The Cloud of Unknowing

Attached is the completed file (as far as I am going to work on it) that I asked for help with elsewhere. Enjoy. cph.
Calvin, see your other thread, if I am not mistaken this version does not have page numbers or chapter headings?
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You are mostly correct. I used the wrong form of your adaptation, but didn't notice. However, this one DOES have chapter headings....
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This version posted by Dominick on the other thread seems identical to yours, Calvin, except for the page numbers he included, and some fixes to the line breaks in headings. So I'm posting it here too (since you've got the cover image here) in case someone comes here looking. Also this will be the official thread I link into the wiki User Contributed Personal Books list.
Thanks, both of you, for all your work!
7080.The Cloud of Unknowing.docx
Also, here's some intro to The Cloud of Unknowing for your PB Description field if you like, from CCEL:
Author: Anonymous (14th c. English)
Description: Some things never change, including the human need to connect with our creator. Prayer and meditation on the divine are techniques that have been used for millennia to grow in the knowledge of God. Cloud of Unknowing documents techniques used by the medieval monastic community to build and maintain that contemplative knowledge of God. Scholars date the anonymous authorship of Cloud of Unknowing to 1375, during the height of European monasticism. Written as a primer for the young monastic, the work is instructional, but does not have an austere didactic tone. Rather, the work embraces the reader with a maternal call to grow closer to God through meditation and prayer. (Andrew Hanson, CCEL Intern)
And here's a link to the Wikipedia page on The Cloud of Unknowing.
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Here beginneth the last post on the Cloud of the Unknowing file.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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