Timing of PrePub Releases is detrimental to Logos Sales

Let me first say that I love Logos. It has enhanced my bible study and prayer life in more ways than I can count.
However, I've been sitting on between $2k to $4k of prepubs for several years and they typically come out at a rate that I can accomodate. This recent release of a large volume of prepubs left me no choice but to cancel approximately half of them. These are lost sales to Logos because I can't afford the normal price.
I discussed this with sales and the only option open (and I appreciate his pursuing it for me) is to take a small premium over the prepub price and build it into an extended payment plan. I'm not against extended payment plans. I do not believe that the answer to this issue is for me to go into debt. I believe this is a Logos delivery at a rate their customers can absorb their product issue. I don't know the answer myself but I can imagine several.
In any event, it saddens me. I've been waiting for some of these now canceled items for a long time.
The purpose of this post is to hopefully bring to Logos (perhaps Bobs) attention that they have lost sales due to this release volume. It'd be interesting to evaluate the number and value of canceled prepubs in the last several weeks. If there are a hundred people like me out there, they just lost $200k in sales because of release timing issues.
Luther Locklin
Luther, I feel your pain--really! I have had to take similar action before. I think it is great the sales team is looking to work out a reasonable offer for you, too. As for why it seems like they are all coming due at the same time--I know Logos has tried to ramp up their pre-pub production. Guys like us may just have to pass--although that is hard for me because I have grown accustomed to both the great price as well as I've bought into the notion that I have to personally own such an ever expanding library. Think about if amazon had a pre-pub list--we'd get overwhelmed at all the books we felt we needed but would have to forgo.
Anyway, I have been there. And maybe this is an anomaly, maybe you just had more books you were interested in than before, or maybe it is Logos' ramping up production that is beyond what we can keep up with--and we'll just need to get used to it and pick the ones we really need. . .
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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I feel horrible right along with you Luther. Unfortunately I know you're not alone (we're not alone). I'm thrilled of course that customer service is trying to work with you. But I've had to cancel a few prepubs as well this cycle.
Posting here should gain the attention of Logos employees - and I'm sure you've seen by now that while not every post get's a logos company response, they do read them.
Unfortunately all I can do is join you in tears brother. [:'(]
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I'm sorry about this, and we'll invest some time in trying to find a solution.
While it would be nice to let people "hold" a pre-pub price for the future, it would destroy the value of pre-pub for us (estimating actual sales, so we can manage cash flow and plan products) if everyone started pre-ordering and then holding every product, "just in case." We'll try to come up with something that works for both of us, though.
-- Bob
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Bob Pritchett said:
'm sorry about this, and we'll invest some time in trying to find a solution
much appreciated Bob, those of us like me with no fixed income would find this helpful..
might I suggest you consider allowing us in the "Accounts" section to change billing date for max 30 days from release date, that should hopefully redress this issue, but keep the default billing date as it its now,
I agree they cant be held in limbo ad-nauseum - so order gets auto-removed after that window of opportunity.. and 30 days should be enough time for most people..
I believe we are looking at a minority here with minimal impact to your cash-flow, but do understand your reasonings for the current system..
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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You've already done what I wanted. You've acknowledged the issue and said you'll try. I don't walk in your shoes and I don't understand the economics of running your business (without which we wouldn't have Logos blessing our bible study). However, I know that you do and I trust that you'll do what you can.
Bless you and your organization,
Luther Locklin
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Bob Pritchett said:
I'm sorry about this, and we'll invest some time in trying to find a solution.
While it would be nice to let people "hold" a pre-pub price for the future, it would destroy the value of pre-pub for us (estimating actual sales, so we can manage cash flow and plan products) if everyone started pre-ordering and then holding every product, "just in case." We'll try to come up with something that works for both of us, though.
-- Bob
Thank you Bob.
I know from many past experiences Logos always goes the second mile (and beyond) to meet the user's needs. I apologize for myself and some others who have had to cancel Pre-Pubs on the eve of shipping dates. We had no idea the Pre-Pub department could get so efficient and productive. I certainly did not intend to break my promises to purchase everything I placed orders for. I will diligently try to plan better and look forward to whatever ideas you may come up with for a win-win situation.
fwiw: I still think the CEO should have a Coptic lexicon on his computer, whether or not he will use it.
And Kevin Purcell was right: We need your book, "Fire Someone Today" in the Logos library. Strange not to have it available there...........
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Luther Locklin said:
However, I've been sitting on between $2k to $4k of prepubs for several years and they typically come out at a rate that I can accomodate. This recent release of a large volume of prepubs left me no choice but to cancel approximately half of them.
Luther, we are working on ways to solve this challenge for the future, and we are already spreading out titles as much as we can right now. One of the ideas we have to fix this would be a "Pastor's Piggybank" or "Credit Balance Account" where you could set up a monthly payment plan at your Logos.com account just like a savings account, then apply credit balances to any order. That way, people on budgets or monthly book allowances from their church/employer/spouse [:P] could know exactly what they were paying each month and have a receipt to account for it. Hopefully that would help spread the payments out.
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
I will instruct the sales team to take a snapshot of all Pre-Pub orders for any customer that requests it between now and the end of October 2010. Fill up your Pre-Pub cart with as many titles as you want. "All of them" if you want... Then, contact one of our sales representatives at 800-875-6467 and ask them to make a note on your account and take a screen shot/print out of your Pre-Pub cart on our internal systems. You should also probably take a screen shot and a print out of your Pre-Pub orders page: https://www.logos.com/user/MyPrepubs
Once you have all the Pre-Pubs you want in your cart and you have taken a screen capture and printed it out, call your sales rep and make sure they take a screen capture and make a print-out here too. Then they will place a note on your record and file your details.
Once they assure you that they have a full record of your entire cart, locked in at the best price you were able to grab, and that they have made notes on your account, you should begin deleting all the orders that you can't afford at this time.
Any time after the Pre-Pubs that you originally ordered shipped, you may call your sales rep. and ask them to place your order. You may even combine products onto orders and even use the payment plan.
All orders must be placed before the end of June 2011. You may hold off all ordering until the very last day and then add them all up onto one big payment plan for 12 months if you like, but starting July, we will wipe out all records and holds for this program, and it will expire.
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Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
[G] Dan you are so cool. I need to talk to my wife.[:|]
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Dan Pritchett said:
I will instruct the sales team to take a snapshot of all Pre-Pub orders for any customer that requests it between now and the end of October 2010. Fill up your Pre-Pub cart with as many titles as you want. "All of them" if you want... Then, contact one of our sales representatives at 800-875-6467 and ask them to make a note on your account and take a screen shot/print out of your Pre-Pub cart on our internal systems. You should also probably take a screen shot and a print out of your Pre-Pub orders page: https://www.logos.com/user/MyPrepubs
WooHoo! Thank you Dan!
That is GREAT news (for me, at least)
I hope not to sound unappreciative. Will you allow me one last lament without incurring your wrath??
I was in for Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library for the original Pre-Pub price of $549 ever since it was posted to the Pre-Pub page. It is now $599. [:'(]
Thank you for that moment in sackcloth & ashes. Now, ON TO THE PROMISED LAND!
Thomas Black said:Dan you are so cool. I need to talk to my wife.
edit: Uhh, Me , too.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Bob Pritchett said:
I'm sorry about this, and we'll invest some time in trying to find a solution.
While it would be nice to let people "hold" a pre-pub price for the future, it would destroy the value of pre-pub for us (estimating actual sales, so we can manage cash flow and plan products) if everyone started pre-ordering and then holding every product, "just in case." We'll try to come up with something that works for both of us, though.
-- Bob
One time when I did have to cancel a prepub it was my Anchor Bible Commentary series, and Logos was nice enough to offer it on payment plan, which allowed me, with some additional cost, since my canceled pre pub price had gone up, with the addition of another book. I know that you need PP to gauge interst and sales but if people cancel their orders at the point of release doesn't that also somewhat defeat them?
PS: I also know people have the chance to get payment plans after the release, it is just sometimes the price seems excessive after release... One future solutions which I think someone else mentioned might be to have the prepub price or something close to it on the released product. For Example my Prepub price on anchor is 549, current prepub has increased to $599, If say an introductory sale price of maybe $625 were out there it would still encourage presales but give those who can;t afford a big hit all at once a chance to but it over time.
PPS: As long as I had a clear release date (expected date, I know delays can happen) I would be happy to start payments on PP the moment development starts.
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Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
Thank you!
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Luuk Dondorp said:Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
Thank you!
I agree 101%. And . . .Luuk . . . you look almost like a former coach of the Chicago Bears football team, Mike Ditka. . . you should cash in on that fame!
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:Luuk Dondorp said:Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
Thank you!
I agree 101%. And . . .Luuk . . . you look almost like a former coach of the Chicago Bears football team, Mike Ditka. . . you should cash in on that fame!
. . . or maybe closer to Dan Dierdorff, another player.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Great response, and obviously a bunch of extra trouble for Logos. Hopefully those who have been wondering what to do will discover this page.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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allow me to add another wrinkle: I went to add pre-pubs, but some of them, like the Theol. Journals, pubs today . . . would there be a way to add/snapshot/cancel prepubs for the next couple weeks, but also take part (add/cancel) in pre pubs that may be announced before the end of October?
I mean, what if we finally get the entire John Stott collection, or the collected works of Bob Pritchett.
And . . . . does this offer also count for the EEC? Yeah, I know, you guys try to be nice and all we can do is grab for more. [A] But these are a few wrinkles that may have not been considered, especially the EEC
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan has already commented that payment plans will be available somehow on the EEC. I'm going to guess that they're hoping to have a new system up and running by then, hence the deadline on this.Dan DeVilder said:And . . . . does this offer also count for the EEC? Yeah, I know, you guys try to be nice and all we can do is grab for more.
But these are a few wrinkles that may have not been considered, especially the EEC
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Dan DeVilder said:
allow me to add another wrinkle:
Problem solved in just seven minutes. Maybe even faster for Dan P. (Note it has some Greek stuff in it, too. Oil of Logos, perhaps.)
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Mark A. Smith said:Dan DeVilder said:
allow me to add another wrinkle:
Problem solved in just seven minutes. Maybe even faster for Dan P. (Note it has some Greek stuff in it, too. Oil of Logos, perhaps.)
. . . and you knew just where to go to get that, too, didn't you?! [;)] (funny post, Mark)
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Thomas Black said:
Dan has already commented that payment plans will be available somehow on the EEC. I'm going to guess that they're hoping to have a new system up and running by then, hence the deadline on this.
still--first, I was thinking that the price of that future payment plan option would not be the same is currently priced. Second, I think some of those volumes come due (hence, charged) before June (the date set by Dan P above). SO, conceivably . . . one could add EEC now at the best price, cancel, the volume is published (say, April), but in May/June I can tell sales "I want my EEC", so I am charged the cheapest (currently 699.95), and the previously released volumes are downloaded and I get to pay the rest of my balance on payment plan.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Great Dan P.. you all rock.
Now about that idea of the Credit Balance Account, that is a great idea and I would love it for any title I might need in the future.
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Bob Pritchett said:
I'm sorry about this, and we'll invest some time in trying to find a solution.
While it would be nice to let people "hold" a pre-pub price for the future, it would destroy the value of pre-pub for us (estimating actual sales, so we can manage cash flow and plan products) if everyone started pre-ordering and then holding every product, "just in case." We'll try to come up with something that works for both of us, though.
-- Bob
While I am deleting my pre-pubs for a different reason, why not have a 30 or 60 day window that people who have order the pre-pub can wait to hold off in purchasing the book? This would allow people to stager the expense as they see fit.
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Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
Wow, Dan! You rock! Logos has awesome customer service! I have never heard of a company extending such a generous offer in response to moanings by its customers.
Dan DeVilder said:allow me to add another wrinkle: I went to add pre-pubs, but some of them, like the Theol. Journals, pubs today . . . would there be a way to add/snapshot/cancel prepubs for the next couple weeks, but also take part (add/cancel) in pre pubs that may be announced before the end of October?
Dan, you could add everything you want to your pre-pub basket and take a snapshot of it. Then delete what you can't afford now. Then if within the next three weeks some other pre-pub comes along that you really want, add it to your basket and remove something else that you've already locked in at the pre-pub price. Your only risk if is something you really, really want comes along between now and the end of October which is already under development and shipping soon and which by itself is more than you'll be able to afford. Not likely. If it's just now being listed on pre-pub, you'll probably have time to prepare for that expense. And adding it now (removing anything else) will lock in its pre-pub price for you without sacrificing any other pre-pub prices you'd already locked in.
Dan DeVilder said:I mean, what if we finally get the entire John Stott collection, or the collected works of Bob Pritchett.
Oh man, would I love to have the collected works of John Stott!
The collected book-length works of Bob Pritchett are already available here, and many of his other short writings are available here and here. [:)]
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I honestly don't know what to say to such a generous and timely response except thank you. I appreciate the out of the box thinking that brought this solution to you and to us. This is what makes doing business with Logos such a pleasure. Your care for your customers and your company are displayed in this type of customer oriented behavior by you and your employees.
Thank you again,
Luther Locklin
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Logos - Thanks for the opportunity to purchase the prepubs like this!!
Unfortunately, just this morning I canceled the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Series that I put on prepub a year ago for $499. I put it back on prepub, but at the current rate of $599.[:'(]
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Dan Pritchett said:
Right now, what I am going to do for everyone reading this, is to make a one time exception to the rules.
Thank you Dan offer it is very much appreciated.
I though have to be realistic and by June 2011, there will be other titles not doubt coming out that I'd be interested in, and really so in no better position to keep up with my "want" list then let alone combining it with my current "want" list. So wisdom and prudence has to prevail in me personally taking up the offer.
But I do appreciate the gesture and so want to say thanks for making it.
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So, let's see if I've got this right. Sometime before the end of October, we pre-order anything that we might be even remotely interested in. Then, as they become due for publication, we cancel any of them that we're not prepared to pay for at the time, and we have until the end of June 2011 to activate them again at the pre-pub price. (Assuming of course that we follow the instructions for doing this).
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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I thank you and Logos for your extremely generous offer. I have been a satisfied Logos customer for more than ten years and cannot understand how anyone can think that Bob, you, and all the Logos employees are anything but customer oriented. Yes, sometimes we customers come over sounding a little demanding, but I would like to rectify that at this time. I for one REALLY appreciate the top-notch product and service I have received for the last decade (even if pointed Syriac doesn't yet display properly in L4 [:D] ).
And in the spirit that I am sure you intended with this offer, I will make use but not abuse your generosity. There are really only two pre-pubs that I have not picked up because of timing. I will now get them, defer one other I have waiting, and try my best not to defer any others so that you and yours can also plan on an expected revenue stream.
God Bless!!!
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With a $12,000 prepub list, I'm one of those who really appreciates Dan's incredibly generous offer. Contrary to what my friends think, I don't purchase every item that Logos publishes. In fact I ignore a lot of what comes out.
However, as a researcher and regular contributor to journals, I do purchase the scholarly items which tend to carry a significant price premium, especially the commentary sets (AYBD, Hermeneia, WBC, etc). This offer is going to help me out a lot.
Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"
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Thank you Dan and Logos!
What a kind and generous offer!
I'll take you up on it!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Alex Scott said:
So, let's see if I've got this right. Sometime before the end of October, we pre-order anything that we might be even remotely interested in. Then, as they become due for publication, we cancel any of them that we're not prepared to pay for at the time, and we have until the end of June 2011 to activate them again at the pre-pub price. (Assuming of course that we follow the instructions for doing this).
Alex, I believe you have a one time offer to take any 'held off/cancelled" pre-pubs to be lumped together and either paid for up front at the original p-p price, or even to spread out that pre-pub total into a payment plan. But only one lump sum/one time. Anything you have added up till the end of October, and provided you and the sales staff has a snapshot of your pre-pubs. Yes, and cancel the ones you are not wanting to immediately purchase, but rather go into your "pre-pub bin for later purchase"
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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If you're like me, you're probably going through the list of pre-pubs to see what you might like to add under the present circumstances. If so, you might want to consider sorting the pre-pub list according to "Highest in Price". I don't see a lot of value of deferring a lot of very low priced items and it's a very long list.
Another thing to consider is that, if you place a whole lot of orders for items you know full well you'll never want, you're doing Logos a disservice by skewing the apparent level of support for many resources, so let's use a little discretion in utilizing this generous offer by Logos.
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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Alex Scott said:
so let's use a little discretion in utilizing this generous offer by Logos
Well said!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dan, you guys are incredible. You people are the best. There was so much rolling off this October and November and some of it was incredibly necessary, but after already spending a wad the first week of October I was destitute and full of derision LOL
Thanks guys!
Wilson Hines
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Thanks for the offer! Let me just make sure we're on the same page about one detail. You write "Any time after the Pre-Pubs that you originally ordered shipped, you may call your sales rep. and ask them to place your order." and "All orders must be placed before the end of June 2011."
Well, since these are pre-pubs, it goes without saying that some of them may not necessarily have shipped by the end of June. In these cases I presume your statements above is to be understood as that we can, before the end of June, call (or e-mail) our sales reps and have them put the stuff we still want, and think we can afford, back on our pre-pub lists at the locked-in price, just as if they had been there all along. Is that correctly understood?
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:
Well, since these are pre-pubs, it goes without saying that some of them may not necessarily have shipped by the end of June. In these cases I presume your statements above is to be understood as that we can, before the end of June, call (or e-mail) our sales reps and have them put the stuff we still want, and think we can afford, back on our pre-pub lists at the locked-in price, just as if they had been there all along. Is that correctly understood?
This is a GOOD question that needs Dan Pritchett's clarification. Kevin Becker's take on it http://community.logos.com/forums/p/24312/180909.aspx#180909 , and mine as well, is when Dan throws away our snap shot, all frozen prices are lost. I hope Dan says he will add the frozen prices back in our Pre-Pub list if they haven't yet been released by July 2011, but the way I currently read Dan's offer that is a "gray area" that needs clarification. It would have an effect on how you want to handle long term Pre-Pubs.
My personal solution to this (if I'm sure I want it, would be to keep that Pre-Pub on the order list. If it languished past June, it will still be locked in for sure. If it comes due before June and I am not ready to take delivery, I can cancel it just before shipping and pick it up before July 1st. But doing it this way skews Bob's statistics again and defeats the original goals of the Pre-Pub program.
I will ask Dan Pritchett to clarify this point. I hope he comes back with your understanding and not mine & Kevin's.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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They will wipe out the snapshot items, not your ongoing prepub list.
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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fgh said:
Well, since these are pre-pubs, it goes without saying that some of them may not necessarily have shipped by the end of June.
The goal of this offer is to address the issue confronting customers with too many titles going live specifically during the month of October 2010. It is a response to a one month cash-flow crunch. It is not designed to give an unlimited free pass, to all the best prices, for all the titles, for all time. That is why the offer expires at the end of October 2010, and all orders must be completed before the end of June 2011.
I have no problem if people want to maximize this offer and add the entire Pre-Pub list to their carts, take a snapshot, have a sales-rep also take a snap-shot, and then delete the items they feel they need flexibility on paying in the near term, but again, remember that this is designed to solve an October issue, and as soon as you get away from the design it begins to become unwieldy. It was really only designed for October titles, and while it may be expanded upon, it only makes sense for titles that will ship before the end of June 2011.
We plan on throwing away all snap-shots at the end of June 2011. There will be no way to put any items back onto Pre-Pub at lower prices than they are at the time. There is no technical way for our sales reps to even make an exception or enter an order at a "lower than current" price in their Pre-Pub system.
Since the goal is to really relieve the burden of October 2010 cash flow, it behooves you to only delete locked-in prices that you know will ship before June 2011, or at least keep your eye on the titles you are interested in very closely.
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Matthew C Jones said:
when Dan throws away our snap shot, all frozen prices are lost
The question here is 'what is an order?'. Right now, if I click on an upgrade, or if I click on a pre-pub, they are both called 'orders'. Therefore it seems to me, that if I, on June 30, e-mail my sales rep to buy a book already shipped, or if I e-mail to buy a book still gathering interest or under development, those two ought also both to be called 'orders', and therefore fulfills Dan's conditions.
Furthermore, if we have to guess which books will ship in the winter or spring (and can be bought in June for the locked-in prices), and which books will ship much later (and loose the locked-in price in July), then people won't dare to delete items, and Logos will end up sending books into development that have only 80% real financial backing.
This, of course, would not mean that every locked-in item that hadn't shipped would stay locked-in. Just those you manually order again, with the same discretion you normally use when ordering pre-pubs. The rest will indeed be lost "when Dan throws away our snap shot". Or, in other words, when July comes, Logos should be able to trust that remaining pre-pubs will have the same, or lower, cancellation rates as is normally the case. If they're higher, we've misused their trust. Fair?
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:
Furthermore, if we have to guess which books will ship in the winter or spring (and can be bought in June for the locked-in prices), and which books will ship much later (and loose the locked-in price in July), then people won't dare to delete items, and Logos will end up sending books into development that have only 80% real financial backing.
When Calvin 500 Collection first hit the Pre-Pub list I entered my order for the whole thing. I then noticed the upgrade for people who already had Calvin's Commentaries. I had them so I canceled the first order and replaced it with just the upgrade. Right before shipping I discovered my PBB version of Calvin's Commentaries would not merge with my Calvin 500 upgrade. I had to return to the full package before ship date. The only problem was the Pre-Pub price had gone up in the interim. Logos Sales can not override the set price in the system. The software does not allow it. (This was told to me directly by Dan Pritchett.) Not surprisingly, I was taken care of by Logos but it had to happen outside of the system.
My point is, unless they have changed the system's capabilities in handling order entries, your hopes may not be possible. I have emailed Dan Pritchett and pointed him to your question. I'm curious as to the answer too. Here is hoping!Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Since Dan and I hit the 'Post' button within seconds of each other, and the forum software decided to change the page exactly between our two posts, you obviously missed that Dan has already answered.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Dan Pritchett said:
it behooves you to only delete locked-in prices that you know will ship before June 2011, or at least keep your eye on the titles you are interested in very closely.
Fine with me, as long as I know, but I fear you're getting yourselves into trouble. You'll either get inflated figures and send things into production that aren't ready for it, or you'll be swamped by angry phone calls in June, from people who understood your offer like I did, but never read these last posts, and therefore deleted more than they should have. Probably both.
(Also have a look at the comment I posted seconds after yours.)
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Has Logos come up with any payment plan setup for prepubs as you refer to in your note?
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Steve, we are getting closer. There is a multi-phase project rolling out right now. Phase one is already complete, and we now have excellent credit balance accounting and tracking within our internal systems. Future phases will include displaying credit balances to the user accounts at Logos.com, allowing customers to apply credit balances against all different types of orders, splitting payments between credits and credit cards, sales of gift cards/credit balances, and subscriptions to regular charges to your credit card in order to create a credit balance to be spent in the future. Think of it like a subscription to a monthly purchase of a gift card kept on account, or a "Christmas Club" or "Layaway" type system.
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Dan Pritchett said:
Steve, we are getting closer. There is a multi-phase project rolling out right now. Phase one is already complete, and we now have excellent credit balance accounting and tracking within our internal systems.
Does this mean we can call up CS and add money to our account for future purchases?
Dan Pritchett said:Future phases will include displaying credit balances to the user accounts at Logos.com, allowing customers to apply credit balances against all different types of orders, splitting payments between credits and credit cards, sales of gift cards/credit balances, and subscriptions to regular charges to your credit card in order to create a credit balance to be spent in the future. Think of it like a subscription to a monthly purchase of a gift card kept on account, or a "Christmas Club" or "Layaway" type system.
Any idea of a time-frame for these future phases?
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Right now, the best way is to buy a gift certificate for yourself on the phone and have it applied to a credit balance on your account.
I don't have a timeline for the next phases yet, but we are working on them diligently and hope to release them as soon as possible.
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It sounds good. Look forward to seeing it implemented in the near future.
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Dan Pritchett said:
I don't have a timeline for the next phases yet,
You are already too late. Dave Kaplan already got all my money for the next 30 years during the Forum Week sale! [:'(]