Choose Prefered Bible on home page
This is minor I know and also I know that Bob said, eventually this would be pushed off the right hand side as new items were added; But the presence of the choose preferred bible item does not make sense in light of the idea that things that are not important should fade out. If this is true, then once you have set your prefered bible, this should disapear off the screen and be set through the customize button.
To me, every time I look at the hope page and see the set preferred bible it says "inconsistent" to me.
Clinton Thomas said:
To me, every time I look at the hope page and see the set preferred bible it says "inconsistent" to me.
Agreed would like to see this completely gone along with other options on the ribbon I might not want at some point in time.
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The concern was that if we hid the box once users chose a preferred Bible, there'd be no obvious place to get back to this important setting. It is itself just a "shortcut" for prioritizing a Bible, which is in an even more obscure interface.
Our hope is that by putting it at the right end of the home page features we get it out of the way but keep it "discoverable" in a logical place. We could put it in the Customize popup, but that wouldn't be as obvious.
How many features boxes show on your home page?
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whilst I understand your reasoning Bob, my logic says this should be in program settings.. but I can live with it as I close the home page quickly
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Bob Pritchett said:
The concern was that if we hid the box once users chose a preferred Bible, there'd be no obvious place to get back to this important setting. It is itself just a "shortcut" for prioritizing a Bible, which is in an even more obscure interface.
Our hope is that by putting it at the right end of the home page features we get it out of the way but keep it "discoverable" in a logical place. We could put it in the Customize popup, but that wouldn't be as obvious.
How many features boxes show on your home page?
Isn't resource prioritization suppossed to the handle this... In L3 we could hide it and control it through keylink settings L4 shoud be no different ... we should be able to hide it .. and control through resource prioritisation or is Logos saying that resource prioritisation is difficult to use to set ones prefered bible....leaving the trainning wheels on your bike doesn't look cool, it doesn't look to good in this case either.
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AndrewMckenzie said:
leaving the trainning wheels on your bike doesn't look cool,
Perfect analogy.
It would be like having a big bar at the top of Firefox/IE/Chrome/Opera every time you started it wanting to know if your preferred search engine is Google or would you like to change it... enough is enough....
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With Andrew, Dominic and the others I agree this is a mistake.
I remember you saying you didn't want any modal dialogs, but you should clearly make an exception here.
First run:
- Choose a preferred bible
- Choose a preferred lectionary (a) this one (b) that one (c) none. If I choose none, I don't have to look at it. It's not even the smallest part of my tradition, why do I have to look at it, or even hide it down the ribbon?
- run intro video
- link to help video's for other issues like prioritization of resources.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Bob Pritchett said:
How many features boxes show on your home page?
One too many
How about an option "Don't show this thing check box."
Like I said, its a minor point.
Thanks for the reply
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Thomas Black said:
I remember you saying you didn't want any modal dialogs, but you should clearly make an exception here.
First run:
- Choose a preferred bible
- Choose a preferred lectionary (a) this one (b) that one (c) none. If I choose none, I don't have to look at it. It's not even the smallest part of my tradition, why do I have to look at it, or even hide it down the ribbon?
- run intro video
- link to help video's for other issues like prioritization of resources.
Surely the most sensible option. If it works for idiot-proofed browsers, it can work for Logos....
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Damian McGrath said:
If it works for idiot-proofed browsers, it can work for Logos....
of course Damian, we've all heard the one about the universe creating bigger idiots.
I think I'm one of 'em.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Thomas Black said:
of course Damian, we've all heard the one about the universe creating bigger idiots.
I think I'm one of 'em.
I'm not going there.....
Any updates on the Handouts???
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No, but thanks for asking. I believe they can be fixed by reversing the defaults to never check anything automatically and to never force fill a page. Two such small requests. :-) (I feel like a thread hijacker.)Damian McGrath said:Any updates on the Handouts???
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.