Change Bible version

Harry Hahne
Harry Hahne Member Posts: 766 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Is there any way to change the Bible version displayed in the Android app?



  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Press the current Bible version, then press the home button on the top right side of the screen, then navigate to the library, and choose new version. My default version carried over from L4.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Harry Hahne
    Harry Hahne Member Posts: 766 ✭✭

    Press the current Bible version, then press the home button on the top right side of the screen, then navigate to the library, and choose new version. My default version carried over from L4.

    Unlike the Logos app, I can see no way to navigate to the library in the Faithful app. Do you mean press and hold on the text of the Bible? If I do this, I get the verse selector. I don't see any home icon. There is in information icon and a table of contents icon in the upper right.

    I realize that Faithlife picked up my default Bible from L4, which is good.

    But there should be a simple and obvious way to change the Bible displayed.

  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    On the iPad you change Bible translations or the study Bible notes for that matter via the favorites tool, a star at the upper right.  You set the translations or study Bibles, Bible dictionaries etc. on your desktop on favorites and they sync to iPad favorites. I don't have any android devices so I am not sure how far they are developed, but eventually, if not already, that is how they are to work.   Actually I don't know if everyone knows it, but the FSB makes a great tool as a study Bible in general.  You can change the study Bible pane to any study Bible you own or any Bible dictionary, as well as the FSB itself accessing many of your resources.  There isn't any access directly to your library, but if you go to the search tool (on the iPad) and put your iPad in airplane mode you can see what you have downloaded.

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,034

    HI Harry

    Unlike the Logos app, I can see no way to navigate to the library in the Faithful app. Do you mean press and hold on the text of the Bible? If I do this, I get the verse selector. I don't see any home icon. There is in information icon and a table of contents icon in the upper right.

    If you are reading a resource - for example - there should be a "home" icon in the top-left of the pane.

    If you press that you should go to a pane which has five icons at the top - one for search, one for devotionals, one for Faithlife, one for news and one for settings.

    If you select the search one you should see that at the top of that pane there are five small dots with one highlighted indicating which of five pages you are on.

    Scroll through these pages (scrolling is left-right not up-down) until you get to the second one (resources). This has a range of Faithlife resource groupings including "Library" one up from the bottom.

    Hope this helps
