Use the Reading Plan feature to keep track of a Print Library book?

Guy Member Posts: 2

I noticed I was able to filter by my Print Library under the Availability tab when creating a new Reading Plan, but none of my books I've added showed up after adding said filter. I know print library books can't be read and only searched, but would it be possible to use these features just to easily track your reading in a physical book? If this isn't a feature yet, it would be a great addition! (Especially for those like me who like having as few apps as possible😁)


  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 251 ✭✭✭

    This would be great to do yeah ! I tried to replicate this and can not make one either. I think maybe because the built book is much different then the actual books we own. I notice sometimes that in my context of build books its not the same as the actual book itself.

    D….. Lol

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,928 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps you could make the TOC of the print book into a prayer list and use that as a "reading plan"?