Changes for searching in 4.2a Beta 2

Bradley Grainger (Logos)
Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,059

 4.2a introduces a new index file format that is designed to speed up certain “AND” and phrase searches.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Beta 1 can create the new index, but there is no speed improvement when searching it. This is likely to be due to a bug in Beta 1 that we will fix in Beta 2.

Until further notice, the information below does NOT apply to 4.2a Beta 1.

All new indexes will be built in this format by default, but installing Beta 1 will not automatically reindex your entire library. To test the new index format, run “rebuild indexes” (and wait a few hours/overnight depending on the size of your library).

What’s changed?

  • Searches that require both a frequently-occurring word and an infrequently-occurring word will execute more quickly (e.g.,
  • Searches in a single book are faster (e.g., search result hits should appear very quickly when opening a result from the Search panel; this will also improve visual filters).

 What hasn’t changed?

  • Searches for a single word (e.g., “the” or “God”) across the entire library
  • Searches for “*”
  • Searches that use OR or the comma operator

What’s still coming (possibly in the 4.2a beta cycle, possibly later)? 

  • There’s an inefficiency in phrase searches that makes them run slower than we would like.
  • We may be able to make improvements to both indexing and index merging times.
  • Expanding/collapsing the “By Book” search results hasn’t been updated to use the new search engine yet.



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