Ever seen this message ont he task bar?

Up to 8702%...
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10103% ! Wow something big coming!
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I've seen others report it. There's a bug that's making it download updates over and over. Cancel the download and restart Logos.
Prov. 15:23
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Yes stuff like that has been seen. Please zip up your logs and post them here for the developers.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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OK I canceled it, and then the Indexer crashed. Here are the three logs. Let me know what you see!
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I just had the same thing this afternoon. Here are my logs.
As near as I can recall here was the sequence. DT=desk top computer; LT=laptop computer.
- Saw down load available on desktop (DT). Scheduled for 10 pm
- Started Logos on laptop for some other purpose.
- Download started on the (LT) as it should have since I have not set time restraints on its downloading.
- Back on the DT I did an "Update Now" to get the download early.
- Left my office for over an hour.
- Got back and noticed that the DT had downloaded 114,174% of 5.1 MB! I am glad I did not leave it overnight!
- On the DT clicked the icon and canceled the download.
- Restarted the DT
- Pulled the logs posted above.
- Restarted Logos on the DT
- God the icon on the DT saying Logos was indexing
- A couple minutes later the icon on the DT changed to say " downloading will start at 10:00 PM"
- Checked the Logos Library on the DT and the expected books had download. (Bible Characters vols. 1-6)
- Was able to search in those books on on the DT. So everything looks fine.
- Checked the DT books are there and I can search them.
- Did and "update now" on the LT and was told there were none.
- Started round of solitaire on DT to wait 5 minutes for download to start.
- At 10:00 PM got a message on the DT about downloading 10.5 MB.
- Was almost immediately asked to restart Logos on the DT. Clicked the icon to do the restart.
- Got preparing you library messages on DT.
- Home screen comes up on the DT and icon switched to saying Logos is indexing.
- Check CPU usage on DT. Both processors near 100%. Clock says 10:06 PM
- Lost the round of solitaire.
- Indexing finished on DT at 10:18.
- Logos Home screen on DT says: Resources Updated on Monday, February 28, 2011;The following resources were updated:and lists Bible Characters Vols 2, 3, and 4. That seems odd.
- Checked library and all 6 vols of Bible characters are listed as updated today. Plus three other titles. (Memoirs of McChayne, Raamattu, and Statenvertaling).
- Awoke the LT and check it's Library it says all nine title were updated today. ( it was in sleep mode)
- LT Home page shows no new resources.
- Restarted Logos on the LT
- Homepage on LT still does not show any new resources.(It seems odd that the DT did.)
- Homepage on LT has picture of an Arctic fox. I may serve in Alaska, but seeing an arctic fox on a Bible software homepage was a little strange.
- Shut down the LT, Will let the DT go to sleep, and I will do the same.
I know this to too much information, But who knows maybe he solitaire game was the key.
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Frank Fenby said:
I know this to too much information, But who knows maybe he solitaire game was the key.
Not likely. I wasn't playing solitaire, and I got this bug, too. It's interesting that it seems to happen in waves, just on certain days or for certain updates, and to lots of people on those days. But then we can go a couple of weeks without hearing about it again.
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After I posted my logs last night, I restarted Logos (this was on my desktop) and went to bed. I checked it long enough to see it came up ok, and indexing started, as I did get a prepub yesterday. Just got up this morning, checked the computer, and it's downloading again - it's right now at 9568% of 66.7 MB. I'll cancel the download again.
Any advice how to stop this?
BTW I am on RC-1 of 4.2a.
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Just stopped the download, and the indexer crashed again. From what I can tell from the folders, any indexing finished about 8 hours ago (this is a fast machine too, it can do a full reindex in 3 hours or less).
BTW I forgot to mention, referencing Frank's post. I was out all day, and didn't even bring Logos up before this all started, nor did I use my computer for anything else. No solitaire for me [:)]
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One last piece of data - it appears it downloaded 3 PrePubs after I went to bed. It must have downloaded them and kept on going like the Energizer bunny? It's indexing now, which caused me to check my library count plus my latest downloads (I can do rating:=0 and see anything new downloaded quickly). They appear ok but I haven't done much with them yet.
So it may not happen again until I get another download? I hope someone can figure this one out...thanks!
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Dominick Sela said:
So it may not happen again until I get another download? I hope someone can figure this one out...thanks!
In order to continue trying to duplicate this bug, buy more books. Logos won't complain [:D].
Prov. 15:23
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Yea, it's a plot....I may get a prepub today though.
Note it did not happen on my laptop, so it's not account-based.
I am hoping Dave Hooton can give it the old "Delete this folder..." and resolve this for me!
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It was downloading the Qumran database off prepub right now, and the same thing happened - it just downloads forever, then the Indexer crashed. Melissa or Bradley is this a known big, does anyone have any ideas on this?
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This is a bug we're looking into. (Unfortunately, we haven't been able to reproduce it here yet, either inside or outside the Logos network.)
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This bug should be fixed in 4.2a SR-2.
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Thanks Bradley, nice job finding it!
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Thanks! It's been happening to me a lot lately, so I'm looking forward to it being fixed.
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We're pretty sure (that's a technical term) that SR-2 resolves the issue, but we still don't have a comprehensive repro in-house that generates the exact same logs we were receiving from you (using pre-SR-2 code). So please let us know if you see any problems with your next download; this is still an open issue for us and confirmation that it is/isn't fixed will be very helpful. (We shipped SR-2 because we know it will fix a downloading problem on Mac, and are pretty sure that it's the right fix for Windows. It's possible it might not fix the problem, but it won't make anything worse.)
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I am pretty sure I received the 11 volume Genesis prepub yesterday after the upgrade to SR-2 and it didn't do it, but I can't exactly remember as they were around the same time. It looks like I may get a prepub next week so I'll post if any problems. Thanks again Bradley and to the dev staff!