Search section added to Wiki PB (docx)

i have added the Searching section of the wiki PB (docx file for your PB). All this is added to the original docx file, so you will need to replace your previous docx file with the one you download (via webpage below).
Visit this webpage, there is a download link in the webpage: L4wikiPB (docx)
Below is a view of the Table of Contents for the PB
Changes/pages added
(or see the Update section of the webpage)
Added LINK to Logos4 Wiki page for each in PB (next to the Red Revision level)
Added new symbol (hollow box) next to wiki pages which are Nested (not in top level TOC)
some cleanup in various places
Searching (section)
Basic Search
Quick Reference
Detail Search Help
Search Fields List
List of Datatypes
Author Datatypes (nested)
Bible Datatypes (nested)
Morphological Search
Morphology Codes (nested)
A Strategy for Syntax Search
BDAG Search (nested)
Setting up a Syntax Search
About Topic Search
Topical Search Suggestions
Finding Highlighted Text
Finding a Heading in your Bible using Search
Englishman's Concordance
Using Passage Guide to find MyContent files
Using Search to find MyContent files
Searching Specific books Example
Finding How a word is translated in different versions
Graph Bible Search Results
Hightlighting - Examples (nested under Highlighting)
(nested under Personal Books)
Adding TOC to PBs
Adding Footnotes to your PBs
Finding the right datatype name and reference
Kewl! Thanks Steve.
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Peace, Steve!
I thanked you when you first posted this. Now, I am utterly constrained to thank you once again! *smile*
What a fantastic -- incredible!!! -- labour of love you are sharing with your Logos Forums Brothers and Sisters!!
This will be extremely useful to me and I'm sure to many others who will make a Personal Book.
John 15:5
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Thank you brothers for your thanks!
Sorry that i did not get back to the other post to thank you, i have been pretty busy converting the wiki pages as you can see [:$]. But your thanks did not go unnoticed! Peace and love to you brother!
may all the Glory and Praise be unto our Lord and Savior!
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steve clark said:
your thanks did not go unnoticed!
Steve, for everyone that thanks you there are dozens and dozens that appreciate your work, but don't speak up.
steve clark said:may all the Glory and Praise be unto our Lord and Savior!
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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i use Mark's wiki page Detailed Search Help all the time. What i like about having the wiki in PB is that i can just start typing the title to the wiki page in the Reference box and L4 shows me a list of all the TOC entries for the page i'm looking for. So i can quickly locate which of the search helps that i need to look at.
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Hi Steve
Thanks for this - just downloaded it, great job
When I compile it I get 47 errors and 3205 warnings.
Is that expected?
Thanks again, Graham
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Graham Criddle said:
When I compile it I get 47 errors and 3205 warnings. Is that expected?No Sir, this isn't expected.
Hmmm, i am running Ver 4.3Sr-8. So i suspect this is new error checking in ver 4.5Could you post the Error Log for the PB?
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Thanks, Steve, for the update.
It is now 8:11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in Eastern Canada. I've just downloaded your update. It compiled perfectly.
Also, I LOVE typing in the box and letting my fingers do the walking through the pages (because of your ingenuity!) *smile*
John 15:9-11
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Hi Steve
steve clark said:No Sir, this isn't expected.
Hmmm, i am running Ver 4.3Sr-8. So i suspect this is new error checking in ver 4.5I am running 4.5a.
steve clark said:Could you post the Error Log for the PB?
Here you go
Thanks, Graham
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Hi Steve
I just want to Thank You for Your work.
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Hi Steve
Like one other contributor I too have downloaded and added your file to Logos4
with 47 errors. Can you help at all please?
Thanks so much
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Gerald Rodgers said:
Like one other contributor I too have downloaded and added your file to Logos4
with 47 errors. Can you help at all please?Gerald & Graham,
Later today i will try to download 4.5a (although L4 indexing always crashes my computer) and see what i can figure out.
i looked at Graham's log file and it seem most of the problem L4 perceives is with images having a width of 0 pts. i examined the images and none of them in the XML have a width of 0 pts. In Word (for me being in the US) the images are measured in inches, i am wondering if this could be the problem for ya'll since both of you live in the UK and use centimeters. If later after loading 4.5a and i don't see the image problem, i will see if there is a way to force Word into using pts as the default and save the file for testing. (i will let ya'll know when i get there with a post here).
i did see a couple of places where there must be blank lines marked as Headings and that should be easy to fix.
So i will be on the problem later today or this evening. i will need ya'll to test it again at some point. So i hope ya'll will keep an eye on this post for the next few days.
Thank you for the information on the problem and your future help in checking for a resolution!
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Hi Steve
Thanks for the investigation and the effort you are putting into this.
steve clark said:i examined the images and none of them in the XML have a width of 0 pts. In Word (for me being in the US) the images are measured in inches, i am wondering if this could be the problem for ya'll since both of you live in the UK and use centimeters.
Not sure about the interaction between Word settings and PB generation, but I have just changed my Word options to use inches and still get the errors and warnings. Not sure if changing the settings is that simple but thought it worth trying and letting you know.
Looking forward to what you find - and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help track this down
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Update: i've cleaned up the docx to remove warnings and errors which Graham and Gerald have reported (Thanks brothers!).
You may still get one or two warnings concerning Unknown Datatypes. These will not affect you or your PB. Since they are just hyperlinks in a wiki page to some resources which you may not own. The worst that can happen from the links is that L4 will show you a new window telling you that you do not own this resource. You can get these same messages when viewing Reading Lists and clicking on some of the links there.
Notice that i have only 1 warning (for resource that i don't own, see item #1).
could you please check the docx by compiling it to confirm that i have the file setup correctly on the webpage?
Thanks for your help Sir!
For those of you looking where to download the wiki docx, click on the link below to go to the webpage where the docx is hosted (using the webpage prevents you from getting an old version of the docx):
BTW: the warnings and errors did not affect the build of the PB. It built it fine with all the warnings and errors. As i fixed each problem, i checked to see if it affected the PB prior to fixing it.
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Hi Steve
Thanks for the update - really appreciate the work you are doing here.
I now just get one warning - log file attached
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Graham Criddle said:I now just get one warning - log file attached
Thanks Graham for looking into this! The warning you are getting is expected (there is a hyperlink in the PB which references a resource which you don't own). So the warning will not affect the PB and is expected.
We don't have to remove every Warning. We run into this all the time when we use Reading List in L4 and click on some links in an article in which we don't own.
Scott E. Mahle said:Previous build:
New build:
Thanks Scott, this exactly what i expected !
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Hi Steve
steve clark said:Thanks Graham for looking into this! The warning you are getting is expected (there is a hyperlink in the PB which references a resource which you don't own). So the warning will not affect the PB and is expected.
We don't have to remove every Warning. We run into this all the time when we use Reading List in L4 and click on some links in an article in which we don't own.
Thanks for this - works for me!
Great job, Graham
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Steve, you are awesome. I love having the Wiki in Logos.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Hi Steve
Have added the new docx but I'm still getting 21 errors & 0 warnings showing up.
Any ideas?
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Gerald Rodgers said:
Any ideas?
Could you post the PB error log? That way i can take a look.
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Mark Barnes said:
I love having the Wiki in Logos.
Thanks Mark!
I really enjoy having your Search wiki available in the PB!
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Hi Steve
Here is the file - I reinstalled the file but this time
it only showed 21 errors & 0 warnings.
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Updated the wiki PB file to include the section of the TOC for Other Features in Logos 4.
i have stored this on my website for download from there. This will
ensure that anyone who downloads it always get the most current version
of the docx and not have to sequence through multiple posts looking for
the most current.Visit this webpage, there is a download link in the webpage: L4wikiPB (docx)
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Thanks so much. What a fabulous help resource. I use it often.
Thanks again,
Gary Pajkos