Getting New iPad



  • Rev. Kelly Todd
    Rev. Kelly Todd Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    Eric, I bought my iPad 1 just after the iPad 2 was introduced.  I bought the 64 gig after having a 32 gig iPhone and seeing that it was not large enough to hold some movies and podcast and apps so I went large... larger than I really needed.  I also decided to go with WiFi only, however, after I used it for a while, realized that I was going to need internet in places that I did not have WiFi... so what to do.  I bought a mifi card from Verizon and went to buy service and found that it was cost prohibitive... $50/gig of data which is an unreasonable price.  I could get it cheaper if I got a contract, but I don't need it all of the time... just at times.  So Now I will not have internet unless I am on WiFi... but I will get by.  For most people, a 32 gig unit will be large enough unless you need to put movies on for the kids or load all of your books plus a lot of other works, but I also thought that for $100, it might help me to get more for it some day when I would go to sell it.  If you pay the extra for the 4G unit, but don't activate it, you may be able to get your service much cheaper than I could, I don't know for sure, but it would be nice to have that option, albeit, about $150 for the option.  after having the iPad, iTouch, and iPhone, I would never go back to carrying a laptop for logos... too heavy and bulky... the current app with docs to go, I have more than once written my sermon while at the hospital while waiting for someone to come out of surgery.  is it the same as on a laptop... no, but it is not bad, and so much smaller, lighter, more convenient, plus I can preach from it.  just a few thoughts!



    As a soon-to-be iPad 3 owner, what are your thoughts re:

    16 vs. 32 vs. 64GB

    WiFi + 4G or WiFi only?

    AT&T's 4G iPad rate plans:

    On the other hand, I may just get the iPad 3 for my wife and I'll get a new Ivy Bridge Notebook computer in a couple months when they IB processors start showing up, which would give me total access to, and use of, Logos, which would be perhaps my main use for an iPad (I have an iPhone 4S).


  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    I don't think Logos, or any of the other apps I use, will greatly benefit from the HD graphics. And, I don't buy iPads with 3G/4G (WiFi only) - I'd rather spend the data-plan $ on other stuff - so the 4G support doesn't give me reason to splurge. The telecomm industry already gets enough of my hard-earned $ to pay for their over-priced services. I can do without that on an iPad.

    I disagree about the display and Logos but agree about going WiFi only. I have an iPhone 4S and pay too much for the little data I use. I've yet to take the tablet plunge but am very close to ordering the 32GB WiFi model.

    The display, though, would be one of the main reasons for my getting a iPad. When I saw an iPad 2 in an Apple Store last summer, the display of book fonts left a lot to be desired for me. It was too much like reading from my Lenovo ThinkPad. The long-rumored display for the long-rumored iPad 3 kept me from buying an iPad 2.

    Right now I'm trying to determine how many GBs of Logos resources I have. I will want to have a lot of them on an iPad, especially going with WiFi only.

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    Right now I'm trying to determine how many GBs of Logos resources I have. I will want to have a lot of them on an iPad, especially going with WiFi only.

    Downloading books doesn't use much space.  It is movies and photos that do take up quite a bit.   The photos in a Bible dictionary or study Bible equal quite a few books with just text.  Of course I don't know any hard facts, just a general impression.  I have a 32GB iPad and have all my important books and commentaries downloaded and don't think I have even made a dent in it.

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    I don't think Logos, or any of the other apps I use, will greatly benefit from the HD graphics. And, I don't buy iPads with 3G/4G (WiFi only) - I'd rather spend the data-plan $ on other stuff - so the 4G support doesn't give me reason to splurge. The telecomm industry already gets enough of my hard-earned $ to pay for their over-priced services. I can do without that on an iPad.

    I disagree about the display and Logos but agree about going WiFi only. I have an iPhone 4S and pay too much for the little data I use. I've yet to take the tablet plunge but am very close to ordering the 32GB WiFi model.

    The display, though, would be one of the main reasons for my getting a iPad. When I saw an iPad 2 in an Apple Store last summer, the display of book fonts left a lot to be desired for me. It was too much like reading from my Lenovo ThinkPad. The long-rumored display for the long-rumored iPad 3 kept me from buying an iPad 2.

    Right now I'm trying to determine how many GBs of Logos resources I have. I will want to have a lot of them on an iPad, especially going with WiFi only.

    I already own an iPad, bought a year ago. I would certainly buy the new one if did not already own one, but I don' think the new one announced yesterday justifies the huge price to upgrade.

  • Eric Weiss
    Eric Weiss Member Posts: 948 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for all the replies. I'm not a pastor or preacher, and only rarely teach at church. My main Logos uses or desires require the program on a PC - e.g., searches, original language tools, etc. - which is why I'm leaning more toward an Ivy Bridge notebook/laptop PC - 15-16" with 1920x1080 HD screen.

    On the other hand, for simply reading my ginormous number of Logos resources, it sounds like the iPad would beat a notebook/laptop hands-down, if only for primarily holding it in portrait mode like a typical book and it being a tablet and not a screen + keyboard bulky item when riding on the train.

    We may get a fully decked out one - 4G + Wifi @64GB - for us and the granddaughters to play with and use (assuming my wife and I can get it away from them!) and then decide what or if to get for a second one. The Logos books I've downloaded take up a fraction of my iPhone storage, I think. I can't tell from my phone what part is Logos. I assume my nearly 3,700 songs takes up most of my GB. I have very little in the way of video, and a few hundred photos, many of which I need to delete. So 64GB is probably overkill.

    Decisions, decisions....

    Optimistically Egalitarian (Galatians 3:28)

  • MJD
    MJD Member Posts: 389 ✭✭

    If you pay the extra for the 4G unit, but don't activate it, you may be able to get your service much cheaper than I could, I don't know for sure, but it would be nice to have that option, albeit, about $150 for the option.

    I have an iPad2 and I opted for the WiFi only model.  Let me explain why I think this is the best option in my opinion, if you have a smart phone with a data package.  In my case I have a iPhone 4s and I turn on the tether or hotspot function on the iPhone and I connect my iPad right to my iPhone's internet which already has the data package -- Wala! 

    Works great and you only pay for one data package via your smart phone.  It is the best way in my opinion, because you are not locked down to the specific carrier in the iPad for the life of the iPad and you don't bay the extra fee on the iPad to get 3G/4G functionality.

    I figure as long as I have a smart phone with a data plan I will just tether my iPad.[I]

  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    MJD said:

    If you pay the extra for the 4G unit, but don't activate it, you may be able to get your service much cheaper than I could, I don't know for sure, but it would be nice to have that option, albeit, about $150 for the option.

    I have an iPad2 and I opted for the WiFi only model.  Let me explain why I think this is the best option in my opinion, if you have a smart phone with a data package.  In my case I have a iPhone 4s and I turn on the tether or hotspot function on the iPhone and I connect my iPad right to my iPhone's internet which already has the data package -- Wala! 

    Works great and you only pay for one data package via your smart phone.  It is the best way in my opinion, because you are not locked down to the specific carrier in the iPad for the life of the iPad and you don't bay the extra fee on the iPad to get 3G/4G functionality.

    I figure as long as I have a smart phone with a data plan I will just tether my iPad.Idea

    That would be a great option for me but I think it violates my Verizon agreement. I would like to be wrong about that because I use only a few hundred MBs of data a month on my phone and probably wouldn't use 2GB if I could tether.

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    That would be a great option for me but I think it violates my Verizon agreement. I would like to be wrong about that because I use only a few hundred MBs of data a month on my phone and probably wouldn't use 2GB if I could tether.

    Bill, does your cell phone contract give you the option to bolt-on a tethering package to your contract?  I have an iPhone 4 and, in the UK, if I pay my cell phone provider an extra £5 per month (c.$7.50) then they'll allow me to tether my iPhone to other WiFi devices.  My colleague does it and it works pretty well.  Also, the tethering option can be done on a month-to-month contract, so you don't get tied in for longer than you want.  Worth checking into to see if Verizon do anything similar.

  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    I already own an iPad, bought a year ago. I would certainly buy the new one if did not already own one, but I don' think the new one announced yesterday justifies the huge price to upgrade.

    That you already own an iPad 2, I can see your thinking considering the cost of the upgrade, which is primarily the display. It's all I can do to pull the trigger on buying one to start with.

    What about selling yours? Would the difference be worth the upgrade?

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • Eric Weiss
    Eric Weiss Member Posts: 948 ✭✭✭

    Eric, 3700 songs?! Big Smile

    Every Bob Dylan CD except the complete Original Mono Recordings, plus a few Dylan Cover compilations (I'm Not There soundtrack; Amnesty International's Chimes of Freedom), a few other artists' albums - plus all the tracks on my Living Koine Greek and Living Biblical Hebrew books + CDs/MP3s from Randall Buth ( plus my MP3s of the complete Tanakh in Hebrew. (I could also load Zodhiates' Greek NT, but I got kind of tired of his voice. Maybe someday....). [H]

    I work just 2 blocks from AT&T's headquarters, so I'll probably go today or Monday at lunch to the store there and have them show me and explain the 4G pricing and options compared to what we currently pay for our iPhone usage. I can probably figure it out on my own via the Internet, but I'd rather do it in person. Plus, that gives me a chance to admire The Golden Boy again - [8-|]


    Optimistically Egalitarian (Galatians 3:28)

  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    I already own an iPad, bought a year ago. I would certainly buy the new one if did not already own one, but I don' think the new one announced yesterday justifies the huge price to upgrade.

    That you already own an iPad 2, I can see your thinking considering the cost of the upgrade, which is primarily the display. It's all I can do to pull the trigger on buying one to start with.

    What about selling yours? Would the difference be worth the upgrade?

    Probably not. I strongly believe the next iPad will have a full-fledged 4-core CPU, and likely more RAM too. Even if the cost to upgrade to iPad 3 were marginalized by selling my current iPad 1, I'd still prefer to save the $$ for the one I really feel compelled to upgrade to. I have plenty of other items that call for tech budget $, all yielding more wanted improvement than the iPad 3 upgrade would give me.

  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    As a point of reference I have 467 books downloaded on my iPad, which are generally reference books, and the Logos app takes up 3.9 GB.  I have had my 32 GB iPad for about a year and have used about 1/3 of the storage space, but I don't load a lot of music, photos or movies.  I am glad I didn't go with the 16GB model, if for no other reason than peace of mind.  Mine is wifi only and I haven't missed the 3g service, but then again I could see why a busy, mobile pastor would want that feature.

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Jerry M said:

    As a point of reference I have 467 books downloaded on my iPad, which are generally reference books, and the Logos app takes up 3.9 GB

    As another reference point, I have 293 resources downloaded which takes 4.5GB.

    These are primarily commentaries and encyclopedia.



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    Eric, 3700 songs?!

    I have 7725. Big Smile

    Well, foolish me for reading too quickly. I read "songs" as "albums" and was blown away! I just checked my iTunes and found I have 2789 songs. [:)] I don't plan to put them on a tablet though, just on my Lenovo ThinkPad T500 and my iPhone.

    Still, Alabama, 7725? [;)]

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I just checked my iTunes and found I have 2789 songs. Smile I don't plan to put them on a tablet though

    I recommend subscribing to iTunes Music Match ($25/year). You can have access to all your music on all your devices. You can download the ones you want on demand.

    Still, Alabama, 7725?

    Yup. My music tastes are quite eclectic, though I listen mostly to more traditional country & folk. I am sure I have music that will drive anyone crazy. [:D]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    Eric, 3700 songs?!

    I have 7725. Big Smile


    On the IPod classic, I have 7190 songs, 214 videos.   The music ranges from classical to heavy metal, The Scriptures in Hebrew and Greek for more devotional times. Gotta have Stryper available something during the day.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,456

    I have 15 000 000 songs




    on Napster




    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Rick Ross
    Rick Ross Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Since I have been using an Android Tablet, for which I am not totally sold on, and because Apple has done something Steve Jobs was reluctant to do (lowering prices), I will be getting the iPad 2 in a few weeks.  I really don't have any use for the HD capabilities, although it looked nice, as did some of the other features.  16 GB WiFi will last me a long time.

  • Andrew Mitchell
    Andrew Mitchell Member Posts: 156 ✭✭

    Who will be getting one?

    Yup, my first iPad. Thought I'd wait for this one. It has already been dispatched so I might see it before Friday [:D]

    I'm looking forward to using Logos on it. Should be nicer than using my iPhone.

  • Mike W
    Mike W Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Who will be getting one? I ordered mine.

    How about another "me too" post?  64G wifi only, shipped last Friday from China and should be here by the end of the week[:D] 

  • Randall Hartman
    Randall Hartman Member Posts: 502 ✭✭

    Mike, I did the exact same thing. I currently have an iPad 1 with 64k 3G. I RARELy ever used 3G and despised having to pay for the 3G. My thought was that if I wanted Internet I would like to have the 3G option. But then, much to my dismay, the 3G connectivity was far from reliable.  This time around I opted for wifi only. No regrets!


  • Mike W
    Mike W Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    the 3G connectivity was far from reliable.

    I have a Kindle with free 3g and never use the 3g.  It's very slow and I pretty much never read outdoors (except for looking up an occasional bible reference and study bible note on my iPod while hiking). Everyplace i'd use the iPad around here has wifi. I definitely looking forward to having my Logos resources on this (especially the lexicons,  Too bad HALOT isn't available on mobile yet).  The cost for the data plans seems a bit ridiculous ($30 plus fees for 2g/month around here ...No Thanks).


  • Alan Charles Gielczyk
    Alan Charles Gielczyk Member Posts: 776 ✭✭

    Mike W said:

    Who will be getting one? I ordered mine.

    How about another "me too" post?  64G wifi only, shipped last Friday from China and should be here by the end of the weekBig Smile 

    China? Mine shipped from Tennessee on Saturday. If yours really shipped from China I would not expect it this week.

  • Mike W
    Mike W Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    China? Mine shipped from Tennessee on Saturday. If yours really shipped from China I would not expect it this week.


    According to the Apple store site It shipped from EPZ China, Through Chengdu China and Anchorage Alaska. It was at Louisville Kentucky yesterday. Scheduled delivery is by end of day Friday (Looks like Apple is serious about the delivery date on these).  I got the engraving on mine so that may be why it wasn't shipped locally.

  • Eric Weiss
    Eric Weiss Member Posts: 948 ✭✭✭

    As I note elsewhere, I have my entire downloadable library (Platinum, plus many additional resources) on my iPhone and it takes 10.9GB:

    A QUESTION: How quickly does tethering to an iPhone (I have the 4S, which has worse battery life than a 4 or 3G) drain the iPhone battery? That's one reason I could see getting a 4G iPad 3 with it's own data plan.

    Optimistically Egalitarian (Galatians 3:28)

  • Alan Charles Gielczyk
    Alan Charles Gielczyk Member Posts: 776 ✭✭

    Mike W said:

    China? Mine shipped from Tennessee on Saturday. If yours really shipped from China I would not expect it this week.


    According to the Apple store site It shipped from EPZ China, Through Chengdu China and Anchorage Alaska. It was at Louisville Kentucky yesterday. Scheduled delivery is by end of day Friday (Looks like Apple is serious about the delivery date on these).  I got the engraving on mine so that may be why it wasn't shipped locally.

    Yeah, I bet it was because of the engraving. Glad to hear you are still on schedule for Friday!