BUG: Editing highlighting style - text color not "remembered" (still)

This is another long-standing bug that I've run into again this morning. Create a new highlighting style (Tools -> Highlighting, right-click -> Create a new style, then expand Font Styling, change font color and Save. Then edit the newly created style and notice that the font color-well is black. This is probably as simple to fix as Ctrl-dragging from the color-well to an outlet in Interface Builder (or establishing a missing binding) and should not take months to fix...
Updated wiki page Mac and PC User Interface Differences => Feature Parity section now includes: "PC Highlighting can create style then choose color that does not work on Mac plus editing new Mac style shows color missing"
Not know when to anticipate a fix. Thankful for Bob Pritchett's reply => What Logos development is doing that includes:
Bob Pritchett said:Windows has more users than Mac, but Mac is behind and needs improvement, and it is gaining market share on the way to 50%. We consider it equally important to Windows, and already are at the point where some new work is Mac first, then ported to Windows.
Bob Pritchett said:P.S. Know a great software developer? Send them our way!
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks Keep Smiling :-)
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Wonder about style color using Logos 4.5 Beta 1 ?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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The text color is now persisted in 4.5 Beta 1; however, there is still a known issue in that the Font Styling color picker button doesn't function in the Mac version until the new style is saved.