SBL Greek New Testament: What's Next?

Rick Brannan (Logos)
Rick Brannan (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,862
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've said in this forum and on the Logos blog that there would be "more coming" with the release of the SBL Greek New Testament (SBLGNT).

Now it's time to let you know what is coming. Unlike the SBLGNT and Apparatus, these tools and resources will only be available for Logos users. We're making them available to those of you who have already purchased certain packages or resources from us.

We're hoping these new resources will be available some time over the next few weeks. We're waiting for a service release for the Logos 4 Mac version to support the referencing systems of the LEB and the SBLGNT; once that has been released then we'll get everything together in order to roll out these new resources (and the revised LEB with its reverse interlinear) to users who qualify for them.

What are the new resources?

Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition. This is an interlinear version of the SBL Greek New Testament. It has the same type of data as the existing NA27-based Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament (lemmas, morph, transliterations, Louw-Nida references, Strongs, and two levels of English glossing), only it is an interlinear of the SBLGNT text. It also includes apparatus markers, which are linked to the SBLGNT apparatus. Thanks to Hall Harris for his work in getting out this edition of the interlinear.

Who gets it? Users who are registered as owning the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament ("LGNTI", the NA27 edition) will be automatically unlocked for the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition ("LGNTISBL") and the apparatus. If you own the LGNTI through a package (e.g. Scholar's Silver (LE) or higher) you'll also receive the LGNTISBL for free.

Cascadia Syntax Graphs of the New Testament: SBL Edition. Yes, it's true, we have even syntactically analyzed the SBL Greek New Testament. Randall Tan and Andi Wu were able to squeeze this into their already busy schedules (why not say "thanks" by pre-ordering a syntax prepub of the LXX and/or Apostolic Fathers ?). So, not only is the SBLGNT free with an apparatus. Not only does it have an interlinear. Not only does it have a full English translation (the revised LEB) with a reverse interlinear, it is also completely syntactically analyzed, viewable and searchable in Logos Bible Software.

Who gets it? Users who already have the NA27-based Cascadia materials (that is, those who have purchased or upgraded to Scholar's Silver (LE) and above) will have the SBLGNT based syntax materials unlocked on their systems.

Some follow-up: Once the LGNTISBL is released and available, you may notice that the original LGNTI will no longer be individually purchasable on the Logos web site. It will be replaced by a Lexham NT Interlinear collection, which will include the LGNTI, the LGNTISBL, and the SBLGNT Apparatus. You'll also note it will be the same price as the individual LGNTI is presently. This means the LGNTISBL will essentially be free to people who purchase the LGNTI. Isn't that cool?

And once the Cascadia Syntax Graphs of the New Testament: SBL Edition are released, we will run periodic updates for new purchasers (or upgraders) of Scholar's Silver (LE) and above to unlock LGNTISBL and the additional Cascadia materials.

(Want to look into upgrading to Scholar's Silver (LE)? Check it out here)

Have I mentioned we're excited about the SBL Greek New Testament? We are. And we hope that you are too, and that you're able to use these new tools in your study of God's Word.

Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print

