IPad Logos - library/books filtering
> Have you tried to "copy and paste" the syntax from one app to the other?
I am comparing Biblia.com on my computer and Vyrso on my iPhone and so no copy and paste
>Are you sure you have used the same account information for both programs?
Yes, I only have my one account
> With the library search field blank in both apps, how many resources are listed?
There's the difference: Biblia.com lists 1194, but Vyrso lists only 1123. (I just checked again and both are signed into the same account.)
And to complicate things even more, my Logos app lists 1187 items (but only 1121 according to my download history).
Hi Randal,
> My experience has been that a negative cannot be the first criteria.
Yes, I have discovered that as well...
> But this will :
edition:Logos && -publisher:Perseus
Thanks, that is even easier to type. If I type the above in Logos, I get 69 items; in Biblia.com, I get 76 items, and in Vyrso I get 5.
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Peter Pankonin said:
Biblia.com lists 1194, but Vyrso lists only 1123. ... my Logos app lists 1187
Biblia.com, Logos for mobile and Vyrso for mobile all have different sets of resources that are provided for free, without you needing a license. This accounts for most of the difference. There are also some resource that are not able to be viewed on mobile devices due to technical limitations.
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OK, thanks Dave. I noticed "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a' Kempis in the list of resources in my iPhone Logos app. It is also there on my Biblia.com account, and I was going to read it in the Vyrso iPhone app, but it is missing in Vyrso. Oh well...
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Another tip that some may find useful if you want to use a longer syntax to filter your iPad library, and that is to keep a list of those filters in your iPad notes. Then copy and paste them into the Logos app library box. (The copy tool will stretch over the whole line with a little practice.)
I recently used edition:logos && -(perseus, commentary, semeia, earliest) to browse with.
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Great suggestion, Jerry!
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Peter Pankonin said:
Now, any idea if there is a wildcard for "all" (ie. return everything except)? I would like to display all resources except the Perseus collection.
type:* -perseus
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