Format Question on the Cloud of Unknowing

I am trying to prepare "The Cloud of Unknowing" to better convert into L4. Throughout the document in the Christian Classics file, however, there are continual notations like this:
<pb n=8>. They begin at
<pb n=6> and go up to
<pb n=315>. If they are page numbers I could pretty easily convert them to L4 tags for page numbers, but I'm not at all sure that that is what htey are. they donp't appear to be footnotes because they don't point anywhere. I will attach the file, but pleases know it is not in much better shape than the one in the Christian Classics zip file. I am attaching it basically so you can look at it and try to decipher what those notations mean. Once that is done, I will finish preparing the file for proper conversion.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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In case it helps, here is a copy with all the <pb=...> removed, and one table adjusted to text. Discard if you have already done this, I used Word wild cards to quickly eliminate all 292 of them!
Thanks for your work on this!
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Thanks for doing this. It was high on my list of books to do.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Dominick Sela said:
In case it helps, here is a copy with all the <pb=...> removed, and one table adjusted to text. Discard if you have already done this, I used Word wild cards to quickly eliminate all 292 of them!
Shouldn't you have converted the <pb=n> tags into [[@page:n]] tags, though?
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For my own use I just regenerate the Page fields from the macro I posted here a while ago. They are possibly not the same as the original but for me it suffices to avoid the tedium of adding all the page numbers by hand.
Here is a copy of that one if anyone wants it...
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Thank you. For whatever reason, having the page numbers is important to me. You saved me the time of having to go back and do it!
Thanks again for all you do on here.
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So is it ready with that last update, Calvin, or are you still working on the file? I'm looking forward to having this myself and will post it on the wiki User Contributed Personal Books list when you give the go-ahead.
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Not quite. I am putting in chapter headings. But that kind of messed up another line. Let me see if I can get it up today.
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I finished it and put it in its own thread.
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Calvin, I forgot to mention but if you check, the last one I posted had chapter headings. The one you posted in the new thread did not have page numbers or chapter headings, was that the right one?
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Actually I am not sure which one I posted last, this one certainly does have chapter headings and page numbers if it helps anyone...
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Dominick Sela said:
Actually I am not sure which one I posted last, this one certainly does have chapter headings and page numbers if it helps anyone...
Thank you, Dominick! *smile* And Calvin! *smile* Much appreciate and am grateful!
Psalm 118:25-26
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........