when it starts to track.

In the 'Info' of a book maybe we could set if it always gets tracked, or we have to manually track it, or we could also input a manual amount of how much we've read; being in full control of this measurement and how it's auto-tracked.

1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,693

    This is another reason Logos shouldn't automatically track reading progress:

    Because I have been using standard wear marks since sometime in the late 2000's (they became common in the 2010's) I find them very useful as they are. They would be greatly enhanced if they could be reset individually. Please ask for a new feature rather than destroying a standard feature than some of us use and find provides essential information.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 224 ✭✭✭

    Destroying a standard feature? So when you can manually set the read percentage, how is it destroyed?

    If you're not going to read my posts, why are you responding to them?

    LEAVE MY REQUESTS ALONE! I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm asking for FaithLife to change their program.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,693

    I do read your requests carefully. When I respond it is to clarify the issues so that forumites will not vote up your requests without being aware of the consequences. I do this for all requests that I believe to have consequences that are not obvious or that are a partial solution to a broader problem. I believe this is necessary if the votes are to be a realistic indicator of support.

    So when you can manually set the read percentage, how is it destroyed?

    It breaks the relationship between two items that are currently two representations of the same data.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • GregW
    GregW Member Posts: 299 ✭✭

    @ASUNDER - I have read this and various other of your posts, and it seems to me that you haven’t properly explored the use of tagging and collections. Personally I’m not particularly interested in percentage read, but I do the following:

    * When I add a book to my library that I want to read, I use the #ReadLater tag. If I want to read it soon I tag it 2025-reading. If later, I’ll tag it 2026-reading.

    • if I want to read it soon, I’ll also tag it “next”. I also tag by subject.
    • When I start reading a book I tag it “in-progress” and remove the #ReadLater” tag. When I’ve finished it, I replace the “in-progress” tag with a “finished” tag. If I’m feeling a little obsessive I’ll also right-click on the green reading progress ring and set it to 100% read.
    • I have a collection for each subject area I am interested in (Biblical Studies, Biblical languages, history, devotional, prayer, etc) where the book is tagged #ReadLater. I also have a collection of 2025-reading where it is also tagged #Readlater for books I want to read this year, and a collection of books tagged “next” to make the planned reading more manageable.

    All of this works fine and gives me a flexible way of managing my reading list which only needs a full review once a year. My suggestion to you would be that, rather than coming up with numerous rpfeature requests that very few will vote for, you explore the library filtering, tagging, and collections functionality more fully. If you blitz us with feature requests without understanding the existing functionality, eventually people will stop asking your posts seriously.

  • P. Christoph Blohberger
    P. Christoph Blohberger Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    "LEAVE MY REQUESTS ALONE! I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm asking for FaithLife to change their program."

    @ASUNDER Well then please send E-Mails to Faithlife asking them to change their program and don't start discussions here…

  • GregW
    GregW Member Posts: 299 ✭✭

    Tried to correct a couple of typos in my previous comment but it won't let me edit the post. I wanted to add that you can also use Reading Status in filtering the Library. So, for example, to filter on finished boks, the syntax is:

    {ReadingStatus Finished}

    or to exclude them,

    -{ReadingStatus Finished}

    It is the powerful and flexible combination of tagging, library filtering and rule-based dynamic Collections that will allow you to accomplish what you wish to do, and I would seriously suggest you explore this further.

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 224 ✭✭✭

    Tags are indeed useful. Thanks for the tips.
    I just found that the library has a tags column. I'll see if this will be useful enough to use as an experience tracker, but I wish the things I'm requesting showed up on the tooltips too.

    What would be helpful too is tag groups and colours for tags.
    I'm looking at 'Collections' as maybe a solution too. Not sure yet though.

    Nah, I'm getting cranky cause he's challenging all my requests just for the sake of challenging them.
    Saying things like, "let's not change it because if we do it would be changed."