Topic Understanding confirmation
Could I get Logos to confirm that my understanding of how this works is correct? When I'm doing a basic search and I search for "First Epistle of Peter" I get a topic section title which includes the statement "search for ("First epistle of peter", "First Letter of Peter") instead?". clicking on the link does an OR search of both terms.
Am I correct in understanding that these two phrases are the only phrases that will bring up the Topic search section and only if they are entered exactly as is?
I understand the use and it seems very helpful. If I type in diaspora Logos offers other phrases that may include results I would otherwise miss. How complete is this list of associated topics?
Are you asking how "fuzzy" is the phrasing?
Robert Pavich
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Robert Pavich said:
Are you asking how "fuzzy" is the phrasing?
Sorta kinda. I was trying to figure out what list of words and phrases will bring up a topic. For instance First Peter will not bring up the topic First Epistle of peter. it seems like the only two things that will are First Epistle of Peter and First Letter of Peter. I know the list is "baked in" I just wanted to get confirmation that these are the only two phrases that will work for this topic.
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Dave Hooton said:
Just for my sake, if nobody else's:...Select "Second Coming" link
The "Second Coming" link is actually one long link, your not selecting one of the listed topics, you are selecting all of the listed topics.
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I actually like this feature...probably nobody would have thought to look under "parousia" if it wasn't suggested.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
I actually like this feature...probably nobody would have thought to look under "parousia" if it wasn't suggested.
I like it as well. However my question is more "how complete are the lists?" I should probably wait on this one since topic updates are coming down the pike.
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Philip Spitzer said:
However my question is more "how complete are the lists?"
The lists are at You can suggest additions/improvements by simply adding them there. (It's not live, but we'll pull user-suggested additions from there into the system at regular intervals.)
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Bob Pritchett said:Philip Spitzer said:
However my question is more "how complete are the lists?"
The lists are at You can suggest additions/improvements by simply adding them there. (It's not live, but we'll pull user-suggested additions from there into the system at regular intervals.)
ahhh. Thanks I'm glad it goes through an editing process. Well worth the wait time.