IPad Logos - library/books filtering
is there any plan to add filtering and grouping to iPad logos' library view?
for example, some books are in series and the alphabetical ordering is not very helpful.
also, with the latest free series from Logos, Perseus Collection, it flood my iPad
online library view with unorderly list of books that I have to filter through...
(I only want that collection on my PC)...
also...how about a view to see all downloaded books.
...and also a view to see what undownloaded books are there.
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is there any plan to add filtering and grouping to iPad logos' library view?
Wonder about trying series:name in iPad library ? (replace name with desired series: e.g. Rhetorical)
The iPad library can be filtered like Logos 4 library (e.g. title:, ...)
Apologies: not know how to keep Perseus out of library when online (offline only shows resources downloaded for offline use: airplane mode).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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(I only want that collection on my PC)
The mobile app is designed to utilize most resources from "the cloud." The resources, unless downloaded, are not actually "on" the mobile app. Since the library shows you all of the resources you have a license to, it is not possible to eliminate them from the mobile library without eliminating your license. Many of us are hoping for a reworking of the library on both the mobile and desktop apps. The ability to organize / filter books more easily would be a big help. Even with a revision, however, the Perseus collection would still be in the mobile library as I suggested above... it would just be easier to filter out.
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Thanks for the tip. (about trying series:name)
The only catch is... you need to know the series' name. ^_^
besides that... there's still the issue of "looking for new mobile licenses for download" among the MANY MANY unwanted ones (ex, my case with the
Perseus collection and the books' namings are all over the place) .
I saw on another post that there is the ability to hide resources on the computer/PC side, which would get mirrored on the mobile.
Now, assuming that works, can the PC Logos still do searches against those hidden resources? (i'm assuming hidden resources are not searched
against right?)
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Albert - I personally HATE the term "hidden" resources. The correct term should be "archived" resources. Currently when you "hide" resources, you don't really "hide" them, you archive the license and remove it from all installations. I would like to see Logos change the nomenclature to what I suggest and ADD a new "hidden" resources feature which would "hide" books in the library and in searches. In a way, what I am wanting is kind of like a reverse prioritization. The resources would still show up, but in a separate section or further down the list. I would also like a reworking of the library to be more like iTunes. I would like to be able to sort my library by multiple criterion (i.e. subject, author, tags, genre, etc.). When I am using iTunes, I may know that I want to listen to a rock, country or jazz album, but may not know which one. I filter by genre. After I do this, I may pick an artist (George Strait) and then browse through the albums. I would like to do the same with the Logos library.
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Is there know syntax to combine filters?
Is there syntax to negate a filter? For example, "type:bible", returns bible text resources; if a method exists to negate the filter, then the filter would return everything except bible text resources.
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Tried before, doesn't work.
Tried know symbols for negation, such as "!", no work either.
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I figured out some filter syntax:
After a filter field, more than one value can be entered if each is separated by a comma. For example, "publisher:Kregel,Broadman" returns publications by both Kregel and Broadman Holman
Also, expressions can be combined witha double ampersand "&&". For example "publisher:Kregel,Broadman && type:Monograph" returns the same results as the previous expression but only where the type is Monograph.
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I figured out some filter syntax:
After a filter field, more than one value can be entered if each is separated by a comma. For example, "publisher:Kregel,Broadman" returns publications by both Kregel and Broadman Holman
Also, expressions can be combined witha double ampersand "&&". For example "publisher:Kregel,Broadman && type:Monograph" returns the same results as the previous expression but only where the type is Monograph.
Another example, extremely useful (both for desktop and iOS):
"type:commentary && title:romans" returns all of the commentaries on the book of Romans.
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I figured out some filter syntax:
After a filter field, more than one value can be entered if each is separated by a comma. For example, "publisher:Kregel,Broadman" returns publications by both Kregel and Broadman Holman
Also, expressions can be combined witha double ampersand "&&". For example "publisher:Kregel,Broadman && type:Monograph" returns the same results as the previous expression but only where the type is Monograph.
Another example, extremely useful (both for desktop and iOS):
"type:commentary && title:romans" returns all of the commentaries on the book of Romans.
I'm on a roll.
Negation is accomplished by placing a minus sign "-" before the field name.
"type:commentary && title:romans && -author:mcgee" returns all of the commentaries on the book of Romans except any by J. Vernoin McGee.
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I figured out some filter syntax:
After a filter field, more than one value can be entered if each is separated by a comma. For example, "publisher:Kregel,Broadman" returns publications by both Kregel and Broadman Holman
Also, expressions can be combined witha double ampersand "&&". For example "publisher:Kregel,Broadman && type:Monograph" returns the same results as the previous expression but only where the type is Monograph.
Another example, extremely useful (both for desktop and iOS):
"type:commentary && title:romans" returns all of the commentaries on the book of Romans.
I'm on a roll.
Negation is accomplished by placing a minus sign "-" before the field name.
"type:commentary && title:romans && -author:mcgee" returns all of the commentaries on the book of Romans except any by J. Vernoin McGee.
One more note.
To combine negated expressions, place teh negation symbol "-" before a parenthesis-enclose positive expression.
For example, "Publisher:Perseus && -(type:Monograph,Commentary)" will return items that are part of the Persus collection and are NOT of either type Monograph or Commentary.
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For example, "Publisher:Perseus && -(type:Monograph,Commentary)" will return items that are part of the Persus collection and are NOT of either type Monograph or Commentary.
For quicker typing (using abbreviations):
perse -type:(mo,com)
finds 9 Perseus resources that are not Monograph and not Commentary (2 Dictionaries, 1 Lexicon, and 6 Grammar's).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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This information is very helpful - thanks!
Now that there are so many books (with the addition of Perseus) what would be most helpful in the Library view is:
- The ability to jump to anywhere in the alphabetic list of books. Many applications (e.g, contacts) accomplish this by placing an A-Z vertical position bar along the right edge which you can touch to get to the approximate letter of interest.
- Setting up books so that collections or related works are grouped hierarchically and can be explored by author, title, etc (the more important field values). This would instantly collapse hundreds of books (e.g., Perseus, theological journals) into a single entry for each group that one could scroll by or descend into (to see the individual members of the group).
What makes something like this critical is how often Logos crashes on the iPad when scrolling laboriously through tons of books. Then it starts over again at "A" and you have to go through all the pain once again. Also, it can be awfully easy to accidentally select the book when scrolling and sometimes this results in returning to the library having reverted back to the top.
It would also be really nice if Logos remembered which books you have downloaded on each device. When I did the last IOS upgrade, it completely lost all my downloaded books. Because on-line access is pretty seamless, I had no idea it had happened until I was leading a Bible study last night and tried to page to a different location only to find I could not (no network access). That's when I found out all my local books were gone and I had to go through the entire painful process of scrolling through hundreds and hundreds of books individually selecting them again. (I'm still not done because Logos has crashed or restarted several times... I've only made it down to "L" and I'm back at the top yet again. Sigh...)
Great problem to have though :-) Tons of great books available in the palm of one's hand.
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When I did the last IOS upgrade, it completely lost all my downloaded books.
Learned from Logos developer about Apple unannounced loss for previously downloaded resources => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/39458/295208.aspx#295208
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Do you know of any documentation that describes search and the different search types? You have listed "Publisher," "Type" (and I discovered that "Language" also works). I would like to filter off the entire Perseus collection but -perse or -Publisher:Perseus (alone) or any variants of that do not work. I tried All && -Publisher:Perse and got only seven resources (I'm sure there are more than that).
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Do you know of any documentation that describes search and the different search types? You have listed "Publisher," "Type" (and I discovered that "Language" also works). I would like to filter off the entire Perseus collection but -perse or -Publisher:Perseus (alone) or any variants of that do not work. I tried All && -Publisher:Perse and got only seven resources (I'm sure there are more than that).
I wanted to download all of my English Bible first so I typed type:bible language:english it worked really well. So the search filters will help in narrowing resources.
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Hi Peter - and welcome to the forums
Do you know of any documentation that describes search and the different search types?
Have a look at the information at http://wiki.logos.com/Library__#Using_the_Find_box_to_filter_your_resource_list_in_the_Library_window and see if that helps
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Hi Philana and Graham,
Yes, thanks...that's what I was looking for. Now, any idea if there is a wildcard for "all" (ie. return everything except)? I would like to display all resources except the Perseus collection. I did a lang:english && -publisher:pers which returned 45 items (one of which was "The New Testament in the Original Greek"...not sure how that slipped through), but this way I don't see the rest of the Greek and Hebrew resources.
It also occurs to me that I may need to save a bunch of search strings in the Notes app so that I don't have to retype these every time
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This has also helped (knowing what types are available:
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I would like to display all resources except the Perseus collection
Try edition:(logos,ebook) && -perseus
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power" Wiki Table of Contents
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Thanks Jerry...yes, that seems to do it (I have about the same number of resources as before the Perseus tidal wave
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and...this also works on biblia.com which also suffered from a way-too-large resource listing.
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However, it does not work with Vyrso...because, whereas editiion:(logos,ebook) && -perseus returns 76 items in both Logos and Biblia.com, the same search in Vyrso returns 1.
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Hmmm...yeah, must have. However, upon careful entry I still only get 5 items, rather than the 76 I get in Biblia.com. In fact, if I search for a specific title, like "The Imitation of Christ," I get the resource in Biblia.com and in Logos, but not in Vyrso.
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Peter - A question & a suggestion:
- Have you tried to "copy and paste" the syntax from one app to the other?
- Are you sure you have used the same account information for both programs?
My results came back identical for both apps using the above syntax. Because I am lazy, I copied and pasted. [:)]
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My experience has been that a negative cannot be the first criteria.
So this filter will not exclude Persus books form teh library list:
But this will :
edition:Logos && -publisher:Perseus