verse export to Word

How does one export verses to Word in Logos 4? I am used to having my black bible icon in my tray which allows me to insert verses into Office applications or the clipboard without having to enter Logos. I'm probably missing this somewhere, but this is one of the most used functions for me. Help anyone!
Copy Bible Verses has moved from the Windows Taskbar to the Tools menu. So, select Tools, and then Copy Bible Verses...
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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I am also looking for some shortcut to paste my bible verses directly into my sermon. If i have to open L4, click Tools, click Copy Bible Verses, then go back into Word takes much more time than in L3. Is there some way to have this option added? Perhaps as a shortcut in Word?
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Dan you just hit the question many of the Beta Test team are waiting for Team Logos to decide. It does add a lot of wasted clicking between programs and menus. It will work, but going from the ease of use that V3 had with Smart Tags it is a big waste of time...
Smart Tags are one of two features that I am going to continue pressing for in V4... I suggest everyone that uses Smart Tags as the easiest most proficient way of copying verses inside Microsoft Word, let Team Logos know... It may help persuade them to address the situation...
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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I would venture to say that this is one of the most common tasks used by people with Bible software. It's a no-brainer. Having to open up the window, select Tools, select export verse is very inefficient and going to take way too much time. Guess I'll be using L3 when doing papers and sermons until this is addressed. Please let me know how I can encourage Logos to fix this!
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I am completely "underwhelmed" that Logos would do an upgrade that requires so many steps to simply copy a Bible verse. This absolutely must be corrected. I also cannot find a print function in this program. How does one print a page out of a book without copy and paste?
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I hear you and sympathize with you.
something that may ease your pain is to put a short cut on the short cut tool bar so now it's at least only one click...
open a copy bible verses window...hold the tab and drag to the short cut tool bar.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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I would 'third' this sentiment!! I love what I have seen in v. 4 so far, but would it not be bizarre and counter-intuitive to "break" a feature that everyone loved and used in the old version?? Make copying/exporting to Word (or any word processor) dead simple, Guys!!
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I just posted on my blog about this -
showing how and why I switch to Bibleworks to do most of this basic copy and paste. Wish I could just stay in L4 and do it.
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I appreciate your tip on the shortcut menu. This is nice but still requires you leaving Word. Surely, with a bunch of experts who work for Logos, this would not be such a hard problem.
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I am a huge V4 fan, but I have to admit this area needs some work.
Robert's suggestion is a great one. I also keep a window open with some
utilities on different tabs. One of them is copy Bible verses. Once I
got used to it, I liked it.I am having some issues with the copy not bringing over spaces, but otherwise I am dealing well with the change.
iMac (2019 model), 3Ghz 6 Core Intel i5, 16gb Ram, Radeon Pro Graphics. 500GB SSD.
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Smart Tags, Smart Tags, Smart Tags... I know it is frustrating, but just let Team Logos know that the Smart Tags feature is a top priority for you. I can tell you that throughout the Beta process they took into consideration the input of the consumer.
So if they continue to hear that we all miss this feature, I'm sure that it will be given higher priority... We are very important to Team Logos...
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Timothy Lovegrove said:
Wish I could just stay in L4 and do it.
I think you can do this faster in Logos 4 if you have Copy Bible Verse open and have set the preferences you want.
First step: right click and search lemma is the same.
Step 2: Left click on the passage you want to copy.
Step 3: If you have done your settings in CBV just press Alt+P and you have your passage in your document.
If you want more than one verse you have to select them before press Alt+P. If you want text from an other version you can select it in CBV window before copy and paste.
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I don't understand - if I do a lemma search on hamartano, I get results in 37 NT verses: how do I select that entire list to get it into the copy verses dialogue? It seems like I can only get one verse at a time into it.
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Timothy Lovegrove said:
I don't understand - if I do a lemma search on hamartano, I get results in 37 NT verses: how do I select that entire list to get it into the copy verses dialogue? It seems like I can only get one verse at a time into it.
Sorry. I misunderstood you. I don't realize you want to copy all verses from your search to your document.
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Timothy Lovegrove said:
how do I select that entire list to get it into the copy verses dialogue? It seems like I can only get one verse at a time into it.
Can't be done in L4. At least not yet. We'll see if the CBV tool regains this functionality in the future. On the up side verse lists should be back sometime after January 2010.
This could be one of those reasons to keep L3 around for a while.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Here was my solution for the missing taskbar copy bible icon.
Open "Copy Bible" Verse in Logos
Right click the tab and select "Open in Floating Window"
Resize to your desire and minimize
I am running Windows 7 and this works well as it puts the minimized window with the Logos window button. You can hover over the icon and click your copy verse window to open it no mater where or what you are working on. This is I think just as fast if not faster than the old taskbar button with this exception, you have to manually open and then minimize the copy verse window when you start Logos, but I don't think that is too big a deal.
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Very good. I can live with this. Thanks.
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I worked with this yesterday and came up with the following: 1) You cannot copy multiple Bible verses into Word as you could in L3. 2) In L3, after using the CBV for the first time, the "verse box" stayed highlighted so you could easily type in the next reference. In L4, you have to click the "verse box" each time. Small detail but could be improved.
See for examples.0 -
I'm really sorry we missed how so many of you use this.
Microsoft's been trying to keep apps from cluttering the system tray area with lots of tiny icons. (Windows 7 tries to hide as many as possible.) We thought we were doing the right thing by getting ours out of there. But clearly many of you used this a lot. We'll look into bringing it back. (Or would a user-choosable, system-wide shortcut key be even better? Then you could, say, Ctrl+Alt+C and then type a reference?
And the multiple verses support? You want to be able to type "John 3:16; Eph 2:8-9" and have all three verses copied at once?
SmartTags got "forgotten" because Microsoft seemed to move away from them. We haven't looked at the implementation forever. Are you using them in older versions of Word, or are they still working well in the latest, etc.?
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Bob Pritchett said:
That would be nice so some things, but what I really want is verse list support (and I know that it's planned) with the ability to export (or print) the verse list in a defined CBV style.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Bob Pritchett said:
I guess that would be nice, but what I really need is to be able to copy the text of all of the verses in a list of results from a "Bible" search like this:
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Bob Pritchett said:
Then you could, say, Ctrl+Alt+C and then type a reference?
I like the system tray, but I would prefer the shortcut IMHO.
Bob Pritchett said:Its a must. I use this all the time when preparing call to worships.
Bob Pritchett said:SmartTags got "forgotten" because Microsoft seemed to move away from them. We haven't looked at the implementation forever. Are you using them in older versions of Word, or are they still working well in the latest, etc.?
Works like a charm in Office 2007. I introduced it about 2 months ago to a friend who has been using Logos 2 lightly for 1.5 years. He fell in love with them and uses them all the time in his sermon prep. I use them alot also.
As far as not looking at the implementation isn't that a good thing. You had a product that was making lots of people happy without you knowing it and you had to devote very little resources for it in a long time. Sounds like a good investment to me :-) Every time I introduced someone new to them it was like they had found a treasure!
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I'd also prefer the universal shortcut to an icon.
As far as Smarttags are concerned, I love them. They work great in 2007 although I have no way to test them in the upcoming 2010 version. If possible, I'd love to get these back.
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Add me to the list. I have grown to depend on their use. I always thought L4 would get there and did not press the issue because I have missed so many of the previous posts.
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I think the most helpful update re: copy to a document would be to offer three options
1. task bar as in logos 3
2. smart tags
3. Cntl alt function to input multiple verses.
Then make all three options selectable in the system preferences
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<We'll look into bringing it back.>
WONDERFUL! [Y] Just hearing you say that makes my entire week.
I use that little Bible icon every single day, often dozens of times--it saves me a lot of hassle. (The dictionary icon, though, I use hardly ever.)
As for a system-wide shortcut key; it might be handy too, but not at the expense of my favorite black-book icon!
Thank you for listening to us, Bob.
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My thinking on copy and past is a little different.
Currently copy and past is either nonexistent - or where it is implemented it's behavior varies from tool to tool.
The type of copy and past behavior I like the best is how it is done in the information tool.
In the picture above I am able to ctrl + click as many articles or verses as I want and then copy them in one click.
The only thing I would add to this is a copy and paste button on the right like there is in the "copy bible verse tool" (see below)
It would be essential (I think) for this Idea to work for the "copy bible verse tool" (pictured above) to have the settings set by a drop down menu from the copy and paste icon.
So now all of your tools would have the same copy and paste behavior. For example if you did a lemma search for the word δίδωμι you would get the following:
You could now ctrl + select as many verses (or all the verses) click on "copy and paste" (with it set to go directly to your word processor of choice) and you are done.
Better yet, you do not have to have the copy bible verse tool open at all to copy and paste directly into Word, OpenOffice, etc.
So to sum up:
1. Have consistent copy and paste behavior in all tools.
2. Have "copy" and "copy and paste" and for some tools "select all" icons integrated into the tools.
3. Have the "copy and paste" icon have a drop down menu so you can select the formating and where it is to be pasted to in all tools.
4. The selecting of verses in search results would be treated like they are in the current information tool (see markup above)
5. When setting up formating for the "copy and past" behavior there should be a setting to retain the highlighting. This would make life a lot easier.
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I use mutiiple verse support all the time and it works wonderfully in Windows 7 using Word 2007. It saves a lot of time. I have probably copied over ten verses at the same time into Word. A wonderful tool. Thanks for listeninging to us and being willing to tweak L4.
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I would like to see something like InstaVerse. Where I am in word I type my verse selection and then press a hot key and it replaces my selection with my selected verse style and version. Please consider this approach.
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Very similar to the Smart Tags we are calling for... BTW Bob, I know Smart Tags work perfectly in Office 2003 and 2007... Please oh please bring them back or something like JF refers to which would be a shortcut Smart Tags that would allow whatever CBV you have selected to automatically replace your scripture reference in MS Word... This is essential to many Logos Users and I'm sure the more that knew about it and tried it would jump on our bandwagon!!!
JF said:I would like to see something like InstaVerse. Where I am in word I type my verse selection and then press a hot key and it replaces my selection with my selected verse style and version. Please consider this approach.
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14