Collections: Adding groups of books - Needed Feature
#1) When creating a collection, it would be crucial to select multiple books at one time and drag them on to the "add/subtrract book feature".
#2) This is especially helpful when you have filtered a list of several books.
Note: If you drag one book it also collapses the category. You have to reopen it every time to add the other books in the category (for example: subjects).
Agree that this is a needed feature.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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John Fallahee said:
#1) When creating a collection, it would be crucial to select multiple books at one time
I agree. But it might also be time to reflect why dragging multiple books is necessary:-
- Logos metadata is not the best currently, but it will be fixed if you bring it up eg. old LXX has an English languages tag!
- use the metadata to resolve conflicting categories eg. Bible Dictionary type:dictionary subject:Bible ANDNOT (title:(semantic, lexicon, expository, Wordbook), subject:(greek, latin, lang, antiquit)). The ANDNOT saves me dragging resources.
- use your own tags to define a Collection
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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John Fallahee said:
#1) When creating a collection, it would be crucial to select multiple books at one time and drag them on to the "add/subtrract book feature".
#2) This is especially helpful when you have filtered a list of several books.
Note: If you drag one book it also collapses the category. You have to reopen it every time to add the other books in the category (for example: subjects).
keep in mind that the fundamental philosophy of collections has changed from L3. Its no longer a static list of books you drag and drop into a list. Collections are now dynamic. You create a small string of syntax that defines the books you want in the collection. By saying type:lexicon OR type:bible you limit your collection to all your lexicons and all your bibles. When you add a lexicon or Bible to your library it is automatically added to the collection. No if you believe The Message is from Satan and never want to see it you can drag it to the "minus" block (no theological point intended :-)) If you don't want your collection to include Greek you would do that by changing your syntax line.
I'm not sure if you already understood the philosophy shift or not, but I'm sure someone out there hadn't.
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Philip Spitzer said:
keep in mind that the fundamental philosophy of collections has changed from L3. Its no longer a static list of books you drag and drop into a list. Collections are now dynamic. You create a small string of syntax that defines the books you want in the collection. By saying type:lexicon OR type:bible you limit your collection to all your lexicons and all your bibles. When you add a lexicon or Bible to your library it is automatically added to the collection. No if you believe The Message is from Satan and never want to see it you can drag it to the "minus" block (no theological point intended :-)) If you don't want your collection to include Greek you would do that by changing your syntax line.
I'm not sure if you already understood the philosophy shift or not, but I'm sure someone out there hadn't.
Nicely explained Philip
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Thanks for the helpful insights. i love the new feature and I am using it.
But in playing with this new feature, it's hard to get a truly "pure list" without retagging the books, so a down-and-dirty static list is more efficient for the short run. Dragging and dropping seemed like a rational and reasonable option for this feature.
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Philip Spitzer said:
keep in mind that the fundamental philosophy of collections has changed from L3. Its no longer a static list of books you drag and drop into a list. Collections are now dynamic. You create a small string of syntax that defines the books you want in the collection. By saying type:lexicon OR type:bible you limit your collection to all your lexicons and all your bibles. When you add a lexicon or Bible to your library it is automatically added to the collection. No if you believe The Message is from Satan and never want to see it you can drag it to the "minus" block (no theological point intended :-)) If you don't want your collection to include Greek you would do that by changing your syntax line.
I'm not sure if you already understood the philosophy shift or not, but I'm sure someone out there hadn't.
Not to drag this out but I'm with John on this one even if the metadata is straightened out. Keep the Library pane open and let us drag more than one resource at a time. This is a computer program. Make it simple! How hard could that be to implement?
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Mark A. Smith said:
Not to drag this out but I'm with John on this one even if the metadata is straightened out. Keep the Library pane open and let us drag more than one resource at a time. This is a computer program. Make it simple! How hard could that be to implement?
I agree that it makes since to be able to drag multiple books. I just wanted to make sure the general concept in L4 was being understood.
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John Fallahee said:
#1) When creating a collection, it would be crucial to select multiple books at one time and drag them on to the "add/subtrract book feature".
#2) This is especially helpful when you have filtered a list of several books.
Note: If you drag one book it also collapses the category. You have to reopen it every time to add the other books in the category (for example: subjects).
Hi John,
The ability to drag multiple selected resources from Library to Collections may be available in a future release. Regarding your Note, in Beta 4 I'm able to drag more than one book without reexpanding the category in Library. Are you able to do that now in B4?
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I am unable to do this...could you describe the steps involved, include where you are dragging from and how you are selecting multiple resoureces at once.
Extra thanks,
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John Fallahee said:
I am unable to do this...could you describe the steps involved, include where you are dragging from and how you are selecting multiple resoureces at once.
Sorry, I was referring to dragging books without having to reexpand a category. I can only drag one at a time, but I don't have to reexpand before dragging the next one. Dragging multiple selected resources is not supported at this time.