The Book of Jubilees

I have attached The Book of Jubilees in both DOC and PDF formats for your use. I have several other books to offer (The Augsburg Confession, Institutes, Didache, Enchiridion, Life of Josephus, Luther's Commentary on Galatians, Luther's Small Catechism, Philo's Creation, The
Practice of the
Presence of God, etc.) that I have worked on over the years, if this is helpful.
While this is certainly a quality text that is useful for biblical studies, I question if this is the place for this. Some of us have been sharing personal books. While it is trivial to convert a doc file into a docx that can be compiled into a personal book. the tagging would be a bit more work - depending on how much you want to do. Also, many of us have thought that it is bad form to use Logos's infrastructure to compete with texts that Logos sells. It seems that Logos doesn't mind about this as much as many of us do, but it seems like bad form.
And before I come across as "holier than thou", I must confess that My first sharing was of the Rule of Benedict, which after input from the community I withdrew. I would personally welcome more people sharing quality personal books. But I also want them to be usefully tagged and also to not be competition with what Logos already sells. Stilltruth seems to be a better option to me for the later.
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Thanks, Ken. I understand. And agree. Especially if they aren't helpful.
My intention is not to compete with Logos, as if I could do so, but only to provide something that had been useful to me. For example, I have printed these documents for use in church Bible studies with people who don't have Logos. That is why I thought they might be a useful resource here. But if this forum is only for items coded to Logos, then this is not the place for these types of documents.
Coding these for use with Logos would not be difficult—only time-intensive. But if Logos has already done so, there is no need, of course—unless one wanted a document for wider use than personal study—or for a different style of personal study.
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There are two translations of the Book of Jubilees that Logos sells. This one is included in volume 2 of Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. The other is included in volume 2 of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.
I wish it were easier to find these primary sources. When I searched for "Book of Jubilees" in my Library, these were not the first things that came up, and it took me quite a lot of poking around to find them both. It certainly would be nice to have it as a stand-alone personal book, but I think Ken is right that we probably oughtn't to share documents here which contain the same content as what Logos sells. Turning it into a PB for one's own use is another story, though, and I plan to do so (starting from the text I have in Logos, not this one, since the verse numbering seems to be off a bit in yours).
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Before we start saying you can’t do that let’s have a lookie and see what others have added:
someone has done a pb of the same #4:
- 1611 King James Bible (Matthew only)
- Abelard, Peter. Historia Calamitatum (Cover image)
- Addison, Joseph. Evidences of the Christian Religion, With Additional Discourses
- American Standard Version 1901 (Without Chapter and Verse Numbers, Red Letter)
- The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantinople
- Andrews, William Old Church Lore I see no problem w/Jubilee's being added.....[:D] and Logos sells:
1901 American Standard Version
significant work. This is an excellent choice for comparative English study. Product Details Title: 1901 American Standard Version Publisher: Logos Research Systems Publication Date: 1901more
DISCLAIMER: What you do on YOUR computer is your doing.
0 - 1611 King James Bible (Matthew only)
Room4more said:
My apologies, since this personal book bible could be viewed as competing with the $ 19.95 Logos high-quality Bible => 1901 American Standard Version (or complementing since personal book has introductions for both testaments not present in the Logos version plus lacks visible chapter and verse numbers), wonder if should request deletion of thread => American Standard Version 1901 (Without Chapter and Verse Numbers, Red Letter) ?
Personally wish Logos 4 had option to hide chapter and verse numbers in all Bibles, perhaps an option under three circles.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Room4more said:
Before we start saying you can’t do that let’s have a lookie and see what others have added:
someone has done a pb of the same #4:
- 1611 King James Bible (Matthew only)
- Abelard, Peter. Historia Calamitatum (Cover image)
- Addison, Joseph. Evidences of the Christian Religion, With Additional Discourses
- American Standard Version 1901 (Without Chapter and Verse Numbers, Red Letter)
- The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantinople
- Andrews, William Old Church Lore I see no problem w/Jubilee's being added.....
and Logos sells:
1901 American Standard Version
significant work. This is an excellent choice for comparative English study. Product Details Title: 1901 American Standard Version Publisher: Logos Research Systems Publication Date: 1901more
Oops, I shouldn't have let that one through either, then. [;)]
Just because someone else does something doesn't make it right.
I'm not going to play the role of police officer, though.
But...Bob did express an opinion on this a while back; they don't really want their servers to be used to distribute free resources that are in competition with what they sell. They're probably not going to go on a big hunt for them and take them down, but we know what they wish for, so we should respect it.
Bob Pritchett said:For this reason, though, Logos is going to have some content restrictions on the bookstore -- we aren't looking to create an editing tool, for example, that lets people create lower-quality and lower-price versions of public domain content we sell in high-quality editions, and then use our systems, servers, etc. to distribute them.
The policies and procedures aren't done, and we're still thinking through all the issues. But I want to point out early-on that the goal of PBB is to support "personal" use. This means you can do whatever you want for yourself, but if you want to use our systems to share/distribute the content, we'll be offering support for sharing your "personal" content, not for going into competition with Logos on public domain (or licensed non-PD) content.
That said, the 1901 ASV without chapter and verse numbers is not quite something Logos sells, and someone specifically made it available to others, because all you can get in Logos is the one with chapter and verse numbers. Turning on "Bible text only" doesn't get rid of them. The text itself is no longer under copyright, so it's the presentation that counts. The PB also includes Prefaces which are not in the Logos resource. Again, Logos probably wouldn't object to or come after this specific PB, so it's a matter of one's own conscience whether to use it or not.
[I see while I was composing this, KS4J who is the one that made this PB has already answered with a possible desire to have his thread removed. I don't really think it needs to be, but KS4J if you think it does you can email]
0 - 1611 King James Bible (Matthew only)
Mark E. Ryman said:
I have several other books to offer (... Didache ....)
Observation: Logos includes Didache with interlinear tagging (which cannot be done in a personal book) => The Apostolic Fathers Greek-English Interlinear
Also noted inclusion of Logos Greek Morphological codes in this resource.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Rosie Perera said:
[I see while I was composing this, KS4J who is the one that made this PB has already answered with a possible desire to have his thread removed. I don't really think it needs to be, but KS4J if you think it does you can email forums (at) logos]
As follow-up to this thread, sent email to Logos forums with link to this thread plus requested review of thread => American Standard Version 1901 (Without Chapter and Verse Numbers, Red Letter) for comment or deletion.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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[:#] .
DISCLAIMER: What you do on YOUR computer is your doing.
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As I mentioned earlier, Rosie, I agreed with Ken too. I just didn't understand what was what. If there's something else I should do here, let me know.
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Eg: I can't see how to edit out the links in the original post or even delete the post. Of course, if I could do the would make the rest of the thread sort of nonsensical.
I had no intention of causing a minor furor. I just wanted to be helpful.
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Mark E. Ryman said:
Eg: I can't see how to edit out the links in the original post or even delete the post. Of course, if I could do the would make the rest of the thread sort of nonsensical.
I had no intention of causing a minor furor. I just wanted to be helpful.
You can't edit a post after the first 10 hours (I think) after posting it. Don't worry about it. If you want to request that the forum admin guy at Logos remove that link, which I believe they can do without deleting the whole post, you can contact him at
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Mark E. Ryman said:
I had no intention of causing a minor furor. I just wanted to be helpful.
Don't worry about the minor furor. They flare up unexpectedly on these forums on a regular basis.
Mark E. Ryman said:I can't see how to edit out the links in the original post or even delete the post
You could email and request removal. As the original poster, you can make that request. Of course, that would require deletion of the entire thread, which may or my not be a good thing.
EDIT: Typing too slowly. See that Rosie had already posted [8-|] Young lady, you are up early this morning—or is it just that you have not gone to bed yet? [:D]
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Jack Caviness said:
Of course, that would require deletion of the entire thread, which may or my not be a good thing.
I don't think it does. They've deleted attachments in posts before without deleting the post.
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Rosie Perera said:Jack Caviness said:
Of course, that would require deletion of the entire thread, which may or my not be a good thing.
I don't think it does. They've deleted attachments in posts before without deleting the post.
I bow to superior knowledge [H]
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I'm wondering if we haven't become over-zealous. Most of you probably remember that a short while ago a huge torrent file was posted, and then broken up into smaller files. KS4J reported all of them, but then came back and apologized on every thread, saying he was wrong to have done it. I don't know what went on between him and Logos, but the apology and the fact that the files are still here lead me to believe that Logos wasn't anywhere near as bothered as people here were.
Mark Barnes once posted the following interpretation (and MJ has said she shares this reading):
Mark Barnes said:Logos haven't said we can't make PBBs of books that they sell, or even that we can't share PBBs of books that they sell. What they have said is that we won't be able to distribute compiled PBBs through their system if that competes against their own books. Bob said, "if you want to use our systems [the forthcoming bookstore] to share/distribute the content, we'll be offering support for sharing your "personal" content, not for going into competition with Logos on public domain (or licensed non-PD) content".
If Logos update their forum policies to say that we can't upload .docx files here that compete with Logos products, that's fine, and I'll stick with that. But at the moment, that's not been said.
It's looking more and more to me like Mark is the one closest to Logos' actual thinking. If not, you should, Rosie, in the name of consistency, also remove Mark's 'competing' files from the Wiki page. Otherwise it looks like who posted the file matters more than what file it is.
Personally, I think there's a difference between posting a whole book that's also sold individually by Logos, and posting a minor document that also happens to be included somewhere in a Logos collection. In the former case it's a pretty clear either-or situation, in the latter, those who want more than this one document will still buy from Logos, while those who only want this one document wouldn't have bought from them anyway.
I also don't understand who's decided that I'm allowed to compare different Bible translations, but not different translations of the Didache or the Rule of Benedict. Or the Book of Jubilees, for that matter. I've hurried to download a number of these 'competing' files before they've been edited out -- not to avoid buying them in Logos, but because I've already got them in Logos, and like the option of having several translations.
Rosie Perera said:That said, the 1901 ASV without chapter and verse numbers is not quite something Logos sells, and someone specifically made it available to others, because all you can get in Logos is the one with chapter and verse numbers. Turning on "Bible text only" doesn't get rid of them.
Exactly. And it's not just a question of how it looks. Logos stops searching at verse boundaries.
Rosie Perera said:I wish it were easier to find these primary sources. When I searched for "Book of Jubilees" in my Library, these were not the first things that came up, and it took me quite a lot of poking around to find them both.
I've been thinking that we ought to make an Index of Early Jewish Writings Reading List, to complement MJ's Early Church Fathers Index one, but since I know I don't have any time to devote to it, I've postponed suggesting it. It really would be worth having, though, so if someone has the time for it, I'd be more than grateful.
EDIT: expanded the 'compare translations' paragraph.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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I agree with fgh. I do want to thank the OP for his helpfulness. Regarding Jubilees I'd think it's so common, it's not too competitive; if it were a stack of PG's I suppose there might be some significant angst.
The reason I'm thanking the OP is due to Jubilees being so involved with the secular Dead Sea Scrolls, it's handy to have a 'markup' copy where you can write all over it and then compile it for later reference. I wish Logos had that capability (similar to pdf software) but Logos can't do 'everything'.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Rosie Perera said:
If you want to request that the forum admin guy at Logos remove that link, which I believe they can do without deleting the whole post, you can contact him at
I just made the request to remove the two original links. That should leave the thread intact.
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DMB said:
Regarding Jubilees I'd think it's so common, it's not too competitive...
I only see these things as competitive when they are searchable within the Logos software itself. I can't imagine that Logos sees printed books as competition, since they are not what Logos really provides. We use printed books, PDFs, and ebooks for different purposes than we use Logos (at least I do). But I can provide these PDF documents to people in my church who do not own Logos — and likely never will. There is however, one case so far, in which by providing such PDFs (in fact, it was Jubilees) that a member of my church ended up purchasing Logos so he could dig deeper. The irony...
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