A Plea for a Functional "Biblical Places" on Mac

Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have reported bugginess with Logos for Mac's Biblical Places before, but it continues to be a very buggy aspect of Logos for Mac. Therefore, I am pleading with you, Logos, to make this aspect of Logos for Mac functional.

As it stands now, Biblical Places jumps, jolts, and stutters whenever I lookup a city/place. If I attempt to change maps it zooms way out, spikes my Mac's processor for several seconds, and then jolts all over the place before finally zooming in. I can't even scroll through the maps at the bottom of the Biblical Places screen without encounter stuttering. And I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have to go through eight zooming, stuttering, spasmatic map changes to find the one map you want/need. Yes, I can preview the maps by hovering, but I rarely find the best map on my first couple of attempts.

I appreciate the functionality that Biblical Places is attempting to provide (i.e. measuring of distances, linking to google earth, showing the relationships between maps, etc). However, at this point a simple slideshow format to the maps would be much better for study. All I want to do is access the maps I have in my library, but I cannot. At this point, the functionality of the Logos "Atlas" is actually worse than using a dead-tree version.

Therefore, I ask: Isn't this program supposed to be saving my time? As it stands now it takes me five minutes to do what I can do in a book in about 30 seconds with a ruler.

This seems like such basic functionality for a Bible program, I cannot believe I am even having to ask for this to be fixed.



  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    +1 [Y] for option to turn off animation in Biblical Places; possibly with a button next to Fit for a zoom out and in when desired for location overview.

    Using Logos 4.5b SR-1, opened Biblical Places, then searched for Jerusalem, scrolled bottom completely to the left so had 4 maps with white backgrounds on left side, then clicked far left map, started stopwatch timer, then clicked each map to the right, waiting for animation to complete before clicking next map.  Stopped on the 15th map, which has a white background.


    Couple maps took over 20 seconds to zoom out, show Mediterranean Sea (with long enough pause to wonder if Logos 4.5b SR-1 had stopped working on request for a Jerusalem map), then scroll until map fit window (with animation placing destination map a bit off center while zooming in).  To click 15 maps, took 4 minutes 24 seconds on an iMac with 2.93 GHz i7, which is an average of 17.6 seconds.

    In contrast, Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Windows 7 took 49 seconds to click the same 15 maps for Jerusalem, an average of 3.3 seconds (tolerable).  The map zoom out was only enough to show boundaries of new map, then zoomed in to fit and center map in floating window.  Also noticed G button in Windows for another feature parity difference:


    Updated wiki Mac and PC User Interface Differences => Feature Parity with two references to this thread:

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,190 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Jonathan! I didn't know you could scroll through the maps/images at the bottom using the arrow keys (I'm on the PC version).

    But you're right ... even on the PC version the animation is nutty (when scrolling). Looks like they were applying 'googlification', so us trendy Logos users would feel even more trendy.

    I know you're speaking to the Mac, but I think they ought to take the whole map/image routines and calm down their trendiness. On a touch screen you can't zoom in. The maps are random (ever seen a Bible with the maps in the back all random?). You have to mouse over the little images just to see what they are; I'm not sure who thought the thumbnails for maps made sense. If you see a map you like, try finding it later (yes there's 'search').

    But yes .. first bring the Mac routines up to speed.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    I can't even scroll through the maps at the bottom of the Biblical Places screen without encounter stuttering.

    What do you mean? Is there a way to scroll through the maps? The only way I've found to get to the 'hidden' maps is to click the right arrow one time for each new map.

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Updated wiki Mac and PC User Interface Differences => Feature Parity with two references to this thread:

    You can also add that on Mac one has to click the arrow once for each new map; on PC (as I remember Mark's video) one can click-and-hold and the maps keep moving (the shortcut bar arrows do that on Mac, but not the Biblical Places arrows). For 20 months now I've wanted to look at all my Jerusalem maps, but it takes so many clicks that I've always given up.

    To make it even more weird I just realized the arrow on the upper ribbon in Biblical places works in neither of these two ways, but in a third: you can't hold, you have to click and let go, but when you do, it doesn't move one step like the maps, but all the visible columns move out of sight and the next set appears. Don't know how the PC works here.

    In other words I have 3 visible right arrows above each other -- shortcut bar, upper ribbon and lower/map ribbon -- and they all work in different ways. Yeah, that's consistent...

    I do have the G button, though, so if you don't it's yet another regression (I'm still on 4.5a).


    Jonathan said:

    Isn't this program supposed to be saving my time?

    Save? By now I'd be shouting with joy if they could get this program to work well enough to let me do half as much work as I could if I had these books on paper... I probably haven't done 2 weeks worth of work in the last 20 months -- unless you count the thousands of hours I've worked for Logos without pay. Or worse than without pay, as I am, after all, paying for the 'privilege' of finding and reporting the bugs they should have found and removed before release.

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    fgh said:

    I do have the G button, though, so if you don't it's yet another regression (I'm still on 4.5a).

    Score another point for 4.5b. Has Logos even acknowledged these regressions?

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    fgh said:

    I do have the G button, though, so if you don't it's yet another regression (I'm still on 4.5a).

    Score another point for 4.5b. Has Logos even acknowledged these regressions?

    I find it ironic that the UserVoice Feature Parity Suggestion states "This is an ongoing effort, and while we don’t have an exact date for when it will be completed, each major release will increase the parity between Mac and Windows." Yet one word that is often repeated in the feature parity entry on the Logos wiki is "regression."

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    Jonathan said:

    fgh said:

    I do have the G button, though, so if you don't it's yet another regression (I'm still on 4.5a).

    Score another point for 4.5b. Has Logos even acknowledged these regressions?

    I find it ironic that the UserVoice Feature Parity Suggestion states "This is an ongoing effort, and while we don’t have an exact date for when it will be completed, each major release will increase the parity between Mac and Windows." Yet one word that is often repeated in the feature parity entry on the Logos wiki is "regression."

    While Logos 4.5b added social networking, have verified a dozen regressions so wiki Feature Parity list has many regression comments because Logos 4.5b on a Mac is a mixture of forward and backward progress.  Personally surprised by number of Logos 4.5b regressions on Mac.

    When Logos improves feature parity between Mac and PC, anticipating (hoping) for Feature Parity list to become much smaller.  Wonder what progress to expect in Logos 4.5c ?

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Wonder what progress to expect in Logos 4.5c ?

    Surely it will be better than the "progress" of 4.5b [:(]

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    have verified a dozen regressions

    Actually, I counted 15 on the Wiki page [:(]

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    KS4J, was there a reason you didn't add the arrow bug[s ] I mentioned above?

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    fgh said:

    KS4J, was there a reason you didn't add the arrow bug[s ] I mentioned above?

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.  For example, start with Jerusalem, then enter Athens, followed by left history arrow to go back to Jerusalem: one click changed the maps, but not the location:


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.

    That was actually the one set of arrows I didn't mention in my post... [;)]

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    fgh said:

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.

    That was actually the one set of arrows I didn't mention in my post... Wink

    Looking again, this time at second set of arrows in Biblical Places, learned Logos 4.5b SR-1 has one more visual difference:


    Clicking right arrow scrolled all Jerusalem items, but arrow lacks lighter shade of grey to indicate end of scrolling list in Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac so added one more item to => Feature Parity list with reference to this thread:

    • PC Biblical Places has lighter color grey indicators for end of location list items, but Mac does not

    Also checked location indicators in Logos 4.5a SR-1 on Mac to see indicators for location items always look the same, which is different than Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Windows.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Caleb S.
    Caleb S. Member Posts: 585 ✭✭

    There are a lot of problems with Biblical Places/Logos Maps. The animation feature is more of a hassel than anything. My biggest gripe is it takes way TOOO long to load each map. For a program that is supposed to have everything on the hard drive, it takes just as long (if not longer that) it would take if they were online maps, pictures, books, etc. Scrolling in books (especially Bibles) takes longer than it does on most websites (major gripe here). Biblical Places have too few maps for specific Biblical events, and major highways are not highlighted in every map (very few of them in fact), and other roads going from towns (based upon geography of course) are completely excluded, so those who use Biblical Places won't have any idea of how people actually would have traveled (this is a major gripe for me. Since I am in the process of becoming a scholar, if the above things are not fixed, I will have to get Accordance at some point). I have listed many other gripes and suggestions for extending the Maps and Biblical Places in another thread. A MAJOR gripe of mine is that in larger maps (with many cities) the map does NOT EVER zoom TO the city, nor does it highlight it (making it easier to find). That NEEDS to change! The zooming all the way out and then back in (to the point that one can see the whole area of the map) is more trouble than it is worth. It should be 5 times faster than that. It should be "click on map, it pops up immediately showing the whole map specific area, with the city that is being searched for highlighted". There should also be the ability to add cities (especially if one is looking for specific cities within a certain area with certain things highlighted (such as topography, mountains or hill, valleys, etc.) so that we get what we want (since not every map has everything that I am looking for). Another gripe is that when I zoom in to a certain area and I want to print just that specific area that I am zoomed to, I can't. It prints the whole map area that is available in that view. Also, there should be the ability for us to highlight specific areas, routes, landmarks, topography, and print those highlights out (say for a class or a Bible Study, etc), but that is not possible either. Biblical Places is way TOO basic with not enough of the right things, but too much of the annoying things.

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Caleb S. said:

    There are a lot of problems with Biblical Places/Logos Maps.


    Caleb S. said:

    The animation feature is more of a hassel than anything.

    Preach It!

    Caleb S. said:

    I will have to get Accordance at some point.

    Done. Logos's failure to respond to these kind of issues keeps making Accordance Modules more and more attractive. [Logos: check my buying history and you will notice a steep decline in my buying history since about two months ago. Guess where those sales went!]

    Caleb S. said:

     too much of the annoying things.

    So True!

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Amen Caleb, and it's not just in the maps area, it's a system wide issue for me.

  • Caleb S.
    Caleb S. Member Posts: 585 ✭✭

    Just an FYI, there is a Logos User Voice suggestion "Reimagine" Maps - Have Non-Static Maps that you all can vote for (if you have not already).

  • Tonya J Ross
    Tonya J Ross Member Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭


    Jonathan said:

    As it stands now, Biblical Places jumps, jolts, and stutters whenever I lookup a city/place. If I attempt to change maps it zooms way out, spikes my Mac's processor for several seconds, and then jolts all over the place before finally zooming in. I can't even scroll through the maps at the bottom of the Biblical Places screen without encounter stuttering.

    There is an existing case for examining the extra animation in maps.  I've updated the case with a link to this thread.  

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    PC Biblical Places has G button for Google Maps to show coordinates, which is missing on Mac

    This issue should be resolved in 4.5c Beta 1.

    fgh said:

    You can also add that on Mac one has to click the arrow once for each new map; on PC (as I remember Mark's video) one can click-and-hold and the maps keep moving (the shortcut bar arrows do that on Mac, but not the Biblical Places arrows).

    I will make a case for this issue.

    fgh said:

    To make it even more weird I just realized the arrow on the upper ribbon in Biblical places works in neither of these two ways, but in a third: you can't hold, you have to click and let go, but when you do, it doesn't move one step like the maps, but all the visible columns move out of sight and the next set appears. Don't know how the PC works here.

    The ribbon arrows do scroll through the information using one-click on Windows rather than repeated clicks (which I will report.)  Moving all the visible columns offscreen is the same on both platforms.

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.  For example, start with Jerusalem, then enter Athens, followed by left history arrow to go back to Jerusalem: one click changed the maps, but not the location:

    I am able to reproduce this issue and will report it.

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    PC Biblical Places has lighter color grey indicators for end of location list items, but Mac does not

    I will report this issue. There is an active case for this issue.  I will add a link to this thread.


  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    PC Biblical Places has G button for Google Maps to show coordinates, which is missing on Mac

    This issue should be resolved in 4.5c Beta 1.

    It is fixed, but it is difficult to find a precise location. When the pointer is moved to click the big-G, the coordinates change. Had multiple views of Armenia before I realized what was happening.

    Perhaps a means to lock-in a location would help.

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,794

    If the old USENET style of newsgroups that Logos used to run was still around, you could find complaints about Logos Maps and multiple requests that Logos improve them. This is a request that is years old now. In the focus in text libraries, IMHO it has been a poor cousin for some time.... at least since Logos Bible Atlas there hasn't been anything to get excited about.

    [quote]A MAJOR gripe of mine is that in larger maps (with many cities) the map does NOT EVER zoom TO the city, nor does it highlight it (making it easier to find). That NEEDS to change!

    This is one of my many disappointments as well. I honestly don't know how anyone could call this user friendly.

    [quote] I will have to get Accordance at some point)

    It is light years ahead of Logos maps. Being able to turn on layers (different time periods, including modern locations), manipulate your map, distances, etc. and even click in an integrated way for graphics on a given location is really, really nice. It is my 'go to' for Maps every time.

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    [quote] I will have to get Accordance at some point)

    It is light years ahead of Logos maps. Being able to turn on layers (different time periods, including modern locations), manipulate your map, distances, etc. and even click in an integrated way for graphics on a given location is really, really nice. It is my 'go to' for Maps every time.

    Yes, this is one of the places where Accordance clearly outdistances the competition [Y]

  • Tonya J Ross
    Tonya J Ross Member Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭

    It is fixed, but it is difficult to find a precise location. When the pointer is moved to click the big-G, the coordinates change. Had multiple views of Armenia before I realized what was happening.

    Perhaps a means to lock-in a location would help.

    I will create a case for this issue.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    Using Logos 4.5c Beta 1 on Mac OS X 10.6.8, updated => Feature Parity list for G addition (plus confirmed other issues still exist):

    • PC Biblical Places has G button for Google Maps to show coordinates, which is missing on Mac – Logos 4.5b regression, G reappeared in 4.5c Beta 1
    • PC Biblical Places has lighter color grey indicators for end of location list items, but Mac does not
    • PC Biblical Places map animation and transition is much faster than Mac

    Using History arrows to go back, noticed lack of coordinates beside G when Athens location and Jerusalem maps are displayed:


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Caleb S.
    Caleb S. Member Posts: 585 ✭✭

    It is fixed, but it is difficult to find a precise location. When the pointer is moved to click the big-G, the coordinates change. Had multiple views of Armenia before I realized what was happening.

    Perhaps a means to lock-in a location would help.

    I second this! Every time I click on the location that I want to search in Google maps, the MOMENT I move my cursor, the coordinates change and I will get a different location in Google maps as a result. This has been a problem since the release of Logos 4. There needs to be a way that we can lock in the location and it changes only when I (the user) clicks a different location. That would be MUCH smarter in my humble opinion.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,190 ✭✭✭✭

    If you had a real personal computer you wouldn't have this issue. The PC is sufficiently slow that by clicking and then moving the mousepointer to the 'G', it remembers the correct coordinates.

    Bottom line: your Mac is too fast. Is this a parity problem or just a platform that (significantly) exceeds spec?

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    Caleb S. said:

    It is fixed, but it is difficult to find a precise location. When the pointer is moved to click the big-G, the coordinates change. Had multiple views of Armenia before I realized what was happening.

    Perhaps a means to lock-in a location would help.

    I second this! Every time I click on the location that I want to search in Google maps, the MOMENT I move my cursor, the coordinates change and I will get a different location in Google maps as a result. This has been a problem since the release of Logos 4. There needs to be a way that we can lock in the location and it changes only when I (the user) clicks a different location. That would be MUCH smarter in my humble opinion.

    Wonder about a workaround idea ? in Biblical Places, position hand on map for desired coordinates, then right click to pop-up menu, then move mouse to G followed by clicking G (ignore pop-up for copy image, which seems to freeze coordinates updating while moving mouse).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    DMB said:

    Bottom line: your Mac is too fast. Is this a parity problem or just a platform that (significantly) exceeds spec?

    Thanks for the heads up [:D]. I was considering replacing my 6 year old Mac with a new iMac, but—if my present machine is already too fast—what will happen with a new Lamborghini? [8-)]

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Amen Jack! I too was thinking about a new Mac, but as I already have more Ram and Processors than Logos can use, there is not much point getting so far ahead that Logos won't even be able to start, much less run in hardware that advanced.

    Perhaps I should trade down to something Logos can handle-smile.

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps I should trade down to something Logos can handle-smile.

    You mean something like this? [:D]


  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    hahaha, there ya go, that will "get ur done"


  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    fgh said:

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.

    That was actually the one set of arrows I didn't mention in my post... Wink

    Looking again, this time at second set of arrows

    Did I really explain myself that badly in my first post? The bug I reported, and wanted you to add to the parity list, is in the bottom ribbon, where all the map thumbnails are. The arrows there don't behave like they should (i e you have to click once for each new thumbnail to show). I then compared that to the shortcut bar arrows, which do work like they should (i e you can click-and-hold and the icons keep moving).

    Finally I discovered that the arrows in the upper ribbon, the one with the dictionaries, behave in a third way. I didn't know if this was a parity issue, nor if it was a formal bug or intentional, but it certainly isn't consistent. It too ought to behave like the shortcut bar. (Well, minus that bug that makes the left arrow in the shortcut bar disappear when you get to the far right.)

    Was that clearer?

    I will make a case for this issue.

    Thanks. I'm glad you understood me. [:)]

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    Caleb S. said:

    Scrolling in books (especially Bibles) takes longer than it does on most websites (major gripe here).


    Caleb S. said:

    major highways are not highlighted in every map (very few of them in fact), and other roads going from towns (based upon geography of course) are completely excluded, so those who use Biblical Places won't have any idea of how people actually would have traveled (this is a major gripe for me.

    How much do we actually know about where roads went? Unless there are clear archaeological finds, or clear written descriptions, I'd prefer that they don't mark roads. I don't want to be tricked into believing that a guess is a fact.

    Caleb S. said:

    Another gripe is that when I zoom in to a certain area and I want to print just that specific area that I am zoomed to, I can't. It prints the whole map area that is available in that view.

    Have you tried using a screen shot?

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    I did find a work around for some of the Logos maps. If you have access to the Faithlife Study Bible there is a section labeled "maps" at the end of the study bible material. You can then at least scroll through the maps without all the lag.

    fgh said:

    Caleb S. said:

    major highways are not highlighted in every map (very few of them in fact), and other roads going from towns (based upon geography of course) are completely excluded, so those who use Biblical Places won't have any idea of how people actually would have traveled (this is a major gripe for me.

    How much do we actually know about where roads went? Unless there are clear archaeological finds, or clear written descriptions, I'd prefer that they don't mark roads. I don't want to be tricked into believing that a guess is a fact.

    I do appreciate at least having a general idea or "guestimate" made by scholars as to the location of the roads, "lost" cities, exodus routes, etc. However, it would be beneficial to know who is doing the guessing and upon what basis the guesses are made. This is another weakness to the current software based models (over against the dead-tree paper atlas). With a paper atlas you will often have comments as to what led scholars to make certain conclusions or guesses. With the software based "Biblical places" model you don't see anything besides the map. You have no idea who made the map (besides a Logos Logo in the lower corner) and no idea if the people behind the map are making reliable, educated decisions.


  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    fgh said:

    Did I really explain myself that badly in my first post? The bug I reported, and wanted you to add to the parity list, is in the bottom ribbon, where all the map thumbnails are. The arrows there don't behave like they should (i e you have to click once for each new thumbnail to show). I then compared that to the shortcut bar arrows, which do work like they should (i e you can click-and-hold and the icons keep moving).

    Finally I discovered that the arrows in the upper ribbon, the one with the dictionaries, behave in a third way. I didn't know if this was a parity issue, nor if it was a formal bug or intentional, but it certainly isn't consistent. It too ought to behave like the shortcut bar. (Well, minus that bug that makes the left arrow in the shortcut bar disappear when you get to the far right.)

    Was that clearer?

    +1 [Y] Concur scrolling in Biblical Places on Mac needs lots of clicks while PC can click once and hold to quickly scroll.

    Using Logos 4.5a SR-1 and Logos 4.5c Beta1, replicated feature parity issue on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Windows 7 so added to Feature Parity list:



    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    Perhaps I should trade down to something Logos can handle-smile.

    You mean something like this? Big Smile


    That was my very first mac—May 1984 [H] 128K RAM, 400K rigid floppy, and if memory serves, 16MHz blazingly fast CPU, and it all came loaded with McWright and McPaint [:D]

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    That was my very first mac—May 1984 Cool 128K RAM, 400K rigid floppy, and if memory serves, 16MHz blazingly fast CPU, and it all came loaded with McWright and McPaint Big Smile

    Observation: Macintosh 128K ('thin Mac') bundled program names were MacWrite and MacPaint   Personally Thankful for an external floppy drive with a "fat Mac" so could avoid floppy disk shuffle when saving files.

    Caveat: Logos 4 Mac needs an Intel CPU, which is the third processor architecture used in Mac Models => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Macintosh_models_grouped_by_CPU_type

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    bundled program names were MacWrite and MacPaint

    You are correct—Mac rather than Mc avoided a lawsuit from a certain fast food chain with a similar sounding name [8-|]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    PC Biblical Places has lighter color grey indicators for end of location list items, but Mac does not

    Logos 4.5c Release Candidate 1 has lighter arrows for end of location list for maps; still missing in middle row.

    Dreaming of a scroll bar for maps and pictures for quicker navigation.  Also dreaming about option to turn off zoom out animation; one map transition zoomed out for 20 seconds before zooming in.  Personally wish default zoom would minimize time for transition.  On Windows, the zoom out is only far enough to include borders of old and new maps.  On Mac, zoom out goes to edge of world map then waits many seconds before zooming in to show map detail.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Dreaming of a scroll bar for maps and pictures for quicker navigation.  Also dreaming about option to turn off zoom out animation; one map transition zoomed out for 20 seconds before zooming in.  Personally wish default zoom would minimize time for transition.  

    [Emphasis added]

    Keep dreaming... [:P] . Just kidding...

    However, I've all but given up on my hopes, dreams, and wishes for Logos' map features.

    You would not think that it would be this hard to display maps! I don't get the point of fancy zooming, that doesn't zoom and doesn't impress.


  • Jonathan said:

    I don't get the point of fancy zooming, that doesn't zoom and doesn't impress.

    +1 [Y]

    Searching Logos for Titles and/or Description is quicker than using Biblical Places for maps, one click on a search result opens map in a resource without zooming.


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Searching Logos for Titles and/or Description is quicker than using Biblical Places for maps, one click on a search result opens map in a resource without zooming.

    Keep Smiling Smile

    Now, why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the tip.

    Will this allow access to the maps designed by Logos without opening Biblical Places or do those only appear in Biblical places? I am having a hard time finding the Logos maps...

    Also, Is there a way to limit this to maps only (and not included photographs)? I am thinking that there is NOT a way to do this, but if there is, that would be great.

  • Jonathan said:

    Will this allow access to the maps designed by Logos without opening Biblical Places or do those only appear in Biblical places?

    Biblical Places has newer map resources.  Older Logos map resources are searchable.

    Jonathan said:

    Also, Is there a way to limit this to maps only (and not included photographs)? I am thinking that there is NOT a way to do this, but if there is, that would be great.

    One option is creating a Maps collection.  Could use rule:


    Alternate rule is map, which include resources with map in description.


    My "Media Collection" uses rule of type:media (albeit also includes photographs)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Hoping for a functional Biblical Places in next round of Betas.

  • Tonya J Ross
    Tonya J Ross Member Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC have buggy arrow interaction for Biblical Places history navigation.  For example, start with Jerusalem, then enter Athens, followed by left history arrow to go back to Jerusalem: one click changed the maps, but not the location:

    I am able to reproduce this issue and will report it.

    This issue should be fixed in the next beta update.

  • Tonya J Ross
    Tonya J Ross Member Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭

    fgh said:

    You can also add that on Mac one has to click the arrow once for each new map; on PC (as I remember Mark's video) one can click-and-hold and the maps keep moving (the shortcut bar arrows do that on Mac, but not the Biblical Places arrows).

    I will make a case for this issue.

    The issue of continuous scrolling (via click and holding the arrow) for the map thumbnails in Biblical Places should be fixed in the next update.

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    The issue of continuous scrolling (via click and holding the arrow) for the map thumbnails in Biblical Places should be fixed in the next update.

    THANK YOU! After two years I will finally be able to find out what maps of Jerusalem I actually have. Though I guess "next update" means "next stable release" sometime in the early autumn, and not "next SR"? 

    Btw, while you're working on various arrows: it would be much better if all of them (maps, shortcut bar, home page...) were 'loops', so to speak, i e if they didn't stop when you came to the last item but just moved on to the first again, so that you didn't have to manually click yourself all the way back again.

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Member Posts: 454 ✭✭

    fgh said:

    Btw, while you're working on various arrows: it would be much better if all of them (maps, shortcut bar, home page...) were 'loops', so to speak, i e if they didn't stop when you came to the last item but just moved on to the first again, so that you didn't have to manually click yourself all the way back again.

    That could get confusing. If I don't take note of which map I looked at first, I could see myself going around in circles thinking I haven't yet reached the end. A better option, IMO, would be to use a standard horizontal scrollbar instead of the arrows.

  • A better option, IMO, would be to use a standard horizontal scrollbar instead of the arrows.

    +1 [Y] for scroll bar, which could also be used to quickly navigate lots of maps since currently arrows on Mac need one click to scroll one map, which is different than PC click and hold to scroll.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Still hoping for a functional "Biblical Places" on Mac. Seems like a really basic feature is being neglected.

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Any chance these issues might be fixed in the next release?

  • Jonathan said:

    Any chance these issues might be fixed in the next release?

    Looking at Feature Parity list, which has been revamped by Logos, noticed a major annoyance for using maps in Biblical Places tops the list of items not yet fixed.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jonathan said:

    Still hoping for a functional "Biblical Places" on Mac. Seems like a really basic feature is being neglected.

    Logos 4.6a Beta 4 on OS X 10.8.2 has a number of functional Biblical Places improvements.

    Keep Smiling [:)]