Commentary Example for PB

Added this post for linking in the wiki Personal Books
The docx file example: 2335.Commentary Only.docx
Thanks Steve. Very helpful.
Was there some technical reason you didn't put the milestones at the beginning of the line?
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Todd Phillips said:
Was there some technical reason you didn't put the milestones at the beginning of the line?
Yes, they did not show up as i scrolled thru the compiled book. i read a post by Melissa somewhere that adding the milestone after the verse helps L4 recognize the verse number in the Reference box.
EDIT: i may be wrong on quoting Melissa. i've heard that the memory is the first thing to go, can't remember the second [:)]
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Here is another example file in which i refer back to see how to add formatting for PB. It has notes on verses, data linking, hyperlinking, & milestones.
i compile it as a PB when i am trying to figure out how to get various tagging to work and make notes about the results.
EDIT: updated above file to show a couple of examples of Field tagging.
EDIT2: added note in docx fields to look in book's info
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Thank you Steve. It is great help. You might consider putting there a syntax for tagging the fields like Bible text etc. {{field-on:Bible}} ... text of the Bible... {{field-off:Bible}}.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
You might consider putting there a syntax for tagging the fields like Bible text etc. {{field-on:Bible}} ... text of the Bible... {{field-off:Bible}}.
Thanks Bohuslav! I will try to add it and update the above file before my edit time elapses.
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Update to above examples docx.
EDIT: when you build this PB open the Table of Contents for the book to quickly jump to the different items.
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RE:your internal word hyperlink to Jesus, forget it!!
If you are using headwords, adding a headword link [[Jesus >> Headword:Jesus Christ]] does same thing except your links wont be broke when/if you ever need to clean up your source code, also you dont need to go searching for where to attatch the hyperlink to if its a large document (trust me its painful), if you have a lot of links is much faster to tag, been playing with a large bible dictionary at the weekend
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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steve clark said:
Added this post for linking in the wiki Personal Books
The docx file example: 2335.Commentary Only.docx
Thanks for that. Although it is more work, you could also manually add the Bible datatype markers throughout so that the references to "v. 6" etc. show the verse pop ups for those verses.
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DominicM said:
If you are using headwords, adding a headword link [[Jesus >> Headword:Jesus Christ]] does same thing except your links wont be broke when/if you ever need to clean up your source code, also you dont need to go searching for where to attatch the hyperlink to if its a large document (trust me its painful), if you have a lot of links is much faster to tag, been playing with a large bible dictionary at the weekend
Thanks Dominic! Your method worked. It will be useful in many places.
DominicM said:RE:your internal word hyperlink to Jesus, forget it!!
There will be places where Headword will not be appropriate. So i am still looking forward to the fix that Melissa said was coming out in the next beta.
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Hi Bill,
Bill Anderson said:Thanks for that. Although it is more work, you could also manually add the Bible datatype markers throughout so that the references to "v. 6" etc. show the verse pop ups for those verses.
i had started adding tagging for partial verses, but ending up waiting too long to be able to edit the post. Your point is well taken! Thanks
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Hi Steve, or anyone else may chime in if you so choose:
I'm sure I am overlooking something, but how does one make a PB searchable. I have created PB's from your examples Steve. They show up great, the formatting is good, the verses pop up when moused over, but I cannot get any of them to respond to simple Basic searches.
I have put them in a collection and searched the collection.
I have opened them and searched All Open Resources.
Nada, nothing, no hits.
TIA for any of your help.
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James, is indexing going on? Did you have an indexer crash? My PBs are searchable without doing anything extra.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thanks Mark, senility is here [:$] . Forgot about the need to close and re-open Logos. It is now Indexing. Will post back when it is finished and I try the searches again.
My, my, some people are dangerous with new toys.
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Well, I'm wiping egg off my face just now. They search really well, just remember James, to let them Index.
Great tool and I'm grateful for it.
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Hi James. Did you get your PB to appear in the passage guide? I created a commentary on Acts 4. It searched well but when I do a passage guide study, the commentary did not appear.
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Found the answer, James. It was a simple thing. Instead of setting the type as "Commentary", I set it to type "Bible Commentary". It worked. Here's the link to the page where I read the solution, just in case someone else has the same issue.
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Does anyone know what the appropriate tagging format is for tagging a topic so that it opens your preferred Bible dictionary at the topic (which would be a headword in the dictionary)? I've tried:
[[King David|topic.David]]
[[King David >> Headword:David]]
The former follows the old PBB format and doesn't get recognized, the latter appears to link to a presumed headword in the resource containing the link.
Haven't seen any definitive information on how to specify a link to a generic topic without also having to specify a particular resource (e.g., logosres:ungersbd:hw=David).
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i don't know of any way to generically specify a dictionary item. But with Logos4 if you right click on David (just a word not a link) and select Selection on the right side of the pop-up menu, then scroll down on the left side of the pop-up menu a user will see the top 5 dictionaries which have an entry for David.
i don't recall seeing links like you speak of inside of any of my Logos4 resources. Perhaps this right-click method is the designed way Logos4 performs the function that you are looking for.
EDIT: also double-clicking on a word Logos4 will open the user's preferred dictionary.
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Steve, I guess the problem here is, no one has ever said that a Personal Book behaves just like any other book in Logos in the following respect. If you double click an ordinary word, an English dictionary opens, if you double click a Biblical term, a Bible dictionary opens. If you right click a Biblical term you can choose to open several different Bible Dictionaries. This information isn't necessarily obvious. We are all learning.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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Jerry M said:
If you double click an ordinary word, an English dictionary opens, if you double click a Biblical term, a Bible dictionary opens.
i think that is because you have an English dictionary prioritized above your Bible dictionaries. It mostly depends on which dictionary in your priority list in which L4 finds your word first. In my trial PB, double-clicking on David pops-up Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Themes which i set at the highest priority per MP blog a week or so ago.
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The only reason I was wondering how to accomplish 'topic tagging' was because I have an existing python-based tool which did this for the original PBB and I was looking into what it would take to adapt it for use with the new PB tool. Turns out the way it tags now works fine for Bible addresses (references) but the topical tagging which was part of the old PBB no longer works. So I just assumed there was a new PB tool equivalent. Maybe that assumption is wrong in which case I don't need to concern myself with supporting it.
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Great news